
Eternal Veins: Bound by Blood and Love

"Why all this darkness?" It has been haunting my mind for an eternity. I've treaded through its depths for a while now, yet I hold onto the conviction that there's always a glimmer of light at the end of every daunting tunnel. I keep moving forward until I finally come across an old castle, its darkness as impenetrable as ever. I recognize this place as the recurring backdrop of my dreams. This is where the vision always halts, the vision that's been with me since I was a 16-year-old girl. And now, as a mature woman, I've decided that today is the day I'll step inside that ancient castle, seeking answers to the mysteries that have plagued me. ..................................... "Now that you know who I am... do you still hold love for me?" His voice is calm, his expression unreadable. "Yes, I still love you," I respond, my heart unwavering. "No matter your identity, my heart remains bound to you. I yearn to spend the rest of my days wrapped in your embrace."

Goldenheart001 · Kỳ huyễn
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48 Chs

My beloved readers


Dear Beloved Reader,

As the author of this journey, I stand humbled by the opportunity to share a world of emotions, twists, and dreams with you. You, dear reader, hold the power to breathe life into these pages, transforming them from mere words into an experience that lingers in your heart.

With every sentence crafted and every character woven, my aim has been to invite you into a tapestry of emotions—a tapestry that can only be truly complete when you're a part of it. As I pen down the stories that have taken shape in my mind, I envision you alongside me, feeling the exhilaration, the heartaches, and the joys that course through the narrative.

Your support has the ability to be the wind beneath the wings of this tale. With each page you turn, you empower me to delve deeper into the lives of these characters, to uncover their secrets, and to bring their stories to a crescendo that will resonate with you long after you've closed the book.

I understand that life's demands can be relentless, but I ask you to consider adding this book to your library—a place where stories hold a timeless position. Your presence within these pages not only kindles a connection with the characters and their journeys but also sustains the flame of creativity that drives authors like me.

So, dear reader, as I release these words into the world, I hope you'll find a cozy spot in your library for this book—a spot that reflects your appreciation for storytelling and your belief in the magic of imagination. Your support, your presence, and your engagement are the building blocks of this literary adventure.

Thank you for sharing in this journey with me and for allowing my words to find a home in your heart.

With heartfelt gratitude,

