
Evil Necromancer's Secret Harem(18+)(Warning: Explicit Sexual Content)


JetLord004 · Kỳ huyễn
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117 Chs

Seraphina is Mia?


 I called out, my voice tinged with urgency as I glanced back at the translucent screen displaying my newfound quest.

"Wait, there's something important I need to address before you go."

Seraphina turned gracefully, her sapphire eyes still carrying that enigmatic charm.

 "Of course, my lord. What do you require?"

As I hesitated, I activated the hidden quest on my screen, which revealed the true identity of the beautiful servant before me:

**Quest** Unmasking Deception 

**Objective** Reveal the true identity of Seraphina and decide her fate. Defeat her and Make her the first member of your Harem, You must have sex with her before making her a member of your Harem. 

Note: - Seraphina's true name is Mia and her main aim is to kill your wife, Lisa. She is sent by the Demon King of Fire.

 **Reward** (Strength:- +2)(Agility:- +2) and (Intelligence:- +2)

**Penalty** DEATH

The revelation struck me like a bolt of lightning. Seraphina wasn't who she appeared to be; her real name was Mia, and she was a servant of the Demon King of Fire, sent to assassinate Lisa, my wife, and the Demon Queen of Lust.

In my mind, I urgently reached out to the system, my thoughts laced with panic and disgust. "System," I thought vehemently,

'Yes, my host' (System)

"System, this quest is awful. I will not entertain this vile objective. Reject it now!"

//The Quest "Unmasking Deception" has been rejected //

As I mentally pleaded with the system to reject the vile quest, an unexpected turn of events left me bewildered. Instead of the system responding, a deep, manly voice filled my mind.

"What the hell are you doing?" the voice boomed, laced with frustration.

Startled, I took a moment to process the unfamiliar voice before I asked cautiously, "Who... Who are you?"

The voice responded, "I'm Nero. But that's not important right now. Tell me, why are you rejecting the system's quest?"

With a growing sense of confusion, I stammered, "I already have a wife. I can't just have... Sex with another woman."

'Which dumbass made you Lust King?' (Nero)

'You.' (Alex)

'Shut up! and tell me, why did you accept the harem quest?' (Nero)

'Because the rewards were too good to pass.' (Alex)

'What... Just for that reason." (Nero)

'Yes,' (Alex)

'How can you conquer girls with that type of mindset? "(Nero)

Nero's voice resonated in my mind as he spoke with a hint of exasperation. "Listen, Alex, you must accept the quest, not for the rewards, but for a greater purpose. It's your first quest in this world, you must have to accept it. And Mia is also a threat to Lisa, and by unmasking her deception, you can neutralize that threat. Trust me, you can erase Mia's memories with mind control power so that nobody will understand what happened."

"But, I... I. " (Alex)

"Just stop complaining and accept the quest before I send you back to your world". (Nero)

"But, you said you did not have any way to send me back" (Alex)

"Want me to send you back? " (Nero)

"No, please no! Anything but that." (Alex)

"Then the Quest. " (Nero)

"Alright, Nero, I'll accept the quest.." (Alex)

"Good choice, Alex...Now stop creating a mess and let me rest peacefully. " (Nero)

I came back to the reality after the conversation.

'System! Accept the quest. ' (Alex) 

// Rejection canceled// (System) 

// The Quest has been successfully accepted // (System) 

My gaze locked onto Mia's eyes, a mix of determination and curiosity. 

"Mia, I know who you truly are and why you're here."

I looked at Mia, the weight of the quest's revelation pressing down on me. Her eyes blazed with defiance as I uttered her real name, and she clenched her fists.

"My lord, what are you talking about?" she retorted, her voice laced with fear and disbelief. 

"There seems to be some misunderstanding between us, I am not Mia". She resisted my words but it was futile as the system had already told me the truth.

"There is no point in resisting, Mia, accept your identity". (Alex)

Mia snapped, her voice quivering with anger and disbelief. "You have no idea what you're talking about."

"I do have an idea about what I am saying so just stop protesting and tell me the truth". (Alex)

"You're making a grave mistake!" Mia's voice trembled with anger and desperation as she denied my accusation. Her sapphire eyes blazed with defiance.

Without warning, she unleashed her dark magic, tendrils of ominous energy swirling around her. Panic surged within me; I had no idea how to defend against this dark power.

"Fuck it, I am dead". (Alex)

But just as hope seemed lost, my system activated, projecting a virtual screen before me, offering me four dark magic skills. It randomly selected one: "Deadra."

 I didn't fully understand the extent of this newfound power, but I knew I had to use it.

With ruthless determination, I channeled the power of "Deadra." Dark tendrils of energy erupted from my hand, clashing violently with Mia's dark magic. The room crackled with the intensity of our opposing forces.

Mia's eyes widened in disbelief as her dark magic faltered and disintegrated under the relentless assault of "Deadra." 

As Mia's dark magic faltered under the relentless onslaught of "Deadra," she stumbled backward, struggling to maintain her composure. Her eyes widened in disbelief, and a bead of sweat trickled down her forehead.

"What... what kind of power is this?" she gasped, her voice quivering with fear.

I advanced, my determination unyielding. "A power that will reveal the truth."

Fear continued to creep into Mia's eyes as the realization settled. "You were hiding your power all along, weren't you?"

I nodded, my gaze never leaving her. "It seems you underestimated me."

With a final burst of energy, Mia attempted one last desperate attack. Dark tendrils of magic surged toward me, but I easily countered with "Deadra," extinguishing her assault and leaving her powerless.

Mia sank to her knees, her strength drained and her defiance replaced by resignation. She knew she had been defeated, and there was no escaping the truth any longer.

I approached her, my voice firm but not kind. "Mia, there's no more need for deception. Tell me why you were sent to assassinate Lisa, my wife."

Mia lowered her head and suddenly started laughing like a maniac before finally confessing, "The Demon King of Fire ordered me to assassinate Lisa, your wife, the Demon Queen of Lust. He believes she possesses a powerful artifact that threatens his rule."

I stared down at Mia, determination etched across my face. "Mia, I need to know the full extent of the Demon King of Fire's plan. Tell me everything."

Mia's laughter subsided, replaced by a seething rage. "You foolish demon," she spat, her words laced with venom. "I'll never betray my master's trust. You're nothing but a pathetic insect."

I clenched my fists, refusing to be deterred by her curses. "You can curse me all you want, but it won't change the fact that you've failed, Mia."

Her eyes blazed with hatred as she continued to hurl curses and insults at me, refusing to yield any information. It was clear that she was fiercely loyal to her master, even in the face of defeat.

I stood there, my patience wearing thin, as Mia continued to spew curses and defiance. I had given her a chance to come clean, to reveal the full extent of the Demon King of Fire's plan, but she remained steadfast in her loyalty."Mia, this is your last chance," I said sternly, my voice tinged with disappointment. "I don't want to see you suffer needlessly. Tell me what I need to know."

Mia's eyes narrowed, and a cruel smile twisted her lips. "You think you can make me talk? You're sorely mistaken. I would sooner die than betray my master."

Her words were filled with venom, and I realized that there was no breaking her resolve. She had accepted her fate and embraced her loyalty to the Demon King of Fire. 

 I sighed and nodded. "Very well, Mia. If that's your choice, then so be it. I will kill you in a way you have never expected."







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