
Extraction Chronicles: The Rise of Alucard

Guess i have to clarify, THIS IS NOT THE BLOOD SPILLING, BLACK AIR FORCE ENERGY FILLED, MISTER YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME, DEMONIC SMILING, VAMPIRIC MOTHER FUCKER Alucard awakens in a world where anything is possible. He sets out on a journey of self-discovery, determined to uncover the secrets of the universe. Follow Alucard as he explores the DCEU, witnessing the wonders of this dying universe while unaware of the hunt that is going on. Note: English is not my first language, and I still have something to learn, but power stones will help.

Rala_Beast · Phim ảnh
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44 Chs

ARES [chapter 3 ]


[ ENERGY: 100/100 ]


[ healing: 9,990] [ paralysing poison: 8 ] [ cyanide poison: 1,000] [ mustard gas: 100 ] [ enhancing gas pill:5 ]

[ enhanced condition: the user possess enhanced condition, giving the user superspeed, strength, durability,stamina, immortality and healing( passive:on) TIER 1>> 2 ]

"Who are you?" asked the general. Alucard had no answer for him. "To be honest, I'm not so sure either, but that's not what you're asking, is it?" replied Alucard. The general shot at him, but bullets were no longer a threat to Alucard. He swiftly dodged the attack and delivered a well-deserved punch to the gut. However, the gas seemed to have given the general enhanced durability and strength, as evidenced by the system extraction record.

The general held onto Alucard's hand as he slowly stood up. He then tried to headbutt Alucard, which, much to his dismay, didn't work. The damage done by the general healed in an instant. "That hurt," said Alucard. He quickly went behind the general and grabbed his head before flipping over him, throwing him off the tower.

Alucard looked down just in time to see Diana, who also looked at him surprised. "What are you waiting for?" Alucard asked. Diana lifted the general while also tying him with her lasso, which compelled people to tell the truth. Eventually, she decided to kill the general to end the war. Unfortunately, war isn't as simple as pressing a button. Steve, who was on a bike, came to Diana, who was now questioning herself.

After leaving the two alone, Alucard turned his attention to the piles of gases being transferred and began extracting them rapidly.

[+100 mustard gas]

[+100 mustard gas]

[+100 mustard gas]

[+100 mustard gas]

[+100 mustard gas]

[+100 mustard gas]...

Alucard was in the middle of extraction when he saw Steve and his friends running towards the piles of artillery shells before disguising themselves. Suddenly, a surge of electricity passed by Alucard, catching him off guard and sending him flying. He hit one of the many boxes in the stronghold.

After getting up, Alucard turned his attention to the culprit, who turned out to be a floating guy. "That can't be Ares, right?" Alucard thought to himself before a smirk formed on his face as he extracted the god of war. "I hope you give me a surprise," Alucard thought.

"Well, I'll be damned," Alucard laughed before taking off and heading to face the god of war himself.

[ extraction successfully ]

[ + war manipulation ]

[ + invisibility ]

[+ electric manipulation]

[+telekinesis ]


[+aerokinesis ]


[+illusion casting]


[ ENERGY: 1,000/1,000 ]


[ healing: 9,990] [paralysing poison: 8 ] [ cyanide poison: 1,000] [ mustard poison: 8,943 ] [ money: 10,000 ]

[ enhanced condition: the user possesses enhanced condition, giving the user super speed, strength, durability, stamina, immortality, and healing( passive: off)TIER 3 ]

[ war manipulation: this grants the user various abilities such as war infliction, violence empowerment, and violence telepathy. (active: cost 5 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]

[ electric manipulation: allows the user to manipulate electricity to an extreme degree, being able to generate everything from precise small tendrils to tremendous torrents from the user hand hands, with the user also able to conduct extreme amounts of electricity through touch,(active: cost 7 p/m) TIER 1( active: off)]]

[ telekinesis: the user can move, hurl and manipulate objects' movements to an immense degree with mere hand gestures, this also allows the user to transmute matter. (active: cost 2 p/m) TIER 1( active: off)]]

[ thermokinesis: the user can manipulate and conduct an immense amount of heat. (active: cost 4 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)] ]

[ enterokinase: the user can control the direction and potency of winds,(active: cost 1 p/m)TIER 1( active: off)] ]

[teleportation: the user can instantly traverse immense distances at will, and the user can swiftly disappear. (active: cost 10 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)] ]

[ flight: the user is capable of flight. (active: cost 1 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]

[illusion casting: the user can conjure up an extremely realistic and vibrant illusion, notably temporarily altering the environment around the user. (active: cost 2 p/m)TIER 1( active:off)]]

[ invisibility: the user can render himself imperceptible to humans.(active: cost 1 p/m) TIER 1( active:off)]]
