
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

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28 Chs


After a while of driving Harry lost Louis out of sight, he was just driving so fucking fast. Goddammit. He drove past Louis' house, nothing. Around the streets nearby but still nothing. Fuck. Liam had texted him asking what he found out. How did he even get his number?? Probably Niall, he just replied saying he couldn't find him. Left on seen.

Another half hour passed and Harry still hadn't seen him anywhere, he even drove to the diner Louis works at and asked the woman working there if he had been there lately. He hadn't. So he drove back to school, not able to focus on the lessons because of that stupid guilty conscience. He didn't even notice he was biting his pencil until it broke into two pieces. Grate.

Louis didn't show up at school since then but Liam had assured him that he was fine. Enough for Harry to stop worrying. Not that he did but- ugh. He just needed to know where Louis was to make him go to school. Anne and he tried to send a new application to Harvard but it got rejected, out of time. So he needed Louis to behave even more.

Even though he swore himself not to do what he was about to do, he had no choice. In a free break, Harry took out his phone and saved the number Liam had given him it was Louis'. He was just typing in his name as suddenly someone grabbed his shoulder he turned off his phone out of habit. Great Now the boy was saved under 'Lou' instead of his full name.

It was Mr Johnson, "Where is Mr Tomlinson? I haven't seen him the last few days," Shit. "Ehm, he- he is" Harry stuttered. He's probably home drinking and doing whatever else than his school stuff. That wasn't the answer he could tell Mr Johnson even tho it may be the case. But luckily at that moment, his phone rang. Harry exhaled in relief. That was close

"Oh okay, I didn't know I will excuse him." He said to the phone. Giving Harry a soft look before he turned and disappeared in the crowd, leaving Harry with a questioning look on his face.

Where the hell are u?

He typed in his phone before he went to his next lesson.


"Harry?" Zayn brought him back to reality.


"Do you come to the game?"

"Yes sure." He answered just watching the cars pass by. "Are you alright? You seem a little off." Niall asked behind him. "I'm just tired." He was, it was already late and the three boys were on the way back home from the diner. Louis had been there but he had completely ignored Harry. Which he would (usually) be happy about but he didn't seem mad or something, no sassy joke no mad glances or his provocative smile. He seemed off. And that irritated Harry.

He shook his head at himself. Ugh, when would that little bad boy stop sneaking into his mind?? Niall noticed, he always knows what Harry was thinking or what to do when something was wrong. But he didn't say anything about it.

As soon as they were back home Harry changed and went straight to bed. On the next morning, he had a few messages from his mom asking if he could bring her a few things because they have a really bad case and she needed to stay a lot longer. Typical. Harry rolled his eyes. And then there was one from Louis saying:

None of your business


On the way over to the hospital, Harry stopped at Starbucks to get himself some caffeine. Otherwise, he may fall asleep throughout the day. It was sunday and the Hospital was filled with people visiting their family members. Harry squeezed himself through the crowd, hopefully he could leave soon.

Rose led him to the waiting room, she had no key for Anne's room so Harry has to wait until the surgery was over, God this could take hours. He sat on one of the plastic chairs talking to gemma on the phone while crossing things off of his to-do list. Everything done. That good feeling spread in Harry's chest as he closed the book.

"So you go to Harvard?"

"No Gems I already told you, first I have to make that jerk go to school and do his stuff."

"Hey, don't talk about him like that."

"Did you miss the parts where I told you how he behaves??"

"No, and that's the point, you don't know why he is acting like that, maybe it has a reason." Wow, he had never thought of that before. He sat in silence for a while, thinking.

"You're still there?"

"Uhm, yes sorry."

Maybe she was right. Harry didn't know anything about Louis. But he was still an asshole.

"I just think if you are a little nicer to him, he will maybe be nice too."

"I don't think so."

"Just try."


Then he hung up, checking the time and- what it was 9.43 pm. already?! And the waiting room was empty too unless a jacked and back at the seat across from him. How long had he been on the phone?? Harry got up to get some food good he was hungry, his belly growling. The lunch lady had offered him a few leftovers consisting of fries and some chocolate pudding, better than nothing. On his way back through the dark quiet halls when he heard Rose's voice.

From out the waiting room, "Do you need anything?"

"No thanks," It was more pronounced like fanks. Harry immediately stopped, no. God please, no. As he sneaked into the room he saw Louis sitting at the chair across from the one he sat before. And rolled his eyes, Jesus, never in school but everywhere else. Harry wasn't even hungry anymore.

Gemma's words repeated in his mind and he really wanted to try, but by seeing him sit there he got so angry. Louis looked up "What are you doing here?!"

"I could ask you the same."

Harry took place across from him settling the plate on his lap. Louis just kept silent. Great. It had been silent for a while now and to be honest, Harry got pretty uncomfortable with it. Even his phone had gotten boring he was just swiping through his camera roll, seeing a picture of him and Gemma they had taken on vacation a fe- ugh not important. "Okay listen, I'm sorry for yelling at you."

Harry bit his cheek, he hated apologizing especially to Louis, at least his bad conscience started getting less. Louis looked up clearly surprised, his eyes tired and in general, he looked horrible. "You better are." And that's exactly what Harry meant by he was still an asshole. Stay calm. He knew Louis wouldn't be nice if he was. For what reason ever. He can be nice, like after the party.

Still weird to think about it, him asleep in Louis bed. Like what the actual fuck how could that happen, thanks to the alcohol. There was a reason Harry didn't like to drink. Next time he should listen to what his brain tells him. Okay, enough that is so stupid.

Louis' belly growled so loud Harry could hear it and he was wondering how long he must have been there already. Then he eyed the plate and rolled his eyes. God. "Do you want some?" He asked annoyed by himself. Stupid helper syndrome. It had always been there, Harry got it from his mom probably. Always trying to help others. Even Louis.

Harry just reached him the plate, he was struggling to take the offer but they both knew he was starving. He took it. Forcing a smile. "Thank you." He said quietly but he did. Louis Tomlinson had said thank you. Wow. That probably happens once in a decade. Harry thought, but he was still curious why he was there.

The awkward silence got more and more. Why did Anne have to take the key with her, ugh he could be long home by now. Louis got up and left the room not saying a word. Well. Harry didn't care what he was doing anyway.

Niall had texted a few times, just about to text back Louis reached him a coke can. Harry took it confused don't even questioning, he had been thirsty since he had finished eating. "Uh, thanks?"

Louis just shrugged. "So, why are you here?" He asked.

"My mom works here." Harry pointed at the door of the operation room.

"What about you?"

"Still none of your business."

"You know what," Harry got up taking the plate "I will leave you and your ego alone."Who was he thinking he is. Harry had no time for that moodie bullshit. Either he was nice or he wasn't. Goddammit Louis, just choose. Such a child, his mom must have unbelievable strong just as he was about to say anything nerves to get along with him every day.

"God, my mom is here okay?" Louis growled.

Harry stopped, Jay is his mom?! She had been a patient of Anne for a long time by now. Harry also knew her, he didn't know much about her situation just that Anne and she became some sort of friends. And that she was the nicest person Harry had ever met. No way he was her son. A deep crease formed between Harry's eyebrows as he turned around. Louis looking straight to the floor.

Just as he was about to say anything the door opened and Anne finally showed up, tired and totally out of energy. "Oh god, Harry I'm so sorry that it took so long." She apologized as she spotted him. "It's alright," It was always the same when she had called either him or Niall. Louis got clearly nervous, something Harry didn't expect to see, never.

"How is she?"

"We can't tell you so far,-"

"What do you mean you can't tell me so far isn't that your job?!" Talking to Harry like that was one thing but not to his mom.

"Don't talk to her like that."

"Or what?" He spat back,

"Boys please, I'm too tired for this. You two should go home now. Louis, we will call you as soon as we know something further." And with that said Louis stomped angrily through the halls out of the hospital. Anne rubbed her hand against her forehead, she looked so exhausted. "What is with his mom?" Just curiosity.

"Medical confidentiality Harry" She yawned "I will get a few hours of sleep now, thanks for bringing my stuff over," She hugged him and left into one of those small rooms labelled as 'Staff only' Perfect. So the last few hours were wasted by just sitting around waiting, doing nothing useful for school. It was just one day, that wouldn't change his grades. Right?

It was raining badly outside, it was almost impossible to see the streets through that blurred view of the front window. The darkness made it even worse. Harry chose to take a detour to avoid, main streets and too much traffic. Was his mom the reason Louis hadn't been at school the last few days? Maybe he- Ugh stop thinking for god's sake.

There weren't any good songs on the radio, like most of the time which is why Harry always carries tons of discs with him in the glove box. He bent over to open it when he spotted Louis on the sidewalk, soaking wet. Doesn't he have a car? And why the hell was he everywhere?! He looked wracked, face to the ground and...shivering a little.

He didn't deserve otherwise... Ugh, for god's sake. Harry stopped and drove a little back holding next to Louis and opened the car door. "Get in here." He almost yelled because the rain was so loud. Louis drew his eyebrows, water streaming along his face dripping down his chin. "I don't need your help." He said walking past the open door.

Harry drove slowly forward next to the boy stomping angrily, then he abruptly stopped clenching his jaw. "I told you, I. Don't. Want. Your help."

"I don't want to help you either, but if you don't want to be sick tomorrow then, get in."

It takes at least 30 minutes to get to Louis' House if he'd walk. And it was already past 2 am, cold and raining. Louis rolled his eyes but got in slamming the door shut to show off his anger. He didn't say one word the whole ride. Just stared at his hands. The colours of the traffic lights shimmering on his wet skin. His arms were spread all over with goosebumps.

Harry turned the air conditioner on, not because he cared about Louis or something like that but if he would get sick he wouldn't come to school which equals no Harvard. Louis turned up the volume to overtone the silence. His clothes were dripping and leaving a path of water drops across the centre console. "For goodness sake Louis."

"Chill out it's just water." He said trying to wipe it away, it only made it worse. Anne would kill him if something happens to the car even just a little thing, they didn't have enough money to bring it to a repair shop."Just try not to touch anything."

"You wanted me to get in not me."

"Yes, because I don't want you to be sick at home."

"Aww, you care about me, that's cute."

He really got into Harry's nerves sometimes. "I don't care about you at all. You need to go to school." Now seriously was that too much to ask?! He doesn't even have to do much just be pleasant for the start. And not just a few days and then disappear for weeks.

"How important is it to you?" Louis raised his eyebrows smirking like that again. It was the most important thing at the moment for Harry but he would never tell Louis. Never in a million years.

"Don't do it for me, do it for Mr Johnson or whoever I don't care." Harry rolled his eyes, ugh this boy is so fucking annoying.

"I will think about it." At least something. Harry clutched his hands around the steering wheel trying to keep his anger under control. Clenching his teeth soo bad it hurt in his jaw. "Maybe" Louis added as he saw smiling provocatively. No words could describe the massive amount of hate that Harry felt looking into those eyes.


I'm baaaaack. And I have no idea if this chap even makes sense but I hope.

The thing is I have absolutely no plotline for this story to be honest. HAHAHAH

It was actually not even supposed to be written. So if you have any ideas please tell me. Through comments or private idc just please do, I'm thankful for anything you send me.
