
Chapter 2: The Arrival of the Goddess

The Wang Dynasty was shrouded in darkness, with relentless rain pouring down for two weeks straight, causing despair among the kingdom's people. Whispers of divine punishment echoed throughout the land, heightening the anxiety within the Imperial palace.Inside the palace walls, Emperor Yun Wang anxiously awaited news of his Empress, who was in labor with their fourth child. Empress Dowager attempted to soothe her son's fears, urging him to have faith in the heavens.Meanwhile, in the Empress's chambers, the air was thick with tension as labor pains wracked her body. Midwives and maids worked tirelessly to aid her, encouraging her through each agonizing push.Outside the palace, Minister Lu Yang arrived with urgent news regarding a prophecy foretelling the birth of a divine being. The prophecy spoke of a Goddess who would be born to bless the empire, renewing hope among the kingdom's inhabitants.Amidst the chaos, Empress Qiao Wang struggled through her labor, determined to bring forth the prophesied child. With the support of her attendants, she summoned every ounce of strength to push through the pain.Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the cries of a newborn baby filled the room. The midwife announced the birth of a princess, confirming the presence of a phoenix birthmark near her heart—the mark of the Goddess.Excitement and joy spread like wildfire throughout the palace as the news of the Goddess's arrival circulated. Every servant and courtier rejoiced, believing that the long-awaited prophecy had finally come to fruition.Upon hearing the joyful tidings, Emperor Yun Wang was overcome with emotion, his heart bursting with pride and gratitude. The Empress Dowager, too, expressed her elation, declaring the arrival of her granddaughter as a divine blessing.Despite the pouring rain, Empress Dowager insisted on bringing the newborn Goddess outside to witness the sky—the first act the infant must perform before being touched by anyone.With the utmost care, Empress Dowager cradled the newborn in her arms and descended the palace steps. As they emerged into the courtyard, a hush fell over the assembled crowd, all bowing in reverence to the divine presence.As the infant's gaze met the sky, her cries pierced the air, and in that moment, a miraculous sight unfolded—the rain ceased, and sunlight broke through the clouds, illuminating the newborn's face.In awe, the onlookers witnessed a cloud formation transform into the shape of a phoenix, a symbol of rebirth and renewal. It was as if the heavens themselves were acknowledging the arrival of the divine Princess.Prophet's words rang true—the Goddess had indeed saved the kingdom from disaster, bringing hope and light to the realm once more.With tears of joy streaming down his face, Emperor Yun Wang approached his daughter, his heart overflowing with love and reverence. He thanked the heavens for blessing their dynasty with the presence of the divine Goddess, who would guide and protect their land for generations to come.And so, amidst the awe-inspiring spectacle of nature, the Wang Dynasty welcomed its newest member—the Goddess incarnate—who would forever be revered as the beacon of hope and prosperity for the kingdom.