
Dragon Language.

If not for Brother Donahue's intervention, the rulership of the human kingdoms would have been surrendered to the Divine Court's decision-making. It is said that the very essence of his war among the gods was to forge strength within mankind.

Humans are permitted to honor and believe in the deities, yet they must not lose their essence in the process. While Donahue's efforts bore fruit, they were not wholly successful. Even today, millennia later, most human kingdoms still find themselves bound to the temple, obligated to pay annual tributes.

The reach of the temple extends even to the principalities, where it possesses the authority to appoint heirs. This power, however, comes with a duty, the temple must safeguard these realms. In times of war, invasion by outsiders, or threats from monstrous creatures, the temple's knights stand alongside the principality's warriors to defend their lands.

Within these hallowed halls, one will find clergy of both noble and nefarious natures. A few corrupt members cannot wholly tarnish the temple's contributions to humanity.

Lance, a black dragon, holds no particular resentment nor affection for the temple's clergy. Given his nature, the squabbles between human kingdoms, principalities, and religious institutions are of little consequence to him.

He steers clear of human conflicts, not out of incapacity or lack of time, but from a deliberate choice.

"Your disdain for him runs deep. Did you perch outside his residence, watching as he drew his last breath?" Lucia once questioned him.

"That's not the case," Lance replied. "He was a king and the inaugural pontiff of the War Temple. Men of considerable power followed him. I, still a young dragon back then and not yet a millennium old, lacked the strength to confront him then."

It was only after crossing two millennia that Lance grew into his formidable power. Before that, though he stood stronger than many, his might was only modest compared to the true potentates of the human world.

When he reached the age of eleven hundred years, Lance adopted a human guise and ventured into the human realms to master various arts like combat, swordplay, magic, and the crafting of cards. As for beast control, it was unnecessary; dragons, by their very nature, command supremacy over all beasts, effortlessly influencing them upon reaching maturity.

Ordering the creatures to besiege human settlements poses no moral quandaries.

"It's quite rare for pureblood dragons to engage in such acts," remarked Lucia, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"Indeed, they generally prefer solitude," Lance replied, his gaze distant.

"Lance, what do you think happens to him after death? Will he ascend to the Hall of Valor, suffer in hell, or something else entirely?" Lucia's question hung in the air, laden with implications.

"If it were up to me, I'd say hell awaits him," Lance stated flatly, his tone cold and unforgiving.

Lucia paused, the silence heavy between them. It was clear that Evil Dragon harbored a profound disdain for the ancient man.

The dynamic between the evil dragon and the ancient figure was complex, far beyond mere enmity. They shared a history that was both combative and cooperative, a relationship forged in the fires of both friendship and rivalry.

"Remember, the ancient emperor bested Evil Dragon when he was but a whelp," Lucia mused aloud.

"That's true. If I ever encountered a young Evil Dragon, I'd dare to pat his head, despite his fearsome reputation," she added with a chuckle.

"You are a trainee in the arts of Death. Haven't you ever attempted to summon him?" Lucia suddenly remembered Lance's training.

Lance pondered her question. "Before today, the thought hadn't even crossed my mind. But now that you've mentioned it, if this ancient emperor were to end up in hell", with a pause she knew that with Lance's penchant for vengeance, he might indeed summon him.

"I did use necromancy tonight to call upon Sophia to aid in battle, but I hadn't considered calling forth anyone from my past until now."

"What about trying to summon Bruder Donahue from the depths of hell?" Lucia proposed, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

The idea seemed to stir something within Lance. However, reflecting on Bruder Donahue's life deeds, he hesitated. "There's a saying, You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. A formidable human like Donahue wouldn't likely be just another ordinary undead."

Lance's thoughts wandered to the legends of heroes whose spirits transcended mere ghostly existence, becoming something far more potent in the afterlife.

As the thought crossed his mind, the evil dragon Lance's expression clouded over, his usual spark dimming.

"What's the matter?" Lucia noticed the sudden change. "You looked so determined a moment ago, almost ready to summon the ancient emperor, and now you seem... different. What happened?"

The young dragon seemed perplexed, trying to understand the shift in Lance's demeanor.

"A phrase just crossed my mind," Lance murmured, his voice trailing off slightly.

"Which phrase?" Lucia pressed, her curiosity piqued.

"The idea that one lives as a hero and should die as one too," he replied, his tone reflecting a mix of reverence and resignation.

Lucia's eyes widened in admiration. "That's profound!"

Lance, often unintentionally poetic, had impressed her again. Why was he so naturally gifted with words? Lucia pulled out a notebook tucked inside her chest armor, flipping to a fresh page. She scribbled down Lance's words: "You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.." It was a motto that felt worthy of the Imperial Army's ethos.

"Soldiers should embody such bravery," she thought aloud. "Especially those from the Faloran Empire!"

Using that sentence to describe the ancient hero seemed perfect. Given his legendary deeds, he truly was a monumental figure of his time.

Lucia also remembered another of Lance's poetic expressions, about the "With glass, I am a black dragon- or so I think! -

A role to play when blessed with courtly drink:." She decided to jot that down too, such artistry in words must be preserved.

"Why are you writing this down?" Lance asked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"I want to capture the literary essence you possess," Lucia responded, her voice filled with determination. "Maybe I can help change humanity's perception of evil dragons."

"That's a noble pursuit," Lance acknowledged with a nod. "Perhaps it will indeed be you who shifts mankind's view of us."

"Lance, I have another question," Lucia ventured, her tone turning serious again.

"Go ahead."

"When you were an apprentice to the God of Death, did you also make any agreements with the God of Hell? Were you bound by any contracts as a human?" Her question hinted at the complexities of Lance's past, touching upon the deep, dark intricacies of his dealings with the divine and infernal.

"Hmm," Lance pondered, his expression thoughtful.

"The God of Hell never noticed you. Is it because you're a black dragon?" Lucia inquired, her tone mixed with curiosity and a hint of skepticism.

"I don't know," Lance began cautiously, "but remember, never be too sure of yourself and don't underestimate others. I've lived long enough to know that the denizens of hell might question my identity. Whether they suspect I'm a black dragon, I cannot say. However, it appears my former ally and interim master, Solomon, the God of Death, hasn't yet considered my true draconic nature. You've heard him; he suspects I might be one of the legendary immortals."

"Immortals... Lance, have you ever encountered the immortal?" Lucia shifted the topic, her eyes wide with a different curiosity.

"No," Lance replied succinctly.

Lucia seemed to miss the deeper implications of Lance's advice, focusing instead on the more fantastical elements of their conversation. Lance sighed internally, wondering why his young protégé struggled with prioritizing the essence of their discussions.

"It's still early; let's spend some time learning the dragon alphabet," he suggested, hoping to steer their evening back to productive learning.

"Oh," Lucia responded, a hint of reluctance in her voice. She put away her diary and walked towards the hall.

Rather than diving into linguistic exercises, Lucia found herself more intrigued by Lance's personal history. The study was lined with numerous portraits, and she couldn't help but wonder if Lance had ever harbored a romantic interest in any human girl.

"You've already mastered the initial consonants and simple finals this morning," Lance reminded her as they settled down. "Aside from a few minor pronunciation issues, you did well. Tonight, we'll tackle the front and nasal finals, they're relatively straightforward. Let's start with the complex sounds. Repeat after me: 'ai'."

"Love," Lucia echoed, practicing the new sound.

An hour later, the young dragon could barely contain her excitement: "Lance, I can now read 'dragon' in the language of the giants, listen: 'Erwengdrag' for the giant dragon, 'Erwengdrag' for the black dragon, and 'Erwengdrag' for the evil dragon."

Lance listened, a faint smile playing on his lips, pleased with her progress yet amused by her enthusiasm.

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