
Chapter 1 Why Am I Remembering This Now

"Let me go! Please let me go." cried a woman. She was being pulled against her will across a dark corridor. When the mysterious being pulling the woman arrived at the end, he opened a secret door behind a deranging painting and violently threw her in, quickly slamming the door in the process.

The desperate female ran to the door immediately, repeatedly hitting it in an unsuccessful attempt to break free. "Let me out!" she cried again, but the absence of an answer caused her to slump to the floor crying and thinking about what could have gone wrong. "You too huh," someone said. She turned her head to see an old and skinny man with a sad look in his eyes. He spoke up once more, "You never listened either."


A little girl was playing outside with boys and girls. In another part of the street, you can see a man, and a woman, that shared the previous girl's characteristics looking for her.

"Hello sir, have you seen my daughter, she's a girl with black hair, and brown eyes, she's also about this tall 'hand gestures' ," the father asked.

"Sorry mate, haven't seen anyone with that description," the stranger answered.

The man was not alone as his wife too was asking around.

"Hello Miss, have you seen a girl with black hair, brown eyes, and about this tall 'hand gestures," She asked politely, but with a hint of worry in her voice.

"Sorry Ma'am, haven't seen any girl that looks like that," The woman responded.

In the next few hours, the husband and wife duo kept on searching and asking around, their previously slightly worried tones turning becoming more desperate by the minute.

When they almost gave up and were going to call the police, they spotted their target on the road, laughing with no care in the world.

"EMILY!" her mother roared, partly due to anger, frustration, and relief.

The girl, upon hearing her name being called, did not bat an eye and continued playing, refusing to even acknowledge her creator's existence.

"Emily, isn't that your mother calling you?" one of her friends asked.

"Don't worry, she's just being annoying," the girl answered

Flashback end

'Why am I remembering this now.' The now-named Emily thought to herself.                              

"You're probably remembering parts of your life where you've done bad things," the old man said.

"How would you know what I'm thinking," Emily responded rather rudely.

"Because I've been there and done that, and I can assure you that it's not a pleasant experience," he explained while chuckling.

"Shut up, you old coot!," she insulted him once more.

"The more you insult me, the worse your stay in here will be," the man lectured. 

"Take me for example, I insulted our captor repeatedly only to start feeling pain everywhere until I stopped doi-," but he was interrupted by Emily. 

"I don't care, in fact, nobody woul- OW!!!" she cried. "What did you do to me, you bastard!" She interrogated him. 

The male growled "Nothing kid, It's just that you didn't listen and even interrupted me when I talked! Being a naughty brat like you is what is causi-" but stopped when he noticed her not listening. 

'Maybe she had another flashback,' he hypothesized . 'I'll let her be for now,' he decided.


Emily looked at the street, seeing cars waiting as a man and a girl were crossing the road. "Emily, come on don't stay in the middle of the road," she heard. 

'That voice,' she wondered. It belonged to her father, a tall and handsome caucasian man named Robert. Quickly looking around the little girl who was, as you guessed it, Emily's younger self saw that the pedestrian lights had turned red. 

'HOOONNNK' everyone heard, "Emily, come here quickly!!" Robert Shouted. But it was too late, Emily stood there, frozen in fear, in the middle of the road, where a huge truck was speeding without any sign of slowing down.

The massive truck was quickly approaching, leaving no thinking time to Robert. The driver, a drunken mess, was simply laughing stupidly. As her perception of time seemed to slow down, her world started spinning as pain was all she felt.

Touching her head, she lowered her hand and saw blood on it, showing that she was injured and bleeding on her forehead.

But, she was alive, although the same couldn't be said for her father Robert with certainty. The man had half of his body crushed, presumably by the wheels of the truck, and a pool of blood was forming under him. "Thank you dad," his daughter said, and in his last moments the proud father breathed out "your welcome."

While some might think that Emily was emotionless, she was far from it. She just couldn't express her love effectively, was very naughty and of course found her parents somewhat annoying as any child would in their early years.

Passers-by looked at the scene in pity while others already had there phones out dialing numbers to call an ambulance.

Flashback end

That was the scene that Emily last saw before, once again, her gaze fell on the cold and dark walls of her cell. But with one minor difference: there were two bowls, one empty and the other full of a weird green stew.

"Back already," the familiar voice of the old man made itself known. "Our jailer brought us food and the bowl that is full, is yours."

"That is a representation of your personality, according to the warden. By the way, I haven't introduced myself to you yet, sorry about that, I'm Billy." he revealed. "What about you, what is your name young lady," Billy asked her. "You don't need to know," Emily retorted angering the old man.

"Again, stop being rude. I still haven't forgotten your attitude from earlier. Isn't it normal to introduce yourself to the person who introduced themselves to you," He lectured harshly. "You are annoying and stupid." "So I'm warning you, carefully consider every word that comes out of mouth." Billy threatened. "You're a wrinkled old man shouting threats that you can barely backup. You can obviously talk but I doubt you will walk the walk. By the way, if you raise so much as your finger against me, I have a black belt in taekwondo so I'll beat you up," but once Emily finished her rant, she realized he was currently sleeping and seemed to have ignored all her threats.