

After the function ... They went back and now celebrate their happiness ...

" let's goo guys ... Let's watch movie " fara said with excitement

" noo pleasee ... I don't like movies .. sepically love stories .. " zoha make a face and went outside ...

" bored girl .. let's goo Zain .. we will watch movie ok " fara said to Zain and he nodded ..

Ahad follow zoha and went outside and saw her sit on the bench in lone ... He also sit with her ...

" What are you thinking zoha ... Share with me... You are looking upset" he asked looking at her and she shook her head .

" Nothing .. just thinking .. is their true love still present in this world " she asked in such manner that ahad also feel pitey on her .

" Yeah .. of course .. zoha ... True love is present... That's why this world is still going ... Other wise.... It's was destroyed " ahad said and she shook her head .

" I don't think soo " zoha said pressing her lips

" Ok ... I have a surprise for you " ahad said and she look at him with smile .

" Tell me .. what is the surprised " she asked with smile .

" Nooo ... Ok .. " Ahad said and smile from zoha face vanished ...

"Come on, Ahad, don't keep me in suspense. What's the surprise?" Zoha asked, her curiosity piqued.

Ahad grinned mischievously. "It's just a little surprise, Zoha. I'll tell you when the time is right. But promise me you'll help me."

Zoha raised an eyebrow. "Help you with what?"

Ahad chuckled. "In winning someone's heart, of course."

" W what do you mean ... I is it someone ... Whom you loved " she asked and ahad nodded and smile from zoha face vanished .

" A are you serious ... A ahad " she asked in stumbled tone .

" Yes ..m I love her Soo much ... Don't you happy with this news " he asked and she quickly smile .

" N noo .. I it's not like that ... I I am happy .. Soo happy ... I I it's just ... I was surprised... Tell me woh is the lucky girl "zoha asked composing herself.

" Ooook then ... I can't tell you now ... But promise me ... You will help me firstly" ahad said in excited tone ...

Zoha laughed and nodded. "Alright, I promise to help you."

"Does that mean she doesn't know about your feelings yet?" Zoha asked, trying to piece everything together.

Ahad shook his head. "No, she just sees me as a friend."

Zoha nodded understandingly. "Then you should tell her."

Ahad smiled gratefully at Zoha. "Thanks, Zoha. You're a good friend."

Zoha smiled back, feeling a sense of warmth at Ahad's trust in her. "Anytime, Ahad. Just let me know when you're ready."

"Would you have said yes if it were me?" Ahad asked, his tone a mixture of jest and curiosity.

Zoha looked at him, taken aback by the question. "I, uh, I don't know," she stammered, feeling a rush of confusion.

Ahad chuckled. "Just kidding. Alright, let's move on. Will you help me or not?" he asked, steering the conversation in a different direction.

Zoha forced a smile and nodded. "Yeah, I'll help," she replied, masking her inner turmoil.

"It's getting chilly out here," Zoha remarked, changing the subject.

"Let's head inside then," Ahad suggested with a smile, and Zoha agreed.

Lost in her thoughts, Zoha felt a pang of jealousy towards the girls Ahad liked. She couldn't understand why she felt this way.

"Why am I feeling like this? It can't be love. No, it's just a passing attraction. I have to stop these thoughts," Zoha scolded herself as she lay down on the bed.

The next day, with no events scheduled, Zoha, unable to sleep, ventured outside. She sat alone, wearing a black jeans and white shirt with a black jacket, her eyes tired from sleeplessness.

Someone approached and sat beside her.

"Hello, beautiful," he greeted, and Zoha's initial fear turned into a glare.

"What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" Zoha asked, her tone sharp.

Shayan smiled. "Actually, Shayan Chaudhri doesn't stalk anyone. But you're so beautiful, I couldn't resist the urge to come sit beside you," he said, as if sharing a secret.

Zoha raised an eyebrow. "Really, Mr. Shayan? But I'm not one of those girls who falls for cheap lines," she replied with attitude.

"That's why I'm here," Shayan said inwardly.

"No, seriously, Zoha, I want to be friends with you," Shayan said earnestly.

"Why?" Zoha asked.

"Because last time I saw how much you care about your friends. You'd do anything for them. If I were your friend, I'd consider myself the luckiest person alive," Shayan explained, sincere in his intentions.

"I don't make friends with just anyone," Zoha stated, standing up.

"Alright, then I'll earn your friendship," Shayan said before walking away.

"What a strange guy... Why am I even thinking about him?" Zoha wondered aloud.

From his room window, Ahad watched Zoha, concerned about her well-being. He decided to go talk to her.

"Are you okay? You don't look well," Ahad asked as he sat beside her.

"I'm okay," Zoha replied with a nod, hiding her inner turmoil.

"Didn't you sleep last night?" he asked.

"No, it's okay... I did sleep," she replied, avoiding his gaze.

"Was that Shayan Chaudhri?" Ahad inquired.

"Yeah, it was him... such a weird guy. He said he wants to be friends," Zoha chuckled.

"It's a good thing, Zoha. Making friends, getting to know people around you... that's what life is about," Ahad said with a smile, but Zoha seemed lost again.

"What's wrong, Zoha? You seem lost," Ahad asked, concerned.

"It's nothing... I just miss Bejaan," she said, her smile tinged with sadness.

"You could call her... it's not a big deal," Ahad suggested.

"She's not answering my calls," Zoha said quietly.

"Don't worry, she'll be okay... have you had breakfast?" Ahad asked, changing the subject.

"No, I haven't," she replied, and Ahad took her hand.

"Stop it, Zoha... why are you thinking about him?" she scolded herself internally.

Ahad, surprised by her fever, exclaimed, "Zoha, you have a fever!"

"No, it's just the weather... I'm fine. Let's go for breakfast," she insisted.

"Are you crazy, Zoha? You have a high fever and you're saying you're fine? Since when?" Ahad's tone was serious.

"Uh, since last night," she admitted, avoiding eye contact.

"And you didn't tell anyone?" Ahad asked, concerned.

"I'm not used to telling anyone," she replied.

"Zoha, the people who love you worry about you... at least keep them in mind," Ahad said, his tone firm.

"Love? Who loves me? No one understands," she replied angrily.

"Why are you so negative, Zoha? Do you know how much Fara, Zain, and I care about you? Your brother, Bejaan... everyone cares about you," Ahad said, surprising Zoha with his admission.

"Let's go inside and rest. I'll get you some medicine," he said, his anger apparent.

Thinking that Ahad was just being a caring friend, Zoha nodded.

Meanwhile, Fara woke up and noticed Zoha's absence. Worried, she went outside and found Zoha lost in thought.

"Zoha, are you okay?" Fara asked, concerned.

Zoha nodded silently, and they both went back inside the room. Ahad knocked on the door.

"Coming," Fara said, wondering what had happened as Zoha remained quiet on the bed.

"Why are you still sitting? I told you to rest," Ahad said, clearly annoyed.

"Hmm," Zoha mumbled, lying down on the bed.

"What's wrong?" Fara asked.

"She had a fever and didn't tell anybody... she's so careless," Ahad said, clearly frustrated.

"You still have a fever... I told you that you wouldn't get better like this. You need to take your medicine," Fara scolded gently.

"What ? do you also know... it means I am nothing in your life... you don't consider me your own... am I right?" Ahad said.

"Ahad, what's wrong? She had a fever and you're talking like this?" Fara glared at him.

"I'm sorry... here, take the medicine," Ahad said, lowering his gaze. Zoha looked at him with teary eyes.

Fara gave Zoha the breakfast and medicine. Zoha fell asleep after taking the medicine.

Fara came outside where Ahad was sitting in the lounge.

"What's the problem with you, Ahad?" Fara asked angrily, placing her hand on the table. Zain was also shocked at her sudden outburst.

"I'm tired, Fara... I want to see the same feeling in her eyes, and I do see it, but she can't confess it... why? She feels for me... I know it... you also know," Ahad said.

"Ahad, she's confused now... we have no idea about her past... maybe something happened in her past that's stopping her from confessing her love for you," Fara advised him.

"But, Fara... for how much time? I want to be with her... I want her to discuss her every problem with me, but she's not telling me anything," Ahad said.

"It's not like that, Ahad... you know she has some trust issues... and you have to be patient, okay? Don't worry," Zain said.

"Ahad... after my brother, you're the one she shares her feelings with the most... the things she doesn't tell me, she tells you... so be patient," Fara said calmly, and he nodded.

"How is she?" Ahad asked about Zoha.

"She's sleeping," Fara replied.

"I think... I have to confess my feelings in front of her... maybe after this, she'll open up to me," Ahad told them.

"Maybe," Zain said.

"But is this right?" Fara asked, worried.

"You look scared," Ahad asked.

"Look, Ahad... Mom will never agree... I don't know if she'll ever agree about us... then she already feels unsafe with her maternal uncle," Fara said.

"Look... that won't happen... and don't you know that your uncle is in Turkey... for the past 8 or 9 years," Ahad told them.

"What... how is that possible?" Fara was shocked.

"It's true," Ahad said.

"Guys... we'll discuss this matter another time... look, Soniya is coming," Zain pointed towards Soniya.

"Hello, Ahad babes," Soniya tried to hug him, but he extended his hand.

"Um, how are you guys?" Soniya felt insulted.

"We're fine, Soniya," Fara made a face.

"I won't leave you and Zoha... hmm, Fara, your mom has been calling you and your friends... why aren't you answering her calls?" Soniya said with a fake smile.

"What?" Fara was shocked.

"Relax... don't worry," Zain tried to calm her.

"No, no... if she finds out that Zoha and I are with you, she'll create big troubles. How did she find out?" Fara said in a worried tone.

"Fara... Fara, sit down, okay? Call her right now," Ahad grabbed her hand and made her sit.

"No, I don't have the courage to face her... she's going to kill me," Fara said.

"Nothing will happen, maybe she called just like that, and you're worrying so much," Ahad said, and she nodded. She dialed the number. The call was answered after two rings.

"Hello, Mom," Fara said in a low voice.

"Where are you two sisters? I'd like to know," Rubi Begum said angrily.

"Um, Mom... you know we're at Murree University for the competition," Fara's words were cut off by Rubi's voice.

"The people I was protecting Zoha from... you sent her to them... and if they cause you any harm too..." Rubi said through gritted teeth. Ahad was also angry upon hearing her words, but he controlled himself when he looked at Fara's terrified face.

"Mom... there's security here... nothing will happen... besides, they're just business rivals, not our personal enemies... you're overreacting," Fara tried to make her understand.

"I don't know anything... now both of you sisters pack your bags... you're coming back," Rubi said, and someone snatched the phone from Fara's hand.

Zoha woke up sometime later.

"Everyone must have left... I think they've gone outside," she said to herself and sat on the bed. Ahad's words came to her mind.

"Ahad likes someone," she said.

"Hmm... I'm happy... if he likes someone... anyway, I don't believe in love... it's all nonsense... when a mother doesn't love her own child, then expecting love from others is far-fetched," Zoha said to herself and went outside.

She entered the lounge and saw Fara talking to someone, looking scared.

She heard Fara's words and anger surged within her.

"And why do you think that I obey your words, huh, Miss Tiwana?" Zoha said, devoid of any emotion.

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Kashaf_alvicreators' thoughts