
Exploding Attribute System In Douluo Dalu

Someone from Earth reincarnates into Douluo Dalu 1 as someone from the same village as Tang San, Saint Spirit Village. He awakens a system when aged 3. The system enables him to beat up people and get drops from them. He can beat out mental power, Spirit Power, martial spirits, body defence, body strength, agility and flexibility. Ooh! Look, Tang San dropped Ghost Perplexing Track! ......... Look! I awakened a Black Tiger spirit with innate level 3 spirit power. But not for long. I've got a strong spirit now! Its called Sky Demon Tiger! With This System, I'll be a Title Douluo in on time!...... maybe even a God! ALL CREDITS AND RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR: Master Ice Tea (this is the english translation name, I can'tput the chinese name or webnovel will remove power stone function) WARNING! THIS IS A TRANSLATION. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THE AUTHOR, IF HE WANTS ME TO TAKE THEM DOWN, PLEASE DO TELL ME! I HAVE AROUND 10 CHAPTERS IN MYPATREON. PLEASE GO THERE AND SUPPORT ME! PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/divindragoncelestialthearch

DivinDragonEmperor · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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251 Chs

Chapter 170 Xie Yue’s Self-Created Spirit Ability

After Huo Wu lost, Xie Yue stepped onto the Stage.

"Chen Feng, to be honest, I am not as talented as you, but I will defend the honour of Spirit Hall, and I will defeat you with my Self-Created Spirit Ability." Xie Yue stared at Chen Feng sharply while speaking solemnly.

"It's just a Self-Created Spirit Ability, I want to see how powerful it is." Chen Feng replied.

"You will see it soon," Xie Yue responded.

Chen Feng had long known that Xie Yue's Self-Created Spirit Ability was indeed quite powerful, not only could he use it, but he could also use it when he fuses with Hu Liena.

Xie Yue released his Martial Spirit, 2 long Moon Blades appeared in his hands, and 5 Spirit Rings, 2 Yellow, 2 Purple, and 1 Black, rose from the soles of his feet and rotated slowly around his body.

After the Referee announced the official start of the Match, Xie Yue's arms slowly stretched to the sides of his body, and his Moon Blade unfolded to form a circle.

"The name of my Self-Created Spirit Ability is *Full Moon*."

Xie Yue moved like a whirlwind. In an instant, he and his 2 Moon Blades disappeared almost at the same time, they were replaced by a huge white disc.

There was no friction nor was the wind whistling from the rotating white disc, it was as if all sound had been swallowed by it.

Chen Feng still had a relaxed smile on his face, his hands clenched into fists, his fists were covered with a layer of dark golden light, and the moment the white *Full Moon* appeared in front of him, his fists burst out, smashing *Full Moon*.

The contact between his fist and Xie Yue's *Full Moon* created friction that resulted in countless sparks.

*Full Moon* was shaken backwards, and Xie Yue's figure also flashed in the middle of *Full Moon*, but he soon disappeared again and continued to cut towards Chen Feng.

When *Full Moon* came close again, Chen Feng's other fist punched *Full Moon* back again.

Spirit Hall Contestant Area.

A look of surprise flashed across Hu Liena's face, she stated in a dazed tone: "He actually used his fists to forcibly repel Elder Brother's Self-Created Spirit Ability!" She knew very well how powerful this move was. When merging with Xie Yue, she also used this move to defeat a Rank 68 Spirit Emperor. If Chen Feng used other methods to break the Ability, she would not be surprised, but Chen Feng had repelled it using a pair of fists!

"Even if his Spirit Ring Configuration is amazing, his body's strength cannot be so high, unless he has Spirit Bones integrated into both his arms." Qian Renxue inwardly mused.

It is a pity that she was wrong. Chen Feng only had a Spirit Bone on his right arm. Chen Feng's physical strength was so high, mainly because of absorbing so many Attributes Light Orbs, but she would never be able to think of this.

Shrek Academy Contestant Area.

"The Golden Generation of Spirit Hall is not weak. This Self-Created Spirit Ability is much more difficult to deal with than Feng Xiaotian's *Stormwind Demon Wolf's 36 Successive Chops*." Tang San thought.

Feng Xiaotian's Self-Created Spirit Ability *Stormwind Demon Wolf's 36 Successive Chops* could be broken if he uses his Clear Sky Hammer's *Disorder Wind Splitting Hammer*.

Even though *Full Moon* was stronger than the *Stormwind Demon Wolf's 36 Successive Chops*, it is also very limited. Tang San thought so because the *Disorder Wind Splitting Hammer restrained *Stormwind Demon Wolf's 36 Successive Chops*.

"Oh, it is a pity that his opponent is Brother Feng." Oscar sighed.

On the Stage, Chen Feng had already blasted *Full Moon* back several times.

He had already mastered the *Clear Sky 9 Absolutes*, every time he punches, he would use this Force Technique.

At the Tenth time, Xie Yue finally could not hold on anymore, his figure reappeared, his arms drooping unnaturally by his side, he did not even possess the strength to lift his Martial Spirit Moon Blade, blood dripped down his arm and finally off his blade, he had been wounded.

"I lost." Xie Yue said unwillingly, only when he faced Chen Feng, could he accurately perceive the latter's strength.

"Referee, you can announce the result of the Match now." Chen Feng ignored Xie Yue and looked at the Referee.

"Chen Feng of Shrek Academy has won." The Referee announced loudly.

After Xie Yue got off the Stage, Feng Xiaotian was the last Contestant of Godwind Academy remaining apart from Qian Renxue of Spirit Hall Academy.

"Feng Xiaotian, you have lost once to me, do you want to fight again knowing that it is pointless?" Chen Feng said with a faint smile.

"Since I am already standing here, then I might as well fight." "Feng Xiaotian replied while smiling, but there was a bit of bitterness in his smile. If he could, he would not fight Chen Feng again, but the current situation did not allow him to refuse.

"I learned your *Stormwind Demon Wolf's 36 Successive Chops*, we might as well use this move to decide the outcome of this Match." Chen Feng smiled.

"Okay." Feng Xiaotian responded.

The Match officially started. Feng Xiaotian directly activated his Second Spirit Ability, *Double Wolf Body Enhancement*, and his Third Spirit Ability, *Stormwind Wings*. His cyan light wings flapped, and he took to the air.

Chen Feng flew after him, with a loud laugh, he rushed forward.

Feng Xiaotian made the same action as Chen Feng. When the two were about to meet, they turned halfway before turning back to their original position and swinging their sharp swings at each other.

Weng -

As if 2 sharp blades collided with each other, the wings made a crisp sound of metal colliding, and then the 2 of them moved away from each other again, they stabilised themselves before charging at each other again.

The speed they moved and attacked at became faster and faster, like 2 streams of flowing light, they would briefly connect before separating quickly again and then attacking again. They repeated this cycle.

They collided 36 times like this. At the 37th time, the cyan light wings behind Feng Xiaotian were directly crushed by Chen Feng's and he fell back to the Stage.

"Thanks for your advice. "Feng Xiaotian said with clasped hands. He is not a fool. He knew that the only reason why he could perform all 36 chops of his *Stormwing Demon Wolf's 36 Successive Chops* is because Chen Feng held back, otherwise, he would have been suppressed by the Second swing and crushed by the Third.

"I presume that you have also discovered that 36 successive chops are not the limit. I hope you give me a surprise the next time we meet." Chen Feng commented lightly.

"How many successive chops can you do now?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"81 successive chops." Chen Feng smiled.

"I will definitely surpass this number." Feng Xiaotian said with a firm gaze. He knew that in terms of strength, he would never be able to surpass Chen Feng, but in terms of his Self-Created Spirit Ability, he will and try to surpass Chen Feng.

"I look forward to that day." Chen Feng smiled. If Feng Xiaotian can surpass him and reach 108 successive chops, that would be even better for him since he can obtain it after bursting a Golden Orb from him.

After Feng Xiaotian had lost, his only remaining opponent is Qian Renxue.

When Qian Renxue stepped onto the Stage, everyone's eyes were focused on the Final Match.

"Xiao Xue'er, I did not think that you would come to participate in the Continental Advanced Spirit Master Academy Elite Tournament." Chen Feng stated with a smile on his face.

"If you dare to say anything else, I will tear your mouth! And naturally, I am here to beat you." Qian Renxue said angrily, her expression was a little unnatural when she heard him say 'Xiao Xue'er'.

Chen Feng directly ignored Qian Renxue's threat, he chuckled: "I also want to see your strength, I hope that it will provide me with a challenge, now then… let's dance, shall we?"

Qian Renxue did not reply, a ray of golden light emerged from her forehead, the light soon spread all over her body in an instant, one after another, her Spirit Ring's appeared and began rotating around her body, there were 2 Yellow, 2 Purple and 2 Black; in total, Qian Renxue had 6 Spirit Rings.

Her hair had also turned into a shining brilliant gold, 2 pairs of gorgeous white wings appeared behind her, utilising them, she gently floated up 1 foot off the Stage, her hair had also been influenced and turned into a beautiful golden blonde by the golden light that emerged from her forehead.

Under the influence of the bright golden light, her eyes had also become completely golden. A huge phantom with an invisible face appeared behind her body. The only difference between the golden phantom and her was the number of wings. The phantom behind her had 3 pairs of wings, while she had 2 pairs of wings.

For those who want to read ahead up to 18 Chapters, please go to:


For those who want to read 50 Chapters of my BTTH Fanfic, please go there as well.

Currently on Chapter 188



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