
Evolution system: Wake To Strong

What if you had a system that allowed you to get stronger? I'm sure a lot of people would be glad. Xie Qing, the protagonist of this story, got the Evolution System. He became stronger with it, but is this the peak of the System's capabilities? [Ding! Received Mission: Enter the Supernatural World.] What awaits Xie Qing behind this high-profile title? Will his life be in danger? No one knows. Read Evolution System: Wake to Strong and support the author with your comments! /// Communication with the author - e6ekVKyzrS The picture on the cover was taken from the internet. If you have the rights to it, then email me. (Invitation above).

Reveraner · Kỳ huyễn
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65 Chs

Festival (5)

Lloyd loses. Xie Qing was surprised by this result, but not that he didn't expect this outcome.

Despite his strong physical abilities, Lloyd was severely inferior in magical technique and strategy.

Klaus repeatedly used illusions, deceptions, and created obstacles on the battlefield, confusing Lloyd.

The werewolf was very tired and breathing heavily. He looked around and saw mocking glances.

A strong sense of humiliation and anger crept into his heart, transforming something in him.

Xie Qing squinted his eyes, clearly seeing the way his threads turned black. Black smoke began to emanate from Lloyd's body.

As it touched the floor, the smoke left small funnels. It was the Devouring ability.

On the flying platform, sitting on her throne, Valentina frowned. She glanced at Xie Qing.

He immediately felt her gaze and shook his head. Valentina only frowned harder.

She had previously thought this ability could only devour living organisms, but that was not the case.

Xie Qing watched with amusement as Klaus panicked. He hastily turned into a fog.

But after a second...


The vampire screamed shrilly as he felt the burning sensation. Instantly, the shape of the mist dissipated, revealing a wounded Klaus.

He gritted his teeth in frustration and spread his wings, flying into the air. He waved his hand and a red spear appeared in the sky.

The spear's aura grew more piercing with each passing second. Lloyd wanted to dodge it, but a mysterious voice stopped him.

"Do you seriously think this is going to hurt you?"

"Come on, Lloyd! You're a proud werewolf!"

"Just take his punch and show everyone you're worthy!"

Lloyd nodded repeatedly, agreeing with the voice's words. Xie Qing distinctly saw black smoke pile up next to Lloyd's soul.

Slowly, but very effectively, Lloyd's life force was being drained, but in return his own power was increasing exponentially.

Despite this strange outcome, Xie Qing smiled and waited for it to continue, creating popcorn from the Abyss Energy.

Xie Qing's opponent in the second round silently stared at him as if he were a monster.

"What? That's my popcorn. Buy your own if you feel like it." Xie Qing grinned, catching his gaze.

"I don't need any..." The half-human backed away from him.

Xie Qing shrugged and continued to watch the fight. Little by little, Klaus was regaining his advantage.

The vampire had severe burns and injuries, but they healed after a few seconds.

Lloyd roared, becoming more and more like a beast.

He jumped into the air and used the black smoke that spread across the platform.

Klaus frowned and began to think about how to counteract this smoke, but found nothing competent.

Lloyd, meanwhile, opened his mouth and roared loudly, causing the platform to shake.

A black aura clustered in front of his muzzle and soon a massive laser was released, destroying everything it touched.

Klaus became nervous and flew into the air, but afterwards he felt the wind whistle.


He flew away, and only after much effort could he regain his balance. By then, however, Lloyd had managed to slash his claws into Klaus's back.


Klaus cried out in great pain. The audience was confused and angry, but they were all silent, waiting for the result.

But even after several minutes, Klaus was still screaming, and the wounds on his back were not healing.

Lloyd grinned, but his current form made it look ugly and angry.

Xie Qing, however, liked that look. He, too, grinned broadly and scooped up some popcorn.

"Finally, damn it, a normal fight!"

Xie Qing thought he would have to walk away disappointed, but it worked out. Watching his Eyes of the Abyss carefully, he raised an eyebrow slightly.

Near the vampire's neck, where his soul had been, black smoke appeared. And, as if by script, the voice spoke again.

"You seriously think a pathetic werewolf is going to hurt you?"

"Come on, Klaus, you're a proud vampire!"

"Just kill him and it's in the bag!"

Klaus's eyes lost their luster, and then his heart was pierced by Lloyd's claws.

But, as if enlivened, Klaus too grew claws and retaliated by piercing Lloyd's heart!


They synchronously coughed up blood and began to fall. With every second, their lives flowed out of them.

Xie Qing watched the situation with amusement. Both Lloyd and Klaus died "physically," but their souls remained.

However, the unbelievable happened!

The two souls swirled around each other and then shone brightly.

In the next second, one big black soul with white runes appeared.

Xie Qing frowned when he saw it. The runes were all too familiar to him. He narrowed his eyes and looked up into the air

Valentina did it again, too, looking piercingly toward the sky above the platform.


A funnel appeared in the sky and turned into a portal.

Everything went silent. Everyone present looked at the portal, not understanding the situation.

Suddenly a foot and then another appeared out of the portal.

Xie Qing frowned and the popcorn dissipated. The magical energy around him distorted, literally evaporating.

Soon enough, the amount of magic in Xie Qing's body reached S+ level, and the Laws of the Abyss activated at full power.

"It's been a long time since I've been in the Supernatural World~."

A voice erupted from the portal, breaking the silence. Suddenly a man with black horns, demonic wings, and long black hair appeared from the portal.

He grinned at the assembled vampires and waved.

"Looks like I'm not welcome here... Well, I'm just a GHA!"

Before the demon could answer, a hole appeared in his stomach. He glared furiously at whoever had done this.

But one look was enough to make the demon freeze.

"Sap, motherfucker. Here's your delivery of fresh entrails." Xie Qing ripped out the demon's entrails and slammed them into the man's face, knocking him back five hundred yards.

In flight, the demon regained its balance and its body quickly recovered.

This time his gaze was serious.

"Who would have thought you'd be here..."

"Guardian of the Abyss."

Xie Qing smiled brightly, waving at the demon's guts. But then his smile turned cold.

He squeezed his hand and the guts exploded, flooding the audience below with blood and flesh.

Ignoring the shocked exclamations, Xie Qing stared piercingly at the demon.

"You're finally out of your hole."



A meeting of old enemies. But how will this affect future events?

Follow the story to find out!

20 power stones - 1 additional chapter.

40 power stones - 2 additional chapters.

60 power stones - 3 additional chapters.

At the end of the week, if we get that many chapters, the promised number of chapters will be released on the same day.

Good luck to you all.