
Common Cause

It was too absurd! Sindra couldn't believe that a single native had fought the Nest-Ship's Battle Release Mode to a standstill without even being harmed. Even if this world had been near the peak of tier zero spiritual energy for a century, such a powerful being appearing after the world was upgraded to tier one would be incredibly rare. What was even more astonishing was that Sindra could still sense the sea of power hidden away within that native. Even a tier two existence wouldn't be able to hold so much spiritual energy easily!

The most astonishing thing though was that he could tell that native wasn't a fluke; as he watched the one beside it approach he could tell it was also abnormal. This one didn't have the massive reserves of spiritual energy but its presence was far greater. He could feel it, that hunger to defeat him.

Even as he pushed the Nest-Ship to the limit, he found himself contemplating how many existences like these existed on this world. If they were common enough, it might not matter if they received assistance. At tier one, their power already defied what Sindra had believed was possible. Resigned to die, Sindra decided to die with purpose. He would send this information back, would ensure the Neethloh's failure wasn't misunderstood.

Even as massive gusts of steam tore all the Nest-Ships tentacles apart and flayed its body, Sindra sacrificed all the energy and lifeforce remaining to send out one last message. His death would not be in vain!

Several seconds later, Donovan huffed in disappointment. He'd waited too long to get in on the action and now he'd beaten the alien thing without having any fun. Its smoking corpse was transforming into specks of light and gradually vanishing already.

Down in the drone control center, Burns stood up and left. He headed out, intending to meet up with Hayashi and Donovan.

"You were right Burns. Donovan waited to see how strong Hayashi was. Still, I don't understand. How did you know Donovan was going to do that?"

"I said it before, we're alike. Remember how Donovan seemed perfectly fine after the Puppet Jack was defeated?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"You don't find that deeply suspicious? I do. Should someone who had their free will taken away from them have acted as if nothing happened upon regaining it? I was in a rush at the time so it didn't occur to me right away but when you think about it, that's too strange. Besides, what do we really know about the Puppet Jack? Even if Hayashi told us nothing but the truth, there's no reason he couldn't have been deceived.

It was never my idea to team up with other Jacks before I took this job, even if that'd been a possibility. That idea was Donovan's. Even after the Puppet Jack died, he still wanted to realize that idea. So, picture this: what if Donovan wasn't ever mind controlled? What if we've been manipulated by him all this time?"

"Burns . . . I hope you're wrong. If that were true, he'd be terrifying. Still, what's his motive if that was the case? He's already quite strong on his own. Wait . . . you don't think he knew about the aliens do you? Surely that'd be crazy!"

"I don't know. Perhaps he did, perhaps he didn't. Realistically, even if he did know I don't think he was looking to form a team for that reason. You felt it too, that bloodthirst. Donovan was so eager to fight just now. If you really think about it, would someone like him really be content to stop growing stronger? If he really did come to believe he couldn't rise any higher with his magic, would that really mean the end of his ambition? I know it wouldn't be for me if I were in his shoes.

Before the Shifts, the greatest power a person could wield was political power. The ability to make others bend to your will, to command them, that was it. If magic is no longer enough for Donovan, political power must be the next best thing. Think about it, when he was selling us on the team idea. He used the word 'organization,' didn't he?"

"You really thought a lot about this Burns. If he's such a dangerous person, why not leave? There's no reason we have to stick with a scary guy like that!"

"Jimmy, you know me better than anyone else. Can't you see? When I escaped Aceron, I didn't choose to run like a hunted fugitive. I became a Jack. The entire time, I was terrified, but did that stop me? So much of who I am was determined without my say, so when I found myself free of course I sought power. Who better to work with than someone who shares my desire for strength? If I'm killed by some plot of his, it just means I was too weak. If I'm unable to surpass him, it just means I haven't done enough. This opportunity, I'll take it!"

Jimmy silently considered Burns statement as the Jack approached the Steam Jack from behind.

Burns stepped forwards and laughed "You look disappointed. Don't worry; I'm sure you'll get your chance to fight another one of those. After all, do you think all the groups managed as well as we did? There'll be plenty more fights on the horizon."

Donovan laughed and responded "No need to comfort me but thanks anyway. Still, next time we run into one of these, I call dibs."

The two Jacks, both laughing, walked away. Hayashi followed behind them, saying nothing.

In the Northeastern Union, Light Jack Moon ignored the countless gazes focused on her. The twentyish Asian woman was already used to being the target of attention. The way she'd single-handedly defeated the Nest-Ship's every tactic in under a minute had left the other Jacks and military personnel in disbelief.

Her calm expression, hidden inside her power armor's helmet, became a smirk as she said "I can't believe you. You seriously just let it wear itself out Parker?"

Through her power armor's communication systems, Plate Jack Parker replied "Why wouldn't I? Fighting like you is way too tiring; my way I was able to sit down and enjoy a cup of tea. You should learn how to relax, it's important to not always be so high-strung. There's a reason you're always nipping at my heels without catching up."

"Oh yeah? As soon as we finish off the last of these aliens I'm going to beat you flat into the ground! You may have been stronger before but now I've surpassed you!"

Parker sighed audibly and said, bored, "How many times do you have to lose before you accept you're not my match. Ehh, whatever, I guess it doesn't matter what I say, I'll never get through that thick skull of yours."

"Hmmph, you'd better be ready when I see you next!"

Parker sighed again and closed the communication line. The Jack was seated on a lawn chair, holding a cup of tea in one hand. A special drone with a freezer floated beside him, dropping just the right number of ice cubes into his latest glass of tea. Parker looked up at the sky and found himself sighing yet again. Out loud he wondered "Why does everyone want to fight all the time? I don't get it. . ."

In the distance, the Neethloh's Swarm-Ship was already transforming into motes of light.

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