
Chapter 4: Alchemy

Chapter 4: Alchemy

~Rou POV~

Another year and now I'm 4 years teaching myself how to start baking and learning from my dad how to survive in the forest area and what to expect as well as clean dead animals to obtain proper use out of them.

My first time trying it I was disgusted by the few times that my dad allowed me to try it on my own.

Hey if hunting animals like this was going to be useful in the future I might as well get used to it since I don't know if it could be useful or not.

And considering in the future that everything goes to hell…


I need these skills badly but I never thought I would do something like this but hey that's life for you giving you the time needed to live so better use it wisely.

Still, though I did enjoy the time spent with them unfortunately though I knew this won't last till 2 more years as I could save them even, I'm not too sure if I could pull it off against Wizards.

Even though I care for my current parents I also have my self-preservation to consider as well.

I should enjoy this while I can and enjoy this life to the fullest.

How odd is all of this along with the concept of being reborn?

It's an odd feeling knowing I died in my previous life I'm happy to be able to experience all of this again learning new skills and trying to be different.

These sensations won't leave my very being.

It's like I'm truly alive again in this dangerous world but I would do so my way.

For now, though since I'm at an appropriate age of 4 learning how to skin animals for their valuables while holding my lunch together.

Still, these survival skills are necessary for when the Guild War happens I could at least use them to hunt the animals here in Tenrou Island for food.

Though I'm pretty hyped for today because now that I have done 1 year of writing and reading thus achieved the necessary steps needed for me to work on getting the power of mythical science.

This ability practically anyone could use if they know but in Ishtar, though hardly anyone could use it because they saw it before in the show except in the 100 Year Quest I'll be able to show them another form of power instead of magic…



With me having some free time I used my time to remind the chemistry or atoms of my old world since the science here is only magic and that the people of Earthland went towards a different evolution route relying on Magic and no modern technological marvels in this era of stagnation.

I only had to rely on what I knew to make this work.

I have been for the last 4 years of my life tried memorizing and remember all forms of atoms and elements needed for me to finally unlock the mythical version of the science of FMA to the world of Mages and Magic…


This is merely a test to see if other powers will work here and what simple power would work for me at this current time would be Alchemy from the Full Metal Alchemist series.

And I have no idea how Earthland Alchemy works here so my best bet is going with one I'm familiar with here.

Taking my time, I try to recall anything from the FMA anime.

My memory isn't what it's supposed to be because my kid brain limits my mental functions thus I had to read for a whole year to train my brain to be able to remember the details.

Thus by reading I have been exercising my brain to remember more details and develop quicker than most but then again I did regain most of my memories at birth so the process was a matter of when I would regain them again.

It worked to a degree, but I don't remember all much about my past, but it must be because I'm not fully developed yet.

I made sure that my parents weren't looking as I began to go to the back of the house spotting leaving a small portion of an area to myself as I planted some Tenrou seeds a few years back as they bloom ensuring no wild animals would get near me as I practice Alchemy in peace with no eye watching me.

Stopping under the tree and grabbing a stick to draw I tried on the dirt to remember anything about Alchemy from Fullmetal Alchemist to help better understand my situation as well as its uses that are absolutely amazing to understand.

Here we go.


Taking a deep breath, I tried to remember anything from that show since it's still one of the most popular to me.

Alchemy is the scientific technique of understanding the structure of matter, decomposing it, and then reconstructing it. If performed skillfully, it is even possible to create gold out of the lead.

However, as it is a science, there are some natural principles in place. Only one thing can be created from something else of a certain mass.

This is the Principle of Equivalent Exchange in order to obtain or create something, something of equal value must be lost or destroyed.

In standard practice, Equivalent Exchange is separated into two parts:

The Law of Conservation of Mass, states that energy and matter can neither be created from nothing nor destroyed to the point of elemental nonexistence.

In other words, to create an object with the mass of one kilogram, at least one kilogram of material is necessary; destroying an object with the mass of one kilogram would reduce it to a set of parts, the sum of which would have the mass of one kilogram.

The Law of Natural Providence, states that an object or material made of a particular substance or element can only be transmuted into another object with the same basic makeup and properties of that initial material.

In other words, an object or material made mostly of water can only be transmuted into another object with the attributes of water.

Classic series with badass powers and molecular manipulation at its finest.

Best part anyone can do it!

So long as they have the brains and talents for it that is.

Alchemy is, as it is understood in the Fullmetal Alchemist series, the ancient metaphysical science/mystical art of manipulating and altering matter by using natural energy. This act is known as 'Transmutation' and its sequence is usually described as:

Comprehension - Understanding the inherent structure and properties of the atomic or molecular makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, including the flow and balance of potential and kinetic energy within.

Deconstruction - Using energy to break down the physical structure of the identified material into a more malleable state so as to be easily reshaped into a new form.

Reconstruction - Continuing the flow of energy so as to reform the material into a new shape.

The proper application of this craft requires not only a full understanding of chemistry and ancient alchemical theory but also a sort of natural talent for recognizing and manipulating physical objects with energy, which require uncommon levels of intelligence and aptitude.

Alchemy is connected to The Gate, as demonstrated when Ed traded his individual Gate for Al, losing his ability to practice alchemy in the process.

But all of that is useless if they don't have the method or sign to transmute the energy.

And that's where the Transmutation circle comes in.

Though no machine or equipment is needed to produce the energy necessary for transmutation, merely understanding the sequence of transmutation and the limitations of Equivalent Exchange is not enough.

In order to begin an alchemical transmutation, a symbol called a Transmutation Circle is necessary.

A Transmutation Circle can either be drawn on the spot when a transmutation is necessary in chalk, pencil, ink, paint, thread, blood or even traced in dirt or permanently etched or inscribed beforehand, but without it, transmutation is generally impossible.

All Transmutation Circles are made up of two parts:

The circle itself is a conduit that focuses and dictates the flow of power, tapping into the energies that already exist within the earth and matter. It represents the cyclical flow of the world's energies and phenomena and turns that power to manipulable ends.

Inside the circle are specific alchemical runes.

These runes vary widely based on ancient alchemical studies, texts, and experimentation, but correspond to a different form of energy, allowing the energy that is focused within the circle to be released in the way most conducive to the alchemist's desired effect.

In basic alchemy, these runes will often take the form of triangles which, when positioned differently, can represent the elements of either water, earth, fire, or air, but will often be composed of varying polygons built from different triangles.

For example, the hexagram is a commonly used base rune in Transmutation Circles because it creates eight multi-directional triangles when inscribed and can, therefore, represent all four classical elements at once.

Other, more esoteric runes including astrological symbols, symbolic images, and varying lines of text are prevalent and represent a multitude of other, specific functions for the alchemical energy that is released.

At least in theory if you know what you're doing it should be possible.

I have already seen the anime enough to know how to draw a basic transmutation along with me practicing drawing it on the dirt during my early years to practice my drawings to get just right.

I began to draw a basic transmutation circle allowing me to have a hexagram on the dirt ground like I have done in years to get myself familiarized with seeing it.

Very basic as you can see.

And even Edward and Alphonse during their kid years were able to pull it off because they studied and understand the principle through books.

As a guy reincarnated with the chemistry of my old world and relearning chemistry for a year, I'm confident with my chances.

The question is would it work?


Let's test that theory, shall I?

Since I have a grasp of what alchemy is and the composition of dirt, I began to test this idea out for the sake of my curiosity and hopefulness about this work.


Blue sparks suddenly appeared on the circle on the dirt as it began The Law of Conversion of Mass as it took the mass of the dirt as I manipulated it into something else entirely as The Law of Natural Providence taking effect using the ground attribute to create another in the same way.

Understanding this I began to place my hands to activate the power of Alchemy understanding the basics as I saw the basic transmutation circle activate but also needed my intent and focus to accomplish this task.

To be honest I somehow feel tired just doing the equations in my head is this what other Alchemists felt like when they did the entrance exam in the original?

But when all was said and done, I see a dirt statue of the Fairy Tail emblem created as I couldn't help but smirked at this calmly and happily, "This… with this… I can certainly increase my means of versatility. The power of Alchemy then I can possibly…"

I left the words unsaid as with this possible in this world…

Then creating a Philosopher Stone isn't impossible and use it to create Origins for myself to gain my own Magic.

For now, I need to practice my Alchemy drawing the most but that's enough for now.

All I needed to know was that if it worked and if did then the next step should be simple to do but for now, I need to practice with this first before going to the next step.

I have to wonder though…

Will destruction Alchemy be enough to destroy a Dragons scales?

Such an interesting idea right since they are Magic Resistant but not Alchemy Resistant?

I have to test such an idea as an experiment in the future but for now, practice makes perfect.

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