
Erotic Odyssey: The Hentai System In An Eroverse

In a bizarre twist of fate, Mason finds himself transported to an unimaginable world of countless ecchi dimensions after a fateful encounter with the notorious Truck-kun. What was once a mundane life quickly transforms into a mind-bending journey through an eroge multiverse where hentai reigns supreme. Equipped with an otherworldly power known as the Hentai System, Mason embarks on a quest to master the art of pleasure and conquer each lascivious realm he stumbles upon. With his trusty system, he navigates a realm filled with seductive succubi, mischievous monster girls, naughty college girls and captivating princesses. As Mason progresses, he finds himself entangled in steamy encounters, from intense one-on-one escapades to tantalizing activities. Yet, amidst the passionate entanglements, Mason remains steadfast in his quest to climb the ranks of this hentai universe. His golden finger ability, granting him an unparalleled advantage, proves to be a formidable asset in this erotic odyssey. But not everything is as it seems. Behind the titillating façade lies a hidden mystery, one that unravels gradually as Mason delves deeper into the secrets of the Eroverse. As he explores the depths of desire, he unravels political complexities, rivalries among factions, and a sinister force threatening to take control of his soul. Support me on ヘ paypal.me/dicksonwaeyde https://ko-fi.com/drazs

Dickson_ · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs


Closing the door behind her, Judith bit down on her bottom lip, staring at their guide with lust-filled eyes which made the man beckon her closer to himself before whispering softly, "Strip!" She did so immediately obeying his command like an obedient dog eager to please its master.

Judith stood naked from head to toe feeling embarrassed but also excited knowing they couldn't get caught doing anything wrong here inside this place that everyone couldn't access at best they'd assume it could be another person getting laid.

Her cheeks flushed when the man got to his feet and pulled his pants, making sure she saw every inch of flesh exposed including his hardening member standing erect and ready for action. The sight alone caused her heart rate to quicken as well as make her pussy wetter than ever causing her juices to flow freely outwards between her legs as if begging for attention.

"Come over here," the man said as he sat back down on one of the couches near the wall.

Judith had wanted to move but the moment she heard a command come from the shadows, she unwillingly froze and listened to the voice.

"What the hell are you doing, my little toy?" The man spoke in a low tone while caressing his cock while looking directly at her face, "I heard your teacher say it would be a lot of points earned while winning the numerous tasks during your trip here. Don't you want to win the next task that's coming up in two days?"

"I... I..." She struggled to make out the words while being confined to the spot by whatever force was holding her there against her will.

'Something isn't right, sir! I want that information as much as I want to feel a real cock in me, but it would seem I might get none!' Judith trembled with fear upon sensing something or someone lurking in the shadows.

Standing to his feet in rage, the man stormed toward Judith, he had wanted to reach out for her pink hair when he heard a command ring in his thoughts.

"Sit back down asshole!" The voice commanded, "While you're at it try not to move your limbs or speak while you enjoy the show." A second later, everything went black around him alongside an intense pain shooting through him like lightning bolts striking him all over his body before disappearing once more leaving him feeling weak and drained like never before after what seemed like an eternity passed before finally returning him into reality again where he found himself sitting on one of the couches.

'What the hell?!' He exclaimed in his thoughts as he tried to get to his feet, only to have that intense burning sensation shoot throughout every part of his entire body making him fall backward onto the couch instead.

"Some people don't just listen, do they?" Mason asked as he stepped out of the shadows, "Am I right, Judith?"

Judith's eyes widened in shock, realizing the same voice that had spoken in her thoughts was indeed the very person who had a smirk as his eyes ravaged her naked form from head to toe causing her heart rate to quicken even further than earlier causing her pussy lips to swell up from excitement which made them moist enough to flow freely from between her legs causing her thighs to glisten with wetness. She felt embarrassed yet excited knowing she'd been caught by her mate doing something she shouldn't be doing inside the cabin.

Mason had his attention back on the man, "Hikari Aza, 33 years, the supposedly esteemed guide of this cabin, you have a fiance by the name Roseline who you had vowed never to cheat on even though you had her abort numerous times, yet you exploit girls for your pleasure," His words caused Hikaru to grit his teeth angrily while trying hard not to let any sound escape his mouth other than breathing heavily.

'How did this kid know this much about me?!' Hikaru sneered in his thought while glaring at Mason whose gaze remained fixed upon him without blinking or moving an inch while continuing speaking so Judith could hear what he said next.

"Her family is the sole contributor to this hell hole establishment, but here you are running two shady businesses disguised as one!" Mason mocked while laughing at how pathetic and disgusting Hikaru looked now after being stripped bare and forced to be immobile. "But I must say, your tactics on getting the girls are quite impressive even though they're built on lies." He continued before turning towards Judith.

"Would your ego be hurt if I borrow my classmate while you helplessly watch?" Mason chuckled wickedly in amusement seeing that look in Hikaru's eyes turn into pure rage when it became clear that he was about to get cuckolded by this him, "I'm sure Judith wouldn't mind, she's already surprisingly wet."

Judith felt herself get turned on once more due to hearing such dirty talk coming from someone she didn't expect would ever speak like that toward her especially since who was speaking about her in such a way was the best and brightest student in their class.

Releasing his hold on Judith, he offered his hand out toward her, "Although this is a weird circumstance for both of us, I need to know if would you want to have anything to do with that scumbag over there who has no right calling himself a man anyway," Mason asked with a smirk filled with lustful intent which made Judith feel embarrassed yet excited all at the same time causing her heart rate to quicken again.

"I know you just want the feel of a cock in you and not necessarily the lies promised by that loser standing beside me," Mason spoke up, awaiting Judith's reply.

Judith took a quick look at Hikaru and then back at Mason as she thought carefully about what had happened so far between them as well as what might happen next she considered what answer best suited what she wanted most: A real cock inside her pussy or nothing at all? She decided upon having something else from someone she considered handsome and a smooth talker instead, knowing full well what kind of person their guide really was; an asshole!

She reached out towards Mason taking his hand gently before looking downwards towards where his member stood erect ready for action before glancing around nervously and whispering softly, "You won't tell anyone about this, will you? Not even our mates, right?" Her voice trembled slightly alongside feeling nervousness filling her body making it hard for her to breathe properly while also being afraid of being caught doing whatever it is they were going to do together.

Mason smiled widely after hearing those words come from her lips while shaking his head slowly while staring into her eyes and caressing her cheek lovingly with his right hand. He leaned forward kissing her forehead tenderly before speaking quietly into her ear, "I promise." His whispered words caused her face to flush red.

"Please be gentle with me." She said with her hand outlining his toned chest muscles lightly as if trying to calm herself further, still unsure if she could actually go through with such a thing even though she'd been thinking about it ever since he first mentioned the idea. But now that he had spoken up and made the offer himself, the moment seemed more real than anything else in life and made her feel like there wasn't any other choice but to accept him and have sex with him right there right then without hesitation or regrets whatsoever.