
Chapter 118 Egwene's Plans For The Senate

"Senior Rob, what are you planning to do next? Now that your magic power has recovered, do you want to continue to return to Fairy Tail to do the work of a magister?"

Before settling down Simon, Gerald and other children, Yin Wen planned to settle Rob's matter first, because Rob was much easier to arrange than the children, so Yin Wen looked at Rob and asked.

"Me! Although I haven't figured out what to do..."

"However, I currently have no plans to return to Fairy Tail as a magister."

"After all, you have also seen that I am already at this age, and it is not appropriate to go back to do tasks. Even if I form a team with you young people, it will get in the way. The guild belongs to you young people after all. of…"

Rob shook his head after hearing Yin Wen's words. Although he hasn't figured out what to do next, he really has no plans to return to Fairy Tail for the time being. He is old and is not suitable for continuing to take risks. The passion of youth is gone, but it is possible to get together with old friends such as Makarov for a while.

"In that case, Senior Rob..."

Yin Wen nodded after listening to Rob's words. Rob's choice was similar to what he thought, but since Rob didn't think about what to do in the future, and he didn't want to return to Fairy Tail and continue to be a magister, he Yin Wen just I can point out a way for Rob, but I can't talk about a clear way, but in short, it can be regarded as some hope.

"Speaking of which, a member of the Magic Senate has just stepped down..."

"No, to be precise, it should be said that he was arrested."

"I don't know, senior Rob, are you interested in serving as a magic councilor in the Magic Senate?"

"With your qualifications, achievements, and reputation on the mainland, you are fully qualified to go to the Magic Council and serve as a member of the Magic Council..."

"Speaking of which, senior Yajima is also there. At the same time, if you can serve as a member of the Magic Council, senior, you can also take care of Fairy Tail so that President Makarov and our Fairy Tail guild can be established on the mainland. The situation can be better…"

What Yin Wen imagined, the direction to settle Rob, was to let Rob go to the Magic Council to accompany Yajima as a member, so he smiled at Rob and expressed his thoughts.

"You mean to let me go to the Magic Senate as a judge?!"

"Yajima is still in the council right now? This is a good place to go."

Rob was taken aback after hearing Yin Wen's words. What Yin Wen said really appealed to him. After all, he is old, so he should really find a place with good treatment for his retirement.

"If that's the case, then the old man will go to the Senate to be a companion with Yajima..."

"My old bones, in the end, I can still contribute to Fairy Tail, it's worth it..."

Rob nodded after listening to Yin Wen's words.

The Magic Council is indeed a good place to retire, and besides, his old friend Yajima can accompany him. When he has something to do, he can work with his old friend. When he has nothing to do, he can have a drink and chat with his old friend...

At that time, his life will be regarded as a member of parliament, and there will be no 'Muggle' contacts~

"As for Gerald, Simon..."

"And Woolley, Milianna, Hugh, what are you going to do next?"

"Since you don't intend to erase your memory..."

"Just like me, you can join a magister guild and become a magister. The people there are full of talents, and they all speak nicely. They will definitely accept you..."

"Of course you can also go to the Magic Council with Grandpa Rob. I have some contacts in the council, and I can find you a job that suits you..."

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"Or go back to your village and continue to live, you can choose for yourself."

After arranging Rob, Yin Wen continued to look at Gerald and the others, and asked them.

"I, I plan to grow up to be helpful to Brother Yin Wen."

"So I also want to work in the Magic Council like Grandpa Rob, and become Brother Yin Wen's support! Help Brother Yin Wen share the pressure on the Fairy Tail guild..."

After listening to Yin Wen's words, Gerald watched Yin Wen preach loudly.

Gerald was born intelligent, and he could tell from the conversation between Yin Wen and Rob that working in the Magic Council would be of great help to Brother Yin Wen and the guild behind Brother Yin Wen.

Jalal, who longs for Yin Wen, doesn't know what the Fairy Tail guild is...

But he still wants to be someone like Yin Wen who is useful to the world and to Fairy Tail.

So he wanted to lighten Yin Wen's burden in the Magic Council.

"I see, Gerald, do you also want to work in the Magic Council? Is that right? Perhaps, it may be suitable for you."

Yin Wen recalled the fact that Gerald became a member of the Magic Senate at a young age in the original book, and she suddenly felt that the Magic Senate might be more suitable for Gerald than Fairy Tail.

To be honest, with Gerald's personality, it's probably hard to get into Fairy Tail, after all, Gerald is too Asahi...

Maybe the Magic Council is more suitable for Gerald, and who said that members of the Fairy Tail guild must stay in the guild?

As long as the heart is connected with the heart, then they are all members of Fairy Tail. This is what the first president Mebis said, probably...

"If Gerald can become an MP in the future..."

"Counting Rob, Yajima, and Senator Toki Enderbar, we, Fairy Tail, occupy four seats in the House of Representatives."

"If you count the spies that the second president, Prechto, will insert into the Magic Senate..."

Yin Wen rubbed her chin, thinking.

"If the second generation still lets Urrutia lurk into the Magic Senate, then I can completely instigate her. By then, our Fairy Tail will occupy half of the Magic Senate..."

"When the time comes, our Fairy Tail will be able to have a showdown with the chairman of the Senate. Everyone will show off the medals of the Fairy Tail guild and tell the current chairman to go away. Then I will invite Senior Worold Sinken to be the chairman. From then on Where in this world is the Magic Council ERA, it's just the first branch of Fairy Tail..."

The corners of Yin Wen's lips twitched slightly when she thought of this, and now she thought of the future Rob, Yajima, Gerald and others showing off their Fairy Tail medals in front of the chairman of the Magic Council, and then said with a smile: "No Think about it? The Magic Council is already in the shape of our Fairy Tail, thank you for your contributions to Yinshugal Continent and the magic world for so many years, and then you can go away..." At the scene, Yin Wen felt It's funny, when the time comes, both the chairman of the council and the councilors will look very exciting...

Afterwards, their Fairy Tail can invite Worrod Kensing to the Magic Senate, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will serve as the chairman of the Senate, although Worold Sinken is not very good at fighting, But the magical power is also scary enough. After all, he will be the fourth among the top ten magisters in the future, and the top three of the top ten magisters will be called the four heavenly kings of Yinshujiaer, a monster that is known as an inhuman existence.

It's just that the strength of the first of the four heavenly kings of Yinxiujiaer is indeed not at the same level as the last three...

At the same time, Volod is also one of the founders of the Fairy Tail guild, the super senior of Fairy Tail, the living history of the Magister Guild in Yinshugal mainland, and the leader of the magic world. Such a person only knows how to live in seclusion and plant trees I wasted some, so please come out and show it.

If he came forward as the chairman of the ERA of the Magic Council with the status and identity of Volod Sinken, he thought that there should be no one in the Inshgar Continent who would be dissatisfied.

"It seems that I have time to visit Senior Volod."

Yin Wen whispered to herself.