
The Beginning

The Great Treast Forest

This magically dense place known for its numerous amounts of spirit trees and magically enhanced plant life was a paradise for the magical beasts living there.

No one was allowed to enter this place as the beasts would become hostile the moment a foreign entity sets foot on their sacred grounds. Their neighbors, the small city of Rose, respected this rule and didn't dare enter. But there will always be some for a disregard of this rule.

Although this rule applied to everyone, there was one person who was exempted. A boy of age 14, black hair as dark as the night sky and blue eyes as deep as the ocean. From his ordinary but ragged clothes, one could tell he came from a poor background.

This boy who strode into the Treast Forest with nothing but an empty cannister and a rugsack was being stared at by these passing magical beasts. For they knew that something about the boy was not right but could not understand what. So they let him be but they kept their distance.

In this world where there were many different creatures and many magical beings, it seemed strange for this boy to give off an ominous feeling whether it was intentional or not.

The boy walked deeper into the forest, seemingly searching for something. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a small, cute wolf cub watching him with curiosity. Seeing as how he couldn't find what he was looking for, the boy went to ask as magical beasts could talk once they reached maturity.

He stretched out his hand and walked at a steady pace towards the cub, "Hey there little guy. I won't hurt you"

The cubs curiosity overcame it's fear of this strange creature before it as it moved towards him and started licking his hand.

"That's it little guy. Can you take me to the river nearby?" he said as he released a charming smile. The cub barked before it ran in a certain direction to which the boy followed behind closely.

After 10 minutes of running, they arrived at the river where the water was so clear you could see the bottom. The boy kneeled beside the river and started filling his canister while the cub rolled around in the grass, seemingly energetic.

Once he was done filling the bottle he turned to the cub rolling around in the grass to thank it and leave until a voice rang out. "Who goes there?!"

The magical beast stood tall with its two horns protruding from the wolf's temples. Their red hue shone in the sunlight as it's gray fur blended with the dark background of the forest. It's majestic form with a height of 2 meters (6.5 feet) and length of 3 meters (9.8 feet).

It took a step forward before its voice bellowed through the surroundings, "What are you doing here child? You know this place is forbidden for every species other than magical beasts." Showing its fangs, it started growling in a low tone.

'There's something strange about this boy. I can't place it, but it might not be a good idea to kill him.' Then it's eyes moved to the wolf cub close to the boy and thought, 'An orphan wolf... Maybe...'

The boy clenched his fists as he answered. "I'm only here for the pure water... I didn't mean to cause any trouble. Also, the cub just showed me the way so please... don't punish it." He moved to the cubs side and squatted with his arm around the cub as if to protect it.

The cub froze as it still had fear in its eyes. Its black fur would make the dark night sky envious and its red eyes with black slit pupils trembled at the sight of this powerful beast.

The beast opened its maw and said in a low voice, "Youngling, where are your parents? You can't be alone in here. You'd better cou-"

The boy gritted his teeth as his body trembled in frustration and anger as he shouted. "There's no one with me! I'm alone."

'Mmh, an orphan as well? Seems interesting.' It held its head high as it looked into the distance, thinking deeply. After a certain time, it looked at the two creatures before it and said, "Boy, why don't you take that cub as a partner? You're both orphans, plus it'll probably be eaten by a stronger beast if it's on its own. All you need is to create a pact."

The boy looked at the beast in incredulity thinking whether if this beast had soft spot. "What do I need to do? Will it even want to be with me?" He looked at the frightened cub as his eyes soften.

'It wouldn't want to be with me right? A lowly commoner with nothing to provide it with not to mention that how I will protect it.' His expression changed as he looked away and lowered his head.

" The cub will do it. If it's not fearful of you then there's a chance." The cub looked at the boy and like it was considering it. Then it nodded it head.

Seeing the cubs answer, the boy grew excited on the inside but still had an indifferent expression on his face as he walked towards it. "What do I have to do?" He asked as he hesitantly extended his arm.

"All you have to do is get the beasts consent and let it lick your blood. Then give it a name." The boy then bite his thumb and extended his hand to the cub to slowly came forward and licked it. The surroundings suddenly shook as the trees swayed violently and the cub started glowing with a golden aura around it.

The magical beast was stunned as it saw this and grinned. 'This kid is extraordinary! I think I'll help him further.' He thought as he started planning how to further empower this mysterious child of unknown origin.

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