
Chapter 49: To End All with One Card.

Chapter 49: To End All with One Card.

~Third POV~

In a house within a tree inside of Magnolia's eastern woods lives a person whom the master has long known.

That person is Porlyusica a slim and tall elderly woman with pink hair, tied in a bun on the back of her head by two large pins with crescent moon-shaped edges, and with two bangs of hair left framing her face. She has reddish eyes, and a beauty mark located below her mouth, on the left side of her face.

Her attire consists of a dark green blouse with a tie around the collar, paired with a long matching skirt and simple shoes. Over this, she sports a crimson-colored cape, with a wide collar decorated by massive Dragon horn-like decorations protruding outwards, and edges adorned by white, arch-like motifs.

Porlyusica the Healing Wizard detests any human company, so she lives quietly in this place.

But despite her distaste for people, she is a specialist at curing the wounded.


That is where the current Master Makarov was taken towards as she slaps his face with the Fairy Tail members Bisca Connel and Alzack Connel in surprise.

"W-Wait just a second!!!"

"He's the Master—I mean, a wounded man!! What was that for?!!"

Porlyusica merely grunts at their words before finally replying to them as she glares down at the man Makarov for his reckless actions, "Hmph! He goes off and gets in brawls too rough for his age!! Just another foolish man!! And how long are you intending to hover around here?! Go home!!!"

The two tried to argue to stay but Porlyusica replies not turning around to reply to them face to face keeping her eyes on Makarov, "Go home! The worse thing for a sick man is to see anxious people fussing over him!"


Silently entering through the window using her Illusion Magic Mavis merely smiles seeing her future guildmates.

Bisca and Alzack both looked at each other before Porlyusica continues with her words of what caused it, "He was hit by a wind-style magic, huh? It was Drain… a frightening attack of magic that forces its victim's magic to flow away from him. The drained magic will flow with the wind's breezes for a while and then dissipate. If we could recover Makarov's power from the wind, we could bring him back quickly, but –"

"In that case would this do?"


The three eyes were alerted as Mavis soon reveals herself sitting on one of the branches as Bisca brings her gun out to prepare to fight, "Who! Are you with Twilight Lord –"

"First Master…!"

The words coming off from Porlyusica seem to be caught Alzack and Bisca by surprise as Mavis drops down using Telekinesis Magic to land seemingly unfazed but genuinely curious, "Oh? I didn't expect I would meet someone that recognizes me in this era. Have to say though have we met before?"

Porlyusica shakes her head but looked surprised nonetheless seeing that someone who's supposed dead is alive as Mavis disperses the ball of magic floating towards Makarov with the two-looking surprise.

Porlyusica glares her eyes at Mavis holding her broom tightly before finally replying what she means, "No. From what the old fool there talked about you and another were gone the same day Makarov was born. There was a time they held a photo frame of the co-founders of the guild and that still stands to this day. Never expected to see a literal dead man stand among the living."

Mavis playfully scratches the back of her head nervously at that explaining briefly to Porlyusica of the reason, "Right… we weren't left with much choice though. Unfortunately, the mission I and Rou undertook is still in effect that we need to in the future to accomplish. But enough of that though."

Turning her head towards Bisca and Alzack shocked and open mouth expression Mavis laughed at their reactions, "Now then… since current Master Makarov is under healing I by my position of First Master of Fairy Tail have returned temporarily! Those Twilight Lords choose the wrong guild to mess with! Now then my fairies would you show me to the others?"

Alzack the first to come out of his shock gulped listening to the return of Mavis but also a new feeling of hope that under threat of being attacked the First Master of the Guild they grew up knowing was in the flesh.

Mavis merely smirks as they walk ahead she bows lightly to Porlyusica taking care of Makarov, "Also would you please continue to take care of him Porlyusica? I wish for him to rest and let us adults take care of this ok?"

Porlyusica could only sigh seeing the same reckless behavior from Makarov shine brightly the same as Mavis turning around to get ready.


However, with the sounds of the machine coming towards them, Mavis smiled knowing full well the outcome of the encounter with her lover.

Bisca gets concerned urging Mavis to hurry with them to warn the Guild members, "Hurry! First Master, we have to hurry and warn the –"

"No need."

That was all Mavis could say as Alzack and Bisca were stunned listening to her as she walks calmly with a determined expression in her blank eyes responding to them, "Remember. I wasn't the only one who came back. One of the co-founders my lover Rou Ake the Fairy Saint is also here. He alone is enough to deal with one Guild. I trust him to deal with those naughty kids."

The two blushed to hear the First Master have a lover as they briefly looked at each other before turning away blushing at the idea Mavis sees this with a mischievous' smirk on her face conducting an idea, 'Oh? So, these two… oh… Ohohoho! I have a new idea to play here but first our introduction! Then play love guru with those two!!'


"Wh-What the hell is that…?!!"


"A guild… is… walking…?"

"Is that Twilight Lords…?"

"Wh-What are we supposed to do now?!!"

"It's a magic-focusing cannon!!!"

"Are they trying to blow our guild up?!!"

Coming towards the group Rou released his Enchant hiding himself revealing his body with no one noticing over the six-legged mobile guild Twilight Lord Erza rushed out of the shower inside the guild shaking in fear of the mobile guild, "I never counted on this… to be attacked this way…"


The Twilight Lord guild building landed down facing the crumbling Fairy Tail Guild as Jose above gave out his order for his men to hear, "Prepare the magic focusing canon Jupiter!! Eliminate them!!"







The Jupiter Canon began to clank and turn beginning to charge up with Erza's eyes widening in worry warning everyone immediately rushing intending to take the blast, "This is bad!!!! Everyone, get down!!!!"


"What do you think you're doing?!!"

The cries of worries of her guild members spoke out to her as they notice her using her Requip Magic to change into an armor that's more for defending against the cannon Jupiter blast yelling out loud with courage in her voice, "You will not harm our guild!!!"

Rou merely smiled seeing this scene looking at the incoming blast and taking one playing card out of his deck of cards as the rest of the members of Fairy Tail roared out in worry.

"Her adamantine armor!!!"

"She doesn't think she can stop that thing, does she?!!!"

"I don't care how high-level that armor's defense is supposed to be, against that…"

"Don't do it Erza!!! It'll kill you!!!"


"Natsu!!! All you can do now is trust Erza!!!"

"Oh, n…"


Like that the Jupiter Cannon fired off the magical attack aiming at the guild with Erza prepared to protect and thank the hit…

Everything would've gone as fate planned but unfortunately, Rou holding his Magic Card a Holder Magic involving the use of Magic Cards to produce various effects as he gets one from the deck ever so slowly for dramatic reasons…



The card that Rou hold was blanked and yet shined brightly with Enchants enhancing the normal capabilities with him finally taking action, "Now would be a good time to take care of this small issue in one blow. And they say this is a Guild War? They haven't seen a real one so this might be child play to veterans. Maximize Enchant: Card Conversion."


Tossing the blank card towards the Jupiter Cannon Magic the Magic Card suddenly grew to catch everyone by surprise as the card grew to the height of the Fairy Tail Guild the Jupiter Cannon attack was suddenly absorbed inside into the card as Rou refuels his Magic Power using Fairy Alchemy.

All eyes finally dart towards Rou feeling refreshed sitting casually on top of the Fairy Tail Guild snapping his fingers and activating the Magic Card in the air, "Now to end this in one blow. Maximize Enchant: Release."


With one snap of his fingers, Rou released the attack that was suspended inside the pocket dimension and suddenly released back to Twilight Lord guild mumbling to himself increasing the original attack, "Time to take care of the trash. You fools activated my Trap Card Uno Reverso Cardo...!!"


The great beam of magic boosted by Rou's Maximize Enchant that was originally headed towards his Guild suddenly captured and returned fire back as the beam continued in its new direction until it collided with the cannon that had originally shot it out.



The barrel of the Jupiter Cannon was swallowed up whole by the beam as a large explosion of debris from the castle headquarters from the castle filled the sky with black smoke coming off the destroyed portion of the Guild building.

The legs of the gargantuan fortress in front of them collapsed as the rest of the building fell into the lake.


Nearly a tsunami-like wave washed over the shore where the mages were standing. Several of the stronger mages held their ground and helped their comrades with Rou for his part looking a bit embarrassed looking at his playing cards.

Opening up his Archive Magic screen appears showing a digitalized copy of the card he used smirking at this, 'And they say I have to buy more cards to use my Magic Cards. Pish posh. Using Archive Magic recording my Magic Power in those cards I can merely use my Magic to recreate it again. Like those Yugioh codes in games or shops. Except I get mine for free.'

Pondering on the spot with many Fairy Tail and Twilight Lord Wizards comprehending what the literal heck just happened Rou mumbled to himself, "Was it really that too strong or was I too strong playing a simple Spell Card? Meh. Can't get much in trouble with those guys struggling to be in the mainland as they are literally swimming with the fishes."

Shrugging at this the rest of the Fairy Tail members were having multiple thoughts with one conclusion, 'Who the heck is this guy…?!!!'

Shocked and surprised it was when they notice the Fairy Tail emblem located on the back of his clothing as he yawns feeling tired and sleeping right away.

Multiple wizards were quite confused about who the person in their Fairy Tail guild building is but then something more unbelievable happen.


The red runes soon surrounded the guild repairing itself to normal with Rou smiling leaving the surprised members shocked and seeing the guild return to normal with Rou mumbling to himself contently, "It's good to be back."



Listening to the sounds of footsteps approaching the guild Rou took his cue to leave using Illusion Magic vanishing, "And that's my cue to leave. Can't exactly reveal ourselves just yet… at least till we get a better understanding of what to do first. Meh. Mavis probably thinks something up. She usually does."

Vanishing instantly not many members of Fairy Tail haven't had the chance to see a clear look on the person's face with only reports of a wandering wizard interfering and assisting the Fairy Tail Members in one move.

Like that, despite traveling into the future the feeling of home was certainly an interesting feeling for Rou and Mavis to return.

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