
Fairy Tail: Starting with the Extermination of Dragons

Fairy Tail" continent X765. In this year, Erza was not born, and Natsu, who was carrying the stereo, was still in the era of 400 years ago. And after crossing into this world, Chi Yan, directly obtained the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon in the game "Monster Hunter World". Not only that, but it seems to be able to continue to upgrade. And all of this begins when he and Irene meet.. pas mon livre

Supe3rman1234 · Tranh châm biếm
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89 Chs

Chapitre 1

Fairy Tail: Chapter 1 from the Extermination of Dragons

By: Thriller

Fairy Tail: Beginning with the Extermination of the Dragon Author: The Thriller

"Fairy Tail" continent X765. In this year, Erza was not born, and Natsu, who was carrying the stereo, was still in the era of 400 years ago.

And after crossing into this world, Chi Yan, directly obtained the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon in the game "Monster Hunter World".

Not only that, but it seems to be able to continue to upgrade.

And all of this begins when he and Irene meet...

Chapter 1


Ishgar continent, a certain forest.


Deep in the forest, a footstep sounded suddenly.

Standing on the jungle lawn, a giant dragon with red fluff and silver-white scales was staring at a baby girl whose size was like an ant compared to himself.

She had tried to use the additional magic she was best at to swap her soul with the baby girl.

But after several attempts, it ended in failure.

The magic of attaching a soul is extremely demanding.

You must have a body with a high degree of compatibility, and at the same time have a body of the same bloodline as yourself, and cannot be attached.

So... how should this baby girl be handled?

The red dragon gritted her teeth, a child that represented her nightmare past, making it impossible for her to raise her like a normal mother.


Just then, the sound of footsteps followed.

The red dragon's face was startled, and the magic power fluctuated and spread, turning the baby girl into a ray of magic power and storing it in his magic space.

Originally, the additional magic could not be used in this way, but this baby girl is of the same blood as herself.

She can be attached to her body in the form of magic power, which has been the case for the past four hundred years.

"After... throw her away..."

After taking the baby girl back into his magical space, the red dragon thought indifferently.

Immediately, she looked in the direction of the footsteps, and saw a young man with ice blue eyes, black hair reaching to his shoulders, and a gray shirt that was somewhat worn and ragged, walking towards her with a faint smile on his face. .

"Sure enough, the rumor is correct. The traveler said that there are dragons here."

The young man was about eighteen to twenty years old. Facing the giant dragon that everyone feared, he acted as if he had just seen animals such as puppies, chuckling and teasing.

"who are you?"

The red velvet dragon stood up and said on guard.

The voice that came out was that of a mature woman.

Instead of attacking human beings like the dragon in myths, she acted like a stray dog ​​who was abused and refused to trust anyone.

The young man glanced around the red velvet and white-scaled giant dragon. There was nothing else but her. He smiled again and said, "Chi Yan, this is my name."

After the young man named "Chi Yan" introduced himself, he sat across from him as if he was chatting with friends at home, and said:

"Don't be so vigilant, I just heard that there are people of the same family here, so I came to see it."

"Same race!?"

Hearing Chi Yan's words, the red velvet and white scales giant dragon's eyes suddenly shrank.

The corners of Chi Yan's mouth were slightly upturned, and in the next instant, the originally kind and handsome face suddenly became hideous.

The neat white teeth became sharper and turned into sharp fangs.

As the body swelled, sharp spines began to grow on the skin of the gradually twisted face and body.

In the end, the young man turned into a head with long protein-colored horns on both sides, but his whole body was black, like a giant dragon of ghosts and gods.

If it is said that this is a holy breath emanating from the giant dragon with red velvet and white scales, it can be called [Holy Dragon].

The one that Chi Yan turned into should absolutely be called a [Ghost Dragon].

However, if anyone from the "earth" world looks at this scene, they will exclaim.

Isn't this the annihilation dragon from "Monster Hunter: World"? !

As Chi Yan's new appearance appeared in front of him, the dragon with red velvet and white scales lost his voice: "Why, how could it be... difficult, are you also a dragon slayer who has lost control?!"

Erin Berselion, this is the dragon's real name.

And her true identity is a woman who developed dragon slaying magic four hundred years ago and is known as the "mother of dragon slayers".

But later, because the energy of dragon slayer magic could not be fully accepted by the human body, many dragon slayer wizards began to show signs of dragon transformation.

Until the end, he completely turned into a dragon, just like Irene in front of him.

However, the other dragons were slaughtered by Akunorokia as early as four hundred years ago at the Dragon King Festival.

Irene turned into a dragon after that, and has survived to this day.

For four hundred years, she has longed to become a real human being.

And now, how can she not be excited when she sees the existence of the two body forms of man and dragon that can be freely transformed?

"Teach me! Please teach me! How to become human!"

Irene's huge dragon body jumped up excitedly, and the whole forest shook.

Countless screaming birds flew from the woods at once.

"Oh~ what's in it for me~"

The expression of Chi Yan, who changed into a dragon, is extremely ferocious, but his tone has a strong playfulness.

Compared to when he was a human, this time his voice was thicker and more hoarse, and it matched his current appearance better.


Erin was stunned.

After four hundred years of loneliness, she is now nothing.

After struggling for a long time, Irene, who was married four hundred years ago, can only think of the only thing that can impress the other party...

Gritting her teeth, Irene said with difficulty: "Only, as long as you can restore my human body, I am willing to..."

"Just a joke,"

Before Irene could finish her sentence, Chi Yan interrupted her.

Irene was stunned, only to hear Chi Yan continue: "I have also read some historical records, and I can almost guess your true identity..."

Chi Yan's words are completely nonsense. The reason why he guessed Irene's identity is entirely because his memory as a traveler reminded him.

In this era, apart from the black dragon Akunorokia, there should be no dragons.

When he came here, he thought he would meet that black dragon.

Unexpectedly, what he encountered was a female dragon.

Chi Yan was also surprised at first, but after a while, he also guessed the identity of the other party.

Erza's mother - Erin Berselion!

[Host: Chi Yan]

[Current form: Extinction Dragon]

[Completeness: 68.65%]



When Chi Yan thought about it, the information appeared in his mind.

It has been a few years since I traveled to this world.

I remembered that I was playing the game "Monster Hunter: World" before I crossed, and then I crossed over to have the ability of the BOSS dragon to destroy the dragon inside.

This made Chi Yan extremely speechless, knowing that he would travel through time, he simply played "Dragon Ball".

As soon as the turtle sent Qigong out, Jeff was nothing.

Changed from the form of the extinct dragon to the human form, and in the eyes of Irene in the form of the holy dragon, Chi Yan said: "I will give you the dragon magic. If you force the transformation magic, there will be unexpected side effects. Don't be in a hurry."

In the original work, what Jeff used was transformation magic, which only allowed Irene to have a human body.

This method of forced conversion has brought extremely serious side effects.

As a result, Irene in human form has side effects such as easy vomiting, fear of cold, no sense of taste, insomnia and so on.

The dragon magic of Chi Yan can completely eliminate these drawbacks.

"It's ok!"

Irene agreed without thinking, and her face was already full of uncontrollable excitement.

Just kidding, she has survived for four hundred years, is she afraid that it will take a while?

PS: There are fewer and fewer fans of "Fairy Tail" now, so to write a book, of course, there is also the reason that it is not easy to write.

If you think this book is not bad, then I beg everyone to send a wave of flowers, give them a reward, give very good comments, collect, and review the book.

The results on the first day of the new book are really super important.

Grateful. .