Travel through the Naruto world and take on the role of a new protagonist, an alternate version of Uzumaki Naruto. The game begins with a fist bump with the Nine Tails, activating Chakra Mode and triggering the Asura attribute. Asura Buff: Unknowingly attracting the attention of others, people can't help but gather around him, eager to walk alongside him. However, this Naruto is not your typical Naruto. He doesn't aspire to become Hokage; his dream is to be the king of the ninja seas. As a result, the ninja girls' fantasies collapse one after another. Naruto: "Let’s not confine ourselves to the small village of Konoha; our goal should be the sea of stars!" All sisters and girls who can be named are mine! ———-This is a Translation———- Original Author: 扑街小鱼 RAW NAME: 邪化鸣人:忍界妹纸都坏掉了