
Ch 2: Quest for the Count




"A lovely day to all of us. I hope everyone is ready as our examination officially starts." Alpha stated, starting the ceremony. "I am aware that everyone had a good amount of rest from our break yesterday but focusing on the most important part, the exam. Our main priority as of now is to challenge each and every one of you to see who is suitable enough for one of the Royal Elites. We will test not just your strength, but also your intellect. Of course, Elites are not just skilled in fighting; they must also know the basic knowledge. On our first test, we will challenge the mental and logical skills of each student through this maze that we will be preceding."

The entrance next to Alpha consists of different openings, in which the students will not be able to collide with each other. They will enter one by one, creating a new route for the other, leading to only one exit. The clues are the same as well as their choice of routes.

"The test will start the moment you enter and each student has a limit of 2 hours. After the timer stops, and you are not outside, you will automatically be disqualified." The students made their way in front of the entrance, waiting for Alpha's signal to enter.

"Before I forgot, to answer the riddle combine one to the other and continue at the end's first."

Inside was very dark, only torches to keep the pathway bright. It was a long walk for Ylona, taking at least a minute before she could make it to the first chamber.

The first chamber was very wide-spaced. There are four routes including the one she just entered. In the middle is somewhat looks like a pulpit. She went closer and saw arrows that point out to each route, along with a number in the middle.


The number 5 is the placed number in the middle.

Ylona took time to analyze the number, along with looking after the routes in each direction. A moment later, she remembered what Alpha said before the exam starts: '...continue at the end's first.'

She looked closely at the arrows and started counting, starting from the lane she went in—which is the south.

Counting till 5, her eyes laid down on the last arrow—pointing out to the west.

She walked her way out of the center until the ground started shaking. The middle pod starts going down, soon after she stepped her foot onto the west route. Eventually, the route started closing up, trapping Ylona in a dark tunnel. Seconds later, torches lighted up on the walls, giving Ylona light to move into the next chamber.

"Isn't this the one she gave out to the kindergarten?"

Suddenly, she felt a presence following her. Ylona turned around but found nothing. Thinking it was only an imaginative sense, she proceeds to the next chamber.

The next number is 24—in which if you start at the north (The counting is made clockwise, since she came from the west, she will start counting from the north route.) counting till 24 leads to the west route.

However, the moment she stepped her foot inside, countless traps appeared including the metal door that almost sliced her foot if it weren't for her great agility. Given that the answer is wrong, she went back to rethink. How will she solve it? Going back to Alpha's advice, Ylona began counting once more and this time, the answer leads to the east route. She went inside and like what happened a while ago, the ground shook and the route closed.

She reached the third chamber and continuously answered the routes correctly. However, the moment she entered the fifth chamber, the walls started moving, and surprisingly, it starts to move in rotation.

After the unexplainable earthquake, Ylona continues the exam and moves to the pulpit. The numbers started counting randomly and after a few seconds, it showed the number 9.

Like the usual pattern, Ylona started at counting the routes until it landed on number 9—the east route. Ylona walked towards the correct route and reached the sixth chamber. 19 was the next number—the route to be taken is in the west.

Ylona was now heading towards a straight tunnel. Minutes passed, she continues to walk without taking a break.

A few steps past and she took a sudden halt. She stared at the floor and saw a crooked tile. She felt something wrong with it and completely avoided it. There were a few tiles like it and as Ylona would do—avoid them all. She also noticed some holes on the walls, another trap as she thought. Her mind was very focused on her surroundings, nothing to ever distract her. She continued to avoid traps until she was finally at the end of the tunnel.

The pulpit in the middle glowed, notifying the next number. She decided to go closer but as she didn't notice a loose tile, the routes closed immediately and a monster from above rose. Ylona quickly avoided the monster, followed by unleashing her weapon—a purple scythe.

The monster glared at Ylona with rage and made the first move to attack. Ylona avoided his attack and jumped to his shoulder. The monster started scraping her off but Ylona was quick. She jumped before the monster could touch her and slashed the monster's arm.

The monster screamed and got even angrier. The monster continuously attacked Ylona while Ylona was in defense. While fighting, Ylona looked for the number in the pulpit. The number was still generating and so she focused on defeating the monster.

The monster climbed to the wall, following where Ylona went. Their speed started matching but Ylona refused to give up. She went even faster than usual and aimed at the monster's leg. She hits its thigh and went past the pulpit. The number had been generated and finally, it was revealed.

In contrast, the monster chased her back even with an injured leg and arm. Ylona quickly ended this mess—checking the time, she now only has an hour to finish.

The monster reached for her but was useless. Ylona slashed the claws that were aimed at her and dashed off to the monster. Ylona grip her scythe tighter and preceded to the last blow—cutting off the monster's head.

Ylona then kicked its head which opened a route for her. She walked her way to the route and continued to the next chamber.

Number 4 starting from the north—the route to be taken is in the north. It was the second to the last chamber for Ylona to enter before she could finish the test. Her footsteps echoed in the long tunnel ahead as the light coming from the end awaits her. Finally, she made it into the final chamber.

Just like the previous chambers, the last chamber consists of four routes—including the south where the player arrived—however this time, there is no pulpit. As she went closer to the middle, the ground started shaking, and like what she experienced in the fifth chamber, the walls started rotating.

Ylona observed the situation as carefully as possible, who knows what might happen if she hadn't focused on her surroundings.

Seconds go by and the walls have stopped moving. On top of the entrances, a purple gem appeared along with talisman writings embedded on the walls.

The fire turned purple and the floor produced a bright circle with lines that connect to each route. This had indicated the final chamber.

Ylona was now in deep thought. There were no clues for her to guess, only fire and symbols which meant nothing to solve the problem.

Deeply analyzing the problem, Ylona remembered the numbers embedded on each pulpit. She tried to remember all of them, thinking that might be the clue to decipher the code.













What could have this code mean? "Caesar*? No, it could be pigpen* or transposition*.It can't be binary* either." Ylona was much focused, above was the timer.


Ylona only knows has 20 minutes before the test ends. She let nothing distract her now. She calculated every formula there is to decipher. Every code, every possible answer, how would the riddle be solved?

- - - - -

Kiarra had currently finished the fourth chamber. Now she is running on a very long straight pathway for minutes. She felt the need for air so she slowed down and rested.

"I've been walkin—no, running for almost 8 minutes now. How long is this lane?" She stayed on the floor for a while, panting from exhaustion. When she recovered, she stood up and continued walking until the end of the tunnel. Along her way, she accidentally stumbled, on a tile that pressed down the moment she stepped foot on it. "Uh-oh..."

She knew trouble is on her way and with that, an earthquake occurred right towards her. The flames extinguished one by one, giving only a medium-light to notice the creature heading towards her.

The monster roared in anger as it locks its eyes on Kiarra, the prey. It runs in her direction, preparing its claws to attack her. It swung its arm but she avoided it, however, the attack affected the walls, and soon, the walls came crumbling in front of her. Kiarra quickly moved away from the monster but it still followed her. It continuously attacks her but was no avail. Instead, hitting the walls, making the tunnel shook even more.

Kiarra continued running, but the monster was too fast and its hand got a hold of her. It lifted her up and blew its rage. Kiarra tried to loosen the grip but the monster was too strong. It screamed at her and threw her to the wall. The girl grunted in pain but still move when the monster still aims her as its target.

"This monster is reckless!" She complained.

Kiarra dashed off while the monster follows. When the monster attacked her, Kiarra jumped, blocking the attack. Her hand glowed in gold, unleashing a chartreuse-shade bow. Kiarra pulled the string, revealing a glowing arrow, which she strikes into the monster's eye. The monster flinched and screamed. It fell, giving Kiarra the time to escape and run unto the next chamber.

Kiarra jumped across the monster and quickly dash to the tunnel. But it didn't stop there when the monster was once again behind her. "Seriously?!"

It was even more reckless than usual. It started hitting the walls with its claws—the walls crumbled even more, making bumps of rocks against her head. "Stop that! The tunnel might collapse!" Of course, the monster did not listen, and slashed the wall frequently, annoying her out.

When the tunnel was almost at its end, Kiarra hurriedly runs until she finally made it in. She turned behind and saw the monster still on the loose. She observed the tunnel and saw a crooked part of the tunnel. She aimed her arrow at the crack and charge its way.

The arrow hit the rock and soon began crumbling down until the monster was nowhere to be seen or heard. Kiarra took a deep breath and rested on the floor. "That was close..."

- - - - -

"Oh hello! So nice for you to call. How is it there? I see...Well, that was new of you...You know me so well. Don't worry, I'll tell her later, we're in a middle of an exam here, I don't want to bother her...Yes, see you soon as well."

"Looks like you've received a good call," Marie said, holding a piece of the envelope to later give it to Alpha.

"Indeed. A very close friend of mine." Alpha grabbed the wine and poured some into her glass. "I happen to have some message to deliver, but I think I'll do that later."

"You know Alpha, I don't want to meddle on personal affairs, but you must at least finish your work before you leave. I feel embarrassed when Ms. Dia saw that yesterday. Seriously, stop this habit already." Marie said, giving a heavy sigh.

Alpha laughs, drinking the wine all the way down. "Come on, she is already used to it, she won't care about it."

"But you do have to finish your work," Marie responded.

"What makes you think I don't do my work?" Alpha said.

"Since you always ditch out every time I say that there is more work to do."

"I told you, I was just taking a break." Alpha took a sip and observed the wine bottle. "Say, rice wine tastes good."

"Mother always gives me rice wine every time I go back home. Last week, she gave me five bottles. I couldn't finish them all so I gave half to you. The other bottle is in your wine room." Marie explained while fixing the books from the shelf.

"Why rice wine though?" Alpha asked curiously.

Marie sigh heavily and explained. "Mother said that my skin is too rough so she gave me rice wine every time. She said it's to make your skin clearer."

"Is that so?"

"Honestly, it doesn't even work. I don't see the point of drinking them."

"Be thankful, she is considerate enough to look after your skin."

"I guess you're right." Marie said as she intently watched at the screen. "Looks like there are several students taking the lead. Who do you think will finish first?"

Alpha stared at the screen as well, where the exam is taking place. She smirked and poured another shot. "Well let's find out." At the exact moment, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in," Alpha said, responding to the knock. The door opened, entering a young maid.

"Principal Alpha..." The maid murmured a few words to the woman.

"Is that so? I'll take care of it later." Alpha replied. The maid bowed before leaving the room. Marie enters shortly after with a pile of documents in her hands.

"What's with that look on your face?" Marie asked.

"It's nothing to be concerned about. Rachel just told me interesting news..."


Alpha faced Marie and smiled fruitfully at her. "It's a secret."

"You're being uneasy. You sure you're not high?"

Alpha chuckled at Marie's comment. "Great joke but I disagree."

"But seriously, you are acting differently. That look on your face indicates that something bad will happen." Marie said. She placed down the documents on the desk.

"You know me too well," Alpha said.

"I have known you for 10 years, why would you think I won't remember those expressions of yours?" Marie replied.

Alpha smiled and poured the last drops of wine on the glass. "You're right."

"Scraping off the topic, how bad was the news to make you look like that?"

"Very bad."

- - - - -

"Take that!" Kiarra said, shooting the arrow in the monster's eye. The monster screamed in rage as it tries to chase Kiarra. It failed, unfortunately when Kiarra grabbed to arrows and shot its head. The monster falls on the floor, declaring its defeat.

Kiarra was now on her way to the final chamber. She was running as fast as she could since she now has 10 minutes before the timer ends. As she reached the chamber, her head started looking for clues. Indicating that there is none, she went to think of a solution. As she walked into the center, a huge screen appeared before her eyes. The numbers from earlier showed a pattern in which she has to solve.

"Seriously? I know nothing about codes. What should I do?"

Kiarra was now in panic when the timer announced she only had 5 minutes till the test finishes. She walked in circles, clueless on how to answer, not until she remembers a certain clue.

[2 minutes until the test ends...]

"Let's see...if I'm correct...."

[50 seconds...]

Kiarra continues to decode the clue under the spare limit. She wasted no time and completely gave her focus onto the screen.

[30 seconds...]

30 seconds left, Kiarra was still analyzing the code. She was very sure and confident of her answer. She scribbles on the screen, pointing out every number there is.


"Got it!" Kiarra quickly runs as fast as she could to the route in a matter of 10 seconds.

[3...2...1. Timer ends. The test is now officially over.]

- - - - -

"I congratulate everyone here who had made their way out of the maze. To those who didn't make it, it was a tough run, but I am glad for the dedication you pushed through to finish the test." The exam had finished minutes ago. The students are now in line as they proceed to listen to Alpha's final remark.

She continues to congratulate everyone who wins and lost the first test. She also announced the second test in which will be happening soon. The students who did not make the count were sent back to the school dorms. 82 students remained in the test. Sooner, only a few will remain. Who could make it till the end?

The speech has ended and everyone was now able to take a rest.

"Ylona!" Ylona turned her head beside and saw Kiarra walking in her direction. Ylona nodded her head as the girl sat beside her.

"Congratulations on finishing the test!" Kiarra said.

"You as well."

Kiarra leans her body onto the seat while massaging her shoulders. "I actually thought I won't make it. Good thing I remember what Noah told me last year. If I didn't think about that, I would have lost. Noah is such a savior. By the way, Noah is my uncle." Ylona nodded and closed her eyes to rest. It had been tiring for her—including the fact that she slept late last night.

"Did you slept late yesterday?" Kiarra asked. Ylona opened her eye and stared at a blank space. "Sorry to suddenly ask. I just noticed your under-eye was a bit darker than yesterday. I thought you might have slept late because of it."

Ylona straighten her posture and rubbed her eye. "You notice very small things..."

"I'll take that as a compliment," Kiarra responds with a smile on her face. "It's a habit. But I don't usually do this on people, maybe on just things I find unique."

"By unique, you mean unusual things."

"Something like that. I actually find you very unique Ylona. You look very rare to me, like a very rare gem."

"Even stuffs like this you two are alike," Ylona murmured

"What did you say?" Kiarra asked, noticing Ylona murmuring something.

Ylona leaned back and closed her eyes. "It's nothing to be concerned of."

Kiarra leaned back as well while gazing at the sunset in the sky.

"Ms. Dia." A woman called. Kiarra turned her head and saw Marie beside them. Ylona maintained her eyes closed, although aware of Marie's presence.

"Hello, Marie, nice to see you." Kiarra greeted.

"Nice to see you too Miss Kiarra. Would you mind if I borrow your acquaintance for a while? The principal ordered me to get her."

Kiarra looked at Ylona before looking back at Marie. "Sure, no problem."

"Thank you. Ms. Dia, the principal has requested you to come to see her." Marie politely said.

"What does she wants now?" Ylona asked in dismay, unwilling to be bothered by anyone.

"She had informed that she has something important to talk about."

Ylona opens her eyes and slowly stood up from her seat. "This better be important or else,"

"I do hope as well. I am simply following orders ." Marie escorted Ylona to Alpha who was at her desk, drinking wine.

"I suggest you talk about something important, or else I might not control my temper."

"Relax, it's important. Have a seat."

Ylona walked inside the office and sat on the couch. Marie enters with a cup of tea and gave it to Ylona. "So, what important stuff must you tell me this time?"

Alpha stood up from her seat and sat on the couch opposite Ylona. "Spade called."

"What did he say?" Ylona asked while taking a sip.

"He told me about the project."

"That's right. He called me yesterday about that. What connection does it make to this important news?"

"Well, he called to deliver something to you. It's about the card." Ylona paused and glared at Alpha.

"What about it?"

"It seems that it had been moving around for quite unknown reasons."

"But it's not even an artifact. We've tried every possible spell but nothing worked."

Alpha leaned back "There are Asters that releases later than usual. Alike us, it can also happen to objects. The card must have been generated later than expected. It was a good thing that we kept it. Who knows? It might help in the future. But regarding that card...I was informed that it released too much Aster that the whole storage froze in a millisecond."

"It explains the sudden wave that happened back in the test."

"That is correct."

Ylona cuffed her cup and stared at the bright window. The sun had already set a few minutes ago and now, the bright moon awoke.

"Well then, you know what you must do." Alpha said.

Ylona drank her tea and stood up. "Of course."




[Have you found him yet?]

"No. Not yet."

[Well hurry up. If we can't find him, it'll be bad news for us.]

"I know that."

[Call me if you find something.]


The night is young; the gust of wind blew off the gentle hair of the silhouette. The figure stood from the rooftop as she looks around the area for her target. She set foot on the edge of the rooftop and jumped her way to the other house.

"...where are you hiding, young Raven?"

Chapter 3:

-Alluring Prospect


1.Caesar cipher - is a type of code in which you replace each plaintext letter with a different one a fixed number of places down the alphabet. It works with the shift of 3, meaning A becomes D, B becomes E, C becomes F, and so on.

2. Pigpen cipher - is a specific type of written code that uses a variety of symbols made from spatial constructs to represent letters of an alphabet, rather than replacing one alphabetic letter with another, versus traditional ciphers. (To understand more, you can search them on google.)

3. Transposition cipher - is a cryptographic algorithm where the order of alphabets in the plaintext is rearranged to form a ciphertext. In this process, the actual plain text alphabets are not included. (To understand more, you can search them on google.)

4. Binary code - this is the type of code you usually see on computers. They represent text, computer processor instructions, or any other data using a two-symbol system. The two-symbol system used is often "0" and "1" from the binary number system.

(Add: The code used in the test is a1z26. This code replaces alphabet letters with their corresponding numbers.)


The next chapter will take very long to update. I have to arrange the sequence of the story since it will be composed of several chapters. I'm very sorry!

AR_Phantomcreators' thoughts
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