
Even if the whole World was watching // Larry Stylinson

[complete] "This school is Tomlinson's last chance." "Thats not my problem." "What about a deal. You take care of him and I will put in a good word for you at Harvard." Ugh that was a strong deal the director knew exactly how much Harry wanted to go to Harvard. "Fine" Grate now he had to deal with this little badboy. He rolled his eyes. Harry's whole life is planed he would finish his senior year go to college and live his own life everything seemed to go perfect for him. Louis is adventures, spontanious and dosn't give a fuck on planing stuff. He and his girlfriend were happy but there was something messing in her eyes. Well, falling in love was definitely not supposed to be on his to-do list. (Also available on Wattpad and soon on Ao3)

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28 Chs



"We need to meet up."

"No, we don't." It was late evening and weekend. Two reasons to decline. And then there was also the fact that he saw Louis and Luke which made it even worse. The thought caused the weird feeling in his belly to start again. "Oh, come on."

"No", he hung up. At least the weekend should be left for him- and only him. He was just about to turn his phone completely off when a message showed up on the light screen. 'Okay, then I guess I won't come to school next week.'

'Wanker' he texted back throwing the phone onto the couch. Not this time. He couldn't concentrate on the movie though because his phone kept vibrating. Harry eyed the buzzing phone laying next to him. For goodness sake that idiot. "Jesus Christ!" He hissed into the mic. "Where are you?"

"In your driveway." Harry's mouth opened ready to say something but he decided better not to even question it. He hung up before sliding into his trusty white vans. There was light shining through the door slid. Harry pulled the door open looking straight down into Louis' eyes. "What do you want here?" He asked hearable annoyed.

Louis just turned around heading his car.

"What are you waiting for? I won't carry you."

"Tell me what you want first", Harry said, still standing in front of his door with his arms crossed.

"Just think about Mr Johnson's face when I won't be there a whole week. Wouldn't that be awful?" If there wasn't a good reason to get into that car instead of spending his Friday night like he was about to then he would kill this Boy. "I hate you." Harry hissed ripping the door open. "Right, that's why you couldn't tell me at least one thing you hate about me."

"Yes because I hate you in general, your whole-", Harry gestured with his arms trying to find a word while Louis just smiled. "Appearance." Harry ended the sentence.

"I'm serious."



"Listen." The tension changed abruptly as Louis stopped at a red light. The playlist stopped - silence. They hadn't talked the whole ride. Just sat there watching the colourful streetlights lighten up the dark and cars rushing past. "I know that you saw us. And I just wanted to clarify that Eleanor and I broke up so I didn't cheat." He turned his head, one hand at the steering wheel, the other one reaching over to the glove box in front of Harry. "But do me the favour and keep it for yourself."

He took out a disc eyeing it for a few seconds, then leaning back into his seat and putting it on, just as the traffic light switched green. Harry just nodded quickly. God, since when was he so insecure? "I didn't care anyway."


Louis just kept on driving for the next two hours and then brought Harry home, such a senseless action. He could have told him on the phone instead. "I don't believe you."

"You don't believe what?" Harry unlocked the seatbelt lifting his head. Their eyes shared an intense look. "Come on, you can't tell me you don't care at all."

"Why should I?" Harry chuckled. Did that sound credible?

"You are obviously attracted to me."

"You wish", Harry laughed trying to stop his cheeks from blushing.

"So you are telling me you don't get tingles in your lil' tummy, and your cheeks don't blush when I walk by?"

Harry cleared his throat trying to relax, staring straight down at his hands. "Not at all."

Louis came closer his face just a few inches away from Harry's. Breathing deep and slow. "What are you doing?", Harry whispered not able to move, his muscles tightened, the beat of his heart incredibly strong, so loud Louis probably heard it in the silence.

"I'm showing you that you are wrong." His warm breath brushing Harry's ear and causing a shiver down his spine. He eyed Louis lips that were way too close, then back into his eyes. Shiny and so fucking beautiful. It was hard to breathe and even harder to keep his eyes up, they always slit down to those rosy, thin lips. There was that electric feeling that made his lips tingle. Not gonna lie, he was fighting.

Harry finally gave in and slowly closed his eyes, not thinking anything. There was no reason he should, but he did. "Looks like I was right," Louis said, then he pulled away. Leaving Harry in confusion. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Harry didn't know what to feel. There was a mixture of anger and confusion. Tears of embarrassment burned in his eyes. How could Louis expose him like that?

Harry was used to him being mean, but that was something different. He got out of the car, hearing Louis giggle quietly while a sharp pain rushed through his chest as he looked into those eyes that just disgusted him at this moment. "Come on I won't judge you. I was just messing around with you." Harry flipped him off and slammed the door shut.

"Harry! Wait." Louis yelled out of the open window when Harry reached the door. "Don't you even fucking dare, you fucking idiot." And just before the first tear rolled down his cheek the door closed behind his back. He wiped it away, kicked his shoes off and went into the living room. He wasn't even able to finish the movie he had started earlier because only five minutes after he fell onto the couch again he drifted to sleep. Fucking idiot.


In school, they avoided any contact, unless they were asked to interact. Louis was acting strange again and Harry was just fine with it. It all worked out pretty good. Even though he was skipping again, not as much as he used to but still maybe twice a week, he at least was doing his homework. It went like this until they had project class together and got put as a team.

"Great", Louis snapped.

"We, unfortunately, ran out of white paint, would one group voluntary go and get some new please?", Mrs Jones asked, it didn't reach Harry and Louis though because everyone was talking loudly.

"I don't like it either." Harry's arms were crossed in front of his chest.

"Just do me the favor and shut up."


"What about you two?" Harry looked up, Mrs Jones eyes wandering from him to Louis and back. "No." They said concurrently exchanging a deadly sharp look. "Thank you, you two, but please hurry." Harry rolled his eyes and got up. She gave them some money and advice for an appropriate store. She was too busy trying to shush down the class for any further thing.

Perfect. They took Louis car and drove in silence, not even looking at each other until they arrived. "Where is the paint section?"

"Don't ask me, you live here longer than I do." He was really unbearable lately. "Ugh, thanks for your help, wanker."


After walking through every corridor for the third time they finally found the section, standing in front of a huge shelf with tons of white paint. Every thinkable brand. Harry grabbed one of the first bottles and was just about to leave when Louis had to make things harder, something he was really good at. "We should take this one, it's way cheaper." He was right.

And that was exactly why Harry refused to take it. "We got enough money."

"I don't care, we are taking this one now." As if he needed to prove his dominance he snapped the bottle out of Harry's hand and exchanged it. "No, I decided we take this one."

"I got the money." Louis walked past him straight ahead to the till. Harry clenched his jaw, swallowed his pride and followed Louis. He hated him. He really did. With his entire heart. And if he would tell himself that often enough, maybe he'd believe it one day.

"Are you happy now?" Harry asked sarcastically, back in the car. "Yes." He smiled wide.

"The mood swings." Harry said after a while.


"What I hate the most about you."

"No, you don't,"

"Yes, I do. Your behaviour makes no fucking sense. One day you get drunk. At school may I add-"

"Shut up." Louis spat, but Harry just carried on.

"Then act as nothing happened and just reject everyone."

"I said shut your mouth." He warned again, his grip around the steering wheel getting so strong his knuckles turned white.

"And then you are weirdly nice to me, what the fuck is your problem?" Suddenly Louis turned the steering wheel, letting the car abruptly stop on a random parking space. Then he put off his seatbelt to turn towards Harry. "So listen,-", Louis started, the fury in his eyes sharp. "To make it clear, I only helped you so that I don't have to endure your whining. God, you were so annoying." He stopped clenching his teeth, Harry could see his jaw shift, it got damn sharp.

"And about the thing in the car, I already told you-" Harry interrupted him by grabbing his collar tightly. "No, you listen now." He pulled Louis closer, so filled with anger. "I'm so done with your shit! I don't care if you found it funny, because I didn't." Louis' face was really close he was leaning over the centre console. His eyes pinned on Harry's, it was a strange tension.

He forgot what he was about to say drowning in the blue of Louis eyes. He hated those eyes. And I general everything about Louis. "You fucking idiot." Harry breathed. "Wanker." Then Louis pushed forward smashing his lips against Harry's. He surprisingly didn't taste like cigarettes but like minty gum. His hands grabbing Harry's hair harshly.

Harry couldn't think, he didn't even notice that Louis was sitting on his lap one leg at each side. Adrenaline rushed through his body as he put his hands around the olders neck pulling him closer. It felt so good, the way his tongue discovered Harry's mouth and those fingers tangled in his curls. Louis moved his hips a little pressing Harry deeper into the seat.

Heavy breathing in-between the deep kisses. Harry even escaped a little moan when Louis bit his lip, his hands slid down along his moving back resting on Louis butt on which he moved even tighter against Harry's torso. His chest rubbing against Harry's. The grip tightened also Louis moaned breathlessly into Harry's mouth not interrupting the rough kissing.

His warm hands slid down along Harry's abs leaving a path of tingles behind them. Harry's skin was burning, he was totally losing control over his senses. He stopped at Harry's belt, starting undoing the buckle. Then the button and zip. At this moment Harry realised what he was doing. He hated Louis. What the fuck?! He pushed teh older lad away harshly. "Stop."

"Ugh, what?" He rolled his eyes looking annoyed down, his impression slowly got softer as the longer they stared into each other's eyes. Fuck. Harry swallowed. No this couldn't be.

"Get away from me." Harry's lips were burning, he couldn't believe what just happened. "What? You can't do this."

"You kissed me, so yes, I can." The air was heavy and warm, God, it was hot in there. Louis got back onto his seat a confused look on his face like he was thinking really hard about something. Harry zipped his skinnies and buckled the belt again. "Bring me home."

"What? But the pai-" His voice unusually soft.

"I said bring me home." His tone sharp. Louis just sighed loudly and started the car. School was over anyway, Mrs Jones would get her colour tomorrow. Harry just contacted on the music trying to avoid the tingle in his belly. But they grew stronger and stronger when he felt Louis lips on his again. And his hands. No. Harry shook his head at himself.

That wasn't right. The whole thing wasn't right. When they arrived in front of Harry's home they stayed a while in silence. "I- uhm I will bring the paint to school so we don't get in trouble or something," Louis said quietly and kind of shy? Harry just shrugged and got up. He really didn't care. "Hey," Louis suddenly clenched his wrist, Harry turned around meeting Louis with shiny eyes. "I'm sorry." He whispered, honestly.

Without another word, Harry shut the car door leaving, not looking back a single time, even though he felt the desire for some reason. The door closed with a loud bang and Harry leaned against it just about to slide down when he heard Anne. "Perfect timing hun, I just made dinner." She smiled. Harry just nodded smiling back with empty eyes.

What the hell? Ugh, he was so exhausted.


That, THAT wasn't planned to happen tbh