

Madam Jiang sat there, motionless. Tears seemed to have ceased, but her face still showed clear signs of deep regret and guilt, as she blamed herself for her son's poor health.

She could barely lift her head up to respond to her son's plea, dark thoughts consuming her mind to fill in the cracks in her heart.

Her children were the ones who brought her joy and happiness after her husband's passing, especially her little Xue Er who was always at home to care for her — albeit his own illness.

"Niang, I understand that this is hard for you to accept — Ge (哥) as well — but I think you also understand that I've always wanted to learn more about the outside world."

Silence engulfed the room once more.

"Niang," Ran Xue pleaded again. "All the places that I've ever visited are the Hu's household and Qian Xi City, and nothing new."

Realization dawned on Madam Jiang; her son had been confined in the same place ever since he was an infant.

To her, she was protecting him, but truthfully, she just kept him away from the world.

She feared that death would befall her son, the same way her husband was taken from her. Reality was, she failed to acknowledge her son's desire and had sealed it from him.

Ran Xue was still kneeling on the floor, his eyes focused on his mother. The look on his face was full of determination and firmness.

At that moment, she knew her little boy had grown to be a man.

"Promise me..." she paused briefly to recollect herself. "...that you'll return home." Holding back her tears, she smiled, revealing the creases of her age.

"Niang!" Ran Huo was obviously against the idea, but he was stopped by Uncle Hu who grabbed him by the shoulders.

Madam Jiang diverted her eyes to her eldest son and nodded gently, wordlessly saying that everything would turn out alright.

Returning to face Ran Xue, she softly caressed his cheek before giving him a small pinch, as she continuously told him to lie down again in bed.

At the same time, the physician informed them of another issue.

To be continued.

[Thanks for reading!]

The song I listened to while reading: 「群青」YOASOBI

Kenkicreators' thoughts