
Eternal Odyssey: Unorthodox Group Chat

Cillian's life was a monotonous routine, void of emotions, as if he were a mere observer in his own existence. Isolated by society and even his own family, his only solace lay in the vibrant world of anime and manga. But when he passed away at the age of 81, something extraordinary happened. In an enigmatic void, Cillian encountered a god who offered him a chance at a new existence. His lack of emotions had caught the attention of primordial beings, and a peculiar job awaited him. Sent into parallel worlds across the omniverse, Cillian's mission was clear: restore balance and quell the chaos unleashed by reckless reincarnators. "Eternal Odyssey: Unorthodox Group Chat" is a thrilling fan fiction that explores the evolution of a character from emotional void to a force that reshapes worlds. Join Cillian on his journey as he not only confronts external chaos but also delves deep into the complexities of his newfound emotions, all while seeking answers about his enigmatic role in the grand cosmic drama. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This is a fanfic, I don't own any of the anime series or manga I may mention in my fiction. I only own my OCs.

Temporal_Daoist · Tranh châm biếm
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34 Chs

New Unorthodox Group Chat Member

Author's Note: This work has received major editing(compared to the other work) and has been reposted, do note that the original work is also mine though(Limitless Chat Group in the multiverse). Starting from chapter 7, it's all completely new content. I also figured out that, instead of posting every day and burning myself out juggling between writing and the rest of my life, I could get a release schedule... so here it is:

Release Schedule:

-Every Tuesday

-Every Friday

-Every Sunday

Extra Power Stones and I'll release extra chapters!!

thx 4 all the support! (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ


'Interesting... I think he's finally ready for the... Multiverse.'

Having witnessed Wing's unyielding will and determination, Cillian asked:

"Are you ready to traverse the realms, explore the uncharted and reach the peak, Wing?!"

Wasting no time on pondering, Wing replied:


Suddenly, all the tension in the corridor dispersed as if it wasn't ever there and each group chat member gave a pure smile while greeting Wing:

"Take care of us, will ya?"

"Let's empty all of your alcohol reserves tonight!!"

"Welcome to the team, Wing."

Before Wing could even answer reply to one of the trio's comments and questions, a mysterious blue panel appeared before him. Taking a closer look at the bizarre text in front of him, Wing mentally read:

[Do you want to explore the multiverse and observe breathtaking sceneries?

Then join the Unorthodox Group Chat!


Noticing Wing's eyes dilating while going back and forth, seemingly rereading a few sentences, Cillian assured:

"Don't worry, you won't have to compromise your morals even if you join the Unorthodox Group Chat."

Understanding that the so-called "Unorthodox Group Chat" was indeed the same group that the trio before him were a part of, Wing answered:

"Ok, Cillian, I trust you."

Moments later, a message appeared in front of all unorthodox group chat members across the entire multiverse that read:

[member 'Nascent Pioneer' has joined the chat]

"Since you're now an official member, I feel like I should update you on what type of organisation you really joined."

Surprised that a "group chat" would be called an "organisation", Wing repeated:


"Don't worry, we are only a few members right now, including you, 6. To be honest, we're not sure on the absolute goal of the unorthodox group chat but, from what I understood with the brief meeting I had with its creator, we're basically cleaning up the mess of higher dimensional entities, beings countless times more powerful than the strongest known Dark Continent monsters.

Although it sounds pretty fancy, you'll have a lot of free time to do whatever you want. From what I understood from interacting with you during the last few days, although you have a free spirit and you're determined to explore the uncharted, you have responsibilities to others that have restricted your these urges and callings. If this is correct, the Unorthodox Group Chat would be perfect for you, as you'll still be able to fulfil your duties as a teacher and hunter but you'll also be able to explore completely different worlds as well."

"Wow!... That's a lot of information, but I think I get the general gist of it. However, honestly speaking, I feel like this "job" is above my pay grade."

"I understand how you feel. Rest assured, we don't have to deal with world-ending threats...yet. Anyway, if you open the Unorthodox Group Chat interface, you should be pleasantly surprised with a nice gift in your inbox."



'Unorthodox Group Chat Interface.'

[Welcome to the Unorthodox Group Chat Wing,


Group Chat(New)



(A/N: Keep in mind that the "Status" interface was created separately by Great Sage for Cillian's personal use. Therefore, all the other group chat members, including Wing, can't access their own "Status")

Noticing the unusual "(1)" right after the first icon, Wing curiously thought:


[Would you like to open 'newbie member gift pack'?]

Discerning the word "gift" present in the blue panel's text, Wing speculated:

'Is this what Cillian meant?'


[Congratulations! You have received...

1. 5% proficiency of the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist technique

2. Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist technique's founder's training (teenager)

3. 150 unorthodox coins ]


3rd Person POV:

Right after reading what he had received, Wing got an influx of information about the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist technique he had just obtained.

Although to the outside world, it seemed as if Wing was lost in his own thoughts, inside Wing's mind, a baffling scene was occurring:

The scenery had changed and Wing immediately perceived that his physical body had been turned into a spectre-like state.

With the senses of a veteran hunter, Wing's thought process took less than a second before he carefully scrutinised his surroundings. Upon closer inspection, Wing didn't find anything out of the ordinary in the forest he was currently at except a young man, around 20 years old, meditating under a powerful waterfall over 70m tall. 

(A/N: A waterfall too tall would have the opposite effect as the water cascading down would disperse due to the wind's influence, creating the opposite effect of the intended one(creating pressure.))

Observing this unique scene, Wing didn't think much of it as most active 2-Star hunters could imitate the man simply by activating Ten, which could negate almost all the waterfall's damage, due to its defensive prowess, specially against non-nen objects and attacks, including nature's.

Deciding to probe a little further, Wing channelled his nen into his eyes, activating Gyo, to see how strong the man's Ten truly was. When Wing's eyes locked onto the mysterious man's figure, to his utter surprise, Wing couldn't sense any nen flowing around the man's skin. This discovery completely baffled Wing as he believed that no human being, except strange monster-like humans such as the Hunter Association's Chairman, Isaac Netero, could achieve this feat relying solely on their physique. Even people like Isaac Netero could only reach this level of conditioning during their life's physical peak, while the young man that could already achieve this was barely 20 years old, maybe even younger.

While Wing was still surprised at the man's physical strength, he couldn't sense the massive amount of rubble about to fall off the cliff due to the water's relentless force.

Only noticing a few seconds before the dozens of tons of rocks hit the young man, Wing tried to intercept the attack only to pass right through as a result of his spectre-like state.

Just as Wing was about to despair at the young man's demise, he heard an ever so calm voice mutter:

"Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist."

Before he could even register what was happening, it was already over, all the rubble and other cascading objects had been effectively smashed and directed towards the river's bank, not disturbing its stream in the slightest.

Meanwhile, the young man, as if the outcome was already predetermined, continued to peacefully meditate under the powerful waterfall.

A few seconds later, Wing's soul was transported back to the physical world, while his mind was in deep contemplation:

'Ju-Just this technique alone, taking into account its founder's young age, if trained to the likes of its creator at his peak, has the potential to outmatch the Hunter Association's Chairmans, even without nen!'


Same as last chapter:(answering the delay questions)

I'm trying to keep on schedule but it's really hard to do so with how busy I am right now. On top of it all, I take my time writing to make sure I meet the minimum quality standard and chapter length I've committed myself to. Therefore, although for the next few weeks the chapters may sometimes be coming out with a slight delay, I'll be trying my hardest to maintain my 3 chapters per week ratio.

Hope you all enjoyed the slightly longer chapter