The Evolution of a tinny larva.. On the road of evolution one way most be chosen, while the others must be discarded.. We Fight... We Kill… We Evolve… To gain absolute strength! To become a Legend! To reach Godhood! Did gods reached perfection? Perfection is the goal, a goal that always changes as time goes by... We can only chase after it... We can never achieve it... Hi! I will just hide this here:
Well. This is new... I can't see or hear... oh well, whatever, it's always nice to have a new start...
Time is ticking by... it's not like I don't enjoy sleeping or anything, but what am I supposed to do?
I wish I could do something other than sleeping... oh well, it's nice to be able to think... Before I got here, I planned to check out my final stats on pubg before the season ends.
[Evolution system booting... system is online!! Bringing up stats of host.]
[State:unborn Hatchling]
[Health Points 1/1]
Agi: -
Dex: -
Int: -
Str: -
Vit: 1
[Skill: none]
[Time until hatching:29 days 19 hours 5 minutes]
Well, this is nice. I love playing games.. anyways it's nice to know when I will be born.. oh, do I have a newbie pack or something like that?
[Yes, host. Do you want to open your starter package?] [yes/no]
Yes.. why is this even a question...
[Opening starter package]
[Obtained: Information about the plane, information about the system upgrade futures such as Agi, Dex, Int, Str, Vit.]
Okay, let's see system features first..
[As you wish host transferring system features into host mind]
Agility: increases movement speed by 1%
: increases dodge chance by 1% every 10 LVL
Dexterity: increases attack speed by 1%
: increases skills cooldown speed by 1% every 100 LVL
Intelligent: increases mana by 1
S: increases mana regeneration by 1% every 10 LVL
Strength: increases dmg by 1
: increases dmg by 1% every 10 LVL
Vitality: increases maximum life by 1
Increases armor by 0.1
Increases life regeneration by 1% every 10 LVL
Okay, that's nice.. well, at least I know there are lvls. Please show me the Plane Information.
[As you wish host transferring plane information]
Ah, so this place is called Anatar. Well, that's all?! Oh well, whatever, I'm going back to sleep...
Oh, I seem to get used to being here, System how long am I going to stay like this?
[Time until hatching: 0 days 0 hour's 35 minutes]
It looks like laziness is soon going to end. Asides from that, I'm quite excited about getting hatching already!
[Host is going to be hatching in any second now]
[Congratulation for the host, you finally hatched]
[Status updating, please wait a moment]
[state:unborn hatchling -> Hatchling larva]
[lvl 0] [exp 0/5]
[Hp 5/5(4+1)] [mana 1/1] [dmg 1] [armor 0.1]
Agi: -
Dex: -
Int: -
Str: -
Vit: 1
[Active skills] {Bite: Can cause bleeding dmg} {burrow:can burrow underground}
[Passive skills] {Devour: defeating living creatures to gain essence that the system will convert into exp for the host}
Well, that's nice to see my stats... I'm still blind. Oh well, I feel others. It seems I'm not alone. Let's see if I can kill a few of the others to straighten myself. [Bites] [Bites] [Bites] [Bites]
[Congratulation, host, you killed a hatchling and gained 1 exp]
[Congratulation, host, you killed a hatchling and gained 1 exp]
[Congratulation, host, you killed a hatchling and gained 1 exp]
[Congratulation for host lvl up] [lvl 0 -> 1] [Host gained 1 stat point]
Haha.. this is great. Let's put it on Strength to kill the other hatchlings faster! [Sri: 0 -> 1] [dmg 1 -> 2]
Okay, it's time to continue to kill them. I need to get stronger!
[Congratulation for host lvl up]
[Congratulation for host lvl up]
Wow, there were quite a lot of us. Finally, I'm finished with everyone! System shows me my stats! Also, put 9 points at Vit.
[state:unborn hatchling -> Hatchling larva]
[lvl 10] [exp 15/15] [Max lvl has been reached, evolution is possible]
[Hp 14/14(4+10)] [mana 1/1] [dmg 2(1+1)] [armor 1]
Agi: -
Dex: -
Int: -
Str: 1
Vit: 10
[Active skills] {Bite: Can cause bleeding dmg} {burrow:can burrow underground}
[Passive skills] {Devour} {hp Regen 1% of host hp}
Oh nice with this I feel safe, at least I won't die that easily. Show me the evolution!
[Because the host heavily went with vitality, your options are limited]
[Armored larva: req 8 Vit]
Armored larva after evolution gains +2 armor but loses 1 vitality.
[Magma larva: req 10 Vit]
Fire affinity also gains 1 armor.
Well, even though I go for survival, I don't want to be too slow if I have to run away, I won't be able to do so...
Magma Larve is it!
[Evolution starts] [Host going to enter into a deep sleep for 3 days]
*Ding* [Evolution has finished; Congratulation for host successful evolution!]
Well, it's nice and all, but I forgot I still can't see.. what do I have to do to get eyes?
[Host needs to become at least a ling. Other than that, if u wanna feel your surroundings, better put 1 stat points at intelligence]
Thank, oh well, let's look around 1 more time; I'm might be able to find the exit... Well, this seems to be a pit. I can't climb at all. Also, the exit is closed by something that seems to be a giant rock.
Oh, I know I should try out burrow! [burrow] Well, this doesn't seem like work! [unburrow]
[Host if u keep using a skill, it will evolve after a certain amount of time or if u learn something new]
Ahh Than I won't give up!
[Burrow] [unburrow]
[burrow] [unburrow]
[Congratulation Host for evolving skill:{burrow}->{Burrow tunneling}
Well, with this, I should be able to leave, but first, show me my stats!
[state:Hatchling larva ->Magma larva]
[lvl 0/15] [exp 0/10]
[Hp 14/14(4+10)] [mana 1/1] [dmg 2(1+1)] [armor 1]
Agi: -
Dex: -
Int: -
Str: 1
Vit: 10
[Active skills] {Bite: Can cause bleeding dmg} {burrow tunneling:can burrow underground and slowly move underground}
[Passive skills] {Devour} {hp Regen 1% of host hp}
[Affinity] {fire}
Oh this is great! Now I think I'm ready to leave this pit! [burrow tunneling] This is gonna take forever.. System how long will it take for me to get out under this rock?
[Calculating] [Host it's going to take at least half a day]
Uh, that's a lot of working for my body.. system tells me before we leave the rock area, I will need time to gain my stamina back after such long tunneling!
[Host we have arrived]
Finally, time for a little rest, before going out into the unknown. [unborrow] Weird there is seem to be something on my back...
Damn, there is something on my back; also, this thing has legs so unfair... come down. Oh, now I got you [Bite] [Bite] [Bite]
[Congratulation, Host, you succeeded in killing a lava bug] [+5 XP gained] [Host also learned Dash while was trying to get rid of the bug]
It seems like I entered a lava terrain that would explain why I have met a lava bug. Luckily I have fire affinity soo I won't be having any problems with the heat around here! Now let's see, I might be able to find a few more of these bugs around here to lvl up a little more.
[+5 XP gained]
[+5 XP gained]
[Congratulation for Host lvl up]
[+5 XP gained]
[Congratulation for Host lvl up] [lvl 0/15]-> [lvl 9/15]
Even though I hate monotone farming, leveling up does feel good! This is weird; I seem to feel an earthquake! [Burrow tunneling] the time to leave!
[Congratulation host, you run away from the Giant Lava Bug] [hp 300/289] dmg [10]
Damn, that thing is tanky.. now let's think how should I deal with this guy.. it doesn't seem to be leaving... oh well, let's look around elsewhere.