
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Kỳ huyễn
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Dragon Lair!

In the rich imagination of Lucia's mind, the abode of the nefarious dragon was a meager cave, barely shielding its inhabitant from the harsh elements of wind and rain.

The cave itself was filled with shadows, its air thick with dampness. The walls, cloaked in a tapestry of green moss, seemed to pulse with the breath of the earth. Underfoot, the ground was a chaotic jumble of rocks, ranging from pebbles to boulders, that littered the cavern floor.

Within this grim shelter, they sustained themselves on raw meat and quenched their thirst with water collected from mountain streams. It was a existence, far removed from even the simplest comforts known to the humblest citizens of the imperial capital.

Lucia often pondered the tales of dragon lairs brimming with treasures, gold, silver, and jewels. But such dragons, she believed, dwelled only in the legends.

"If these mythical hoards were real," Lucia mused, "would such a dragon still plunder human villages?" In her mind, the evil dragon was destitute and proud, his living conditions more meager than those of the empire's lowliest peasants.

Before she witnessed the lair of Lance, Lucia had imagined him as nothing more than a powerful, yet squalid, brigand, preying on small human towns and abducting princesses.

However, the reality of Lance's territory shattered her preconceptions. Lance, it seemed, led a life as luxurious as her own, despite his fearsome title.

The dragon was not just a marauder; he cultivated his land, grew his own fruits, and mastered culinary arts and indulged himself to finer things.

"Curse it," she thought, "compared to him, I, the imperial princess, am but a frivolous child, knowing only leisure and luxury."

Yet, she reassured herself, "I am destined to rule. My education has not been in vain. In literary achievements, at least, I must rival even Lance."

With this thought, she conceded that, in some respects, she still surpassed the dragon.

With newfound curiosity, she approached Lance. "Evil dragon is not Lance, may I pose a question?"

"Ask away," the dragon replied, his voice a rumble of amusement.

Choosing her words carefully, Lucia inquired, "Are all evil dragons as adept as you, skilled in so many facets of life?"

Lance's chuckle echoed softly. "I do not know. But so far, I've not met another dragon quite as accomplished as myself."

Lucia paused, a dot of contemplation marking the silence.

"Is the nefarious dragon Lance secretly boasting again?" Lucia pondered, eyeing the grandiose scene around her.

With a sly grin, Lance responded, "Well, to address your curiosity earnestly, I can't speak for all evil dragons, but to excel as one, mastering a few life skills is essential."

Lucia sighed, half in jest, "Then perhaps I'm not cut out to be a distinguished evil dragon."

"Oh, fret not," Lance reassured her, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "I shall dedicate myself to your training, ensuring you become a formidable force. You need not mirror my path; craft your own dark legacy."

"But the noble emperor serves his people well," Lucia mused, her voice tinged with reluctance. "I'm not sure I aspire to be a dragon at all."

With a dismissive wave, Lance motioned forward. "Come now, one final destination awaits."

"Where to next?" Lucia asked, her curiosity piqued.

"To the heart of all dragon lore, the Dragon's Lair."

As they traversed the landscaped path, Lucia marveled at a towering tree with a serpentine trunk dominating Lance's courtyard. Indeed, Lance had not only erected a grand courtyard but also fashioned a gateway guarded by two statuesque lions, or so they seemed.

"The guardians at our gate are not mere lions; behold the Qilin," Lance declared with a flourish, referring to the mythical creatures.

"Why the lions and Qilin?" Lucia inquired, her brow furrowed in confusion.

Lance's reply was laced with amusement. "They keep the domicile free from malevolent spirits and lure in prosperity. Even dragons have foes to fend off and treasures to attract."

Lucia's expression clouded with bemusement. "Are there truly beings more sinister than dragons?"

With a knowing smirk, Lance replied, "Indeed, the bravest of men and the most valiant heroes surpass us in malevolence, from a dragon's perspective."

Lucia found herself at a loss for words. In every legend she knew, dragons were either slain by courageous warriors or vanquished by gleaming heroes. The idea that these figures could be considered more evil was both unsettling and intriguing, challenging everything she thought she knew about the nature of good and evil.

It must be her imagination running wild.

"Don't daydream; step into the dragon's lair and see for yourself," Lance urged, snapping Lucia out of her reverie.

As Lucia gazed up in awe, Lance gently nudged her with his claw, a soft touch despite the sharpness. "Oh, right," Lucia stuttered, shaking her head to clear her thoughts. She turned her attention to the lair's entrance in the courtyard. "Is that a door at the entrance of your lair?"

"Yes, it's crafted from crystal," Lance explained, pride in his voice. "It ensures excellent lighting inside."

Lucia was dumbstruck. If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have believed an evil dragon like Lance could exist, one who embraced such beauty and light.

"How do I open this door?" she asked, curiously peering at the crystal.

"Just push it gently. It's sturdy; it won't break easily," Lance reassured her.

"And the engraving on it, what does it depict?"

"A Door God, bestowing protection and safety upon this home."

Lucia was taken aback. Lance, an evil dragon, seeking protection against brave heroes and adventurers seemed almost ironic.

With a gentle push, Lance opened the door, and they stepped inside. Instead of the expected dark and musty cave, they were greeted by a light, fragrant aroma. The walls were adorned with luminous flora, and the floor, free from debris, was carpeted with an unfamiliar type of glowing plant that remained uncrushed under Lance's massive form.

The interior was astonishingly bright and airy.

As Lucia followed Lance deeper into his lair, her eyes widened in amazement. The vast space was cleverly divided into several sections: a library brimming with books, a treasure room filled with various collectibles, and a study.

And then, the portraits of humans, Lucia couldn't believe her eyes. Not just one, but several portraits decorated the walls, featuring both men and women. One man was clad in armor, brandishing a large sword, while a woman donned a mage's robe, clutching a staff.

Lucia's keen gaze spotted that some of the swords from the portraits were now proudly displayed in Lance's treasure room. This lair was not just a home; it was a sanctuary that bridged the worlds of human and dragon, filled with lore and treasures alike.