
I'm the DM!

Lucas was lost deep in thought as he put everything he had into pedaling his ten speed bicycle. His chest was tight, muscles burning from the exertion.

Lucas recalled the moment of the accident, the spark and zap of the computer followed by the sound of the dark matter engine starting. He was overwhelmed by fear and anxiety as he watched the programs on the supercomputer blinking out one by one until the only icon left was Everscape.

He had reached out and touched the screen, amazed and perplexed at the odd occurrence.

Zap! Boom!

The Dark matter engine had exploded at the same moment, searing his hand.

Lucas remembered the pain of touching the screen. His right hand now had scars upon the fingertips with swirling burns that resembled magic runes.

What bothered Lucas was that he had somehow lost time after that. The next thing he remembered was riding away from the lab. Everything between those two points in time was a complete blank in his memory.

Lucas was sure now that he had seen the green skinned orc, the crazy change in surroundings, and the elf chick that this was Everscape somehow colliding with the real world , or merging.

Lucas had a strange blob in the corner of his vision, which he now realized was an icon displaying a bar that was almost full. Below it were words that read Loading 99%.....

As Lucas reached the door to the lab he heard a strange sound in his ears.

<System Alert: Loading Complete>

<System Alert: You have unlocked the class-Dungeon Master>

<System Alert:You have unlocked Digital Companion(DC)>

Lucas was forced to pause with his hand on the door as information appeared in his head, displaying information on his new class.

<<Level 1 Dungeon Master>>

<Ability - Word of the Master[1/3]> Words may affect the universe-Two word limit at level 1. Energy use varies based upon words and intent.

Lucas was blown away thinking, "Dungeon Master! How? Why? What?!"

A cheerful voice answered him in his head, "You are a Dungeon Master because you were touching the supercomputer when the dark matter engine exploded. Yay! This created a connection, somehow creating a moderator class during the assimilation period. "

Lucas was unsure about this voice which could somehow read his thoughts and project an answer before he even asked a question.

//Authors Note// From this point on when referring to the inner thoughts of the main character, Lucas I will use the following - [💬], when referring to the Digital Companion(DC) I will use the following- [😃]- /////

[😃]-"My name is DC! I exist because of this weird accident! I am here to help you and answer your questions if I can. "

Lucas opened the door and entered the lab, closing it behind him before the addressing the voice in his head.

[💬]-"How can you help me DC?"

[😃]-"One way I can help is by analyzing the world around you to provide you with this information! For example, If you will look around you will see that all of your Uncle's things have been taken. I detect traces of evil magic in this room. Your Uncle was most likely taken with his possesions."

Sure enough as Lucas looked around he saw the lab to be empty, completely devoid of all items.

[💬]-"Do you know what happened to him? Do you know what happened to me?"

[😃]- "This information is not available to me, I was not yet created . I am but a manifestation of your sub-conscious.

Warning! There is an elf woman following you that is an Ascendant ranked being. She will enter the door in ten seconds, I suggest you prepare yourself. "

[💬]-"Prepare myself how?"

[😃]-"You are a unique class that has the ability to manipulate the universe. This ability is limited due to your physical form, which is very weak, and has little energy. Your current energy is 100. "

[💬]-"Ok, it said I had an ability called Word of the master, how do I use that?"

[😃]-"You speak two words, and imagine a result. I will calculate an energy cost and given you have enough energy it will activate. "

[💬]-"Seems easy enough, lets try it. What's a good two word combination?..

I know!"

Lucas held out his right hand and said, "Create Weapon!", while simultaneously imagining a legendary sword from Everscape.

[😃]-" Cost:1000 energy, I'm sorry you lack the energy to create this weapon. You also lack the credentials to use such a weapon, so creating it would be useless. "

[💬]-"Whatever, I didn't want it anyway."

Slowly the doorknob began to turn, and the door opened. The Elf Maiden quickly entered the room and closed the door behind herself. Lucas was able to take a closer look at her features. She was wearing legendary gear from top to bottom and had an air of superiority about her. Golden long hair was held back by a crown, covered in lavish jewelstones that framed the perfect features of her face.

[💬]-"DC, you have any info on her? "

[😃]-"Her name is Silvana Everleaf, she was once mortal, but now has ascended unto godhood. Her power was passed down from the previous goddess of the hunt 1000 years ago. She is entrusted with the task of ensuring the safety of her people. Also known for her crude torture techniques in order to procure information. It is said that you can hide nothing from the Goddess Silvana."

[💬]-"Wow, that doesn't bode well for me does it. "

[😃]-"Based on my calculations your chances of being slowly tortured to death are 99%"

[💬]-"Gee thanks"

[😃]-"I exist to assist."

Silvana turned to Lucas and sharply addressed him, "You! Human! What has happened to my world! "

Silvana was producing a powerful aura that filled the room and showcased her power. Lucas felt as though she could break him with her pinky finger.

[😃]-'Warning! You are affected by the aura of an ascended being. As a dungeon master you possess the in-born talent to change settings, if you wish to no longer be affected simply say turn off. This will cost 5 energy. "

The effects of the aura made Lucas feel as though he were being crushed, causing him to double over.

Silvana was used to producing this effect and smiled, thinking to herself, "Ahh, a weak one this will be easy."

[💬]-"Yes! Yes! Turn it off! Turn off!"

Lucas felt his hand get hot as the strange lines lit up for a millisecond.

<System Alert:Setting Successfully changed>

<System Alert:95 energy remaining>

Suddenly, Lucas no longer felt the aura of Silvana at all, allowing him to able to stand up straight and think.

Silvana noticed this change and instantly became wary of the human, fear beginning to creep in. For no one could stand in the presence of her aura except other ascended beings.

She drew back her legendary bow in a instant as she slowly spoke, "Who are you?"

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