
So...will you go with me ?

A day later in the castle, Elizabeth was walking through the hallways looking for her father to ask him a big favour...

" Father, I found you !"

" Yes sweetheart, what is it? I'm quite busy today so you have to hurry up and tell me what you want to say, " replied the king.

" so I wanted to know if ummm ..I could go to the town "said Elizabeth

" Yes of course, is that it ? You don't have to ask if that was your question "

" Oh no that it I wanted to know if maybe Eren the helper... could come with me? "replied Elizabeth

" Doesn't he have work to do and even there, you want to go out with a criminal?" Answer the father

" No it 's not that. it's just that the deal was to be my friend and we aren't going in the right direction so maybe if we go to the town he can open up to me more !" Said the daughter with a sorrowful face.


" .... fine I guess but only this once, got it?" Answer the king

" Thank you father, " said the princess, bowing her head.


Elizabeth was so happy and surprised. That her father, the king, would let Eren, the boy he wanted dead, be able to come with her to the town.She ran in the hallways to find him.

She checked in the library,the living room,the second living room ,the front yard , the horse stables ... but couldn't find him '' where the hell could this guy be ? ''


~ an hour later ~


"This guy doesn't exist. " said the exhausted girl, " EREN WHERE ARE YOU !"

She yelled

" What do you want ? what the heck are you talking about me not existing?" Replied Eren.

" What the heck!! Where were you? I looked all over for you "said Elizabeth

" Aww did you miss me princess?"said Eren with a smirk

" N-No ... don't think yourself so proudly " said Elizabeth blushing from the word he said.


"Who does this guy think he is? ... I just wanted to know where he was and invited him to the town to make him not think I am so mean for making him my ... helper and banished his dad to another kingdom... umm now that I think of it I would hate myself too..." said Elizabeth in her head.

" So what do you want ? Asked Eren.

" Why do you think I want something?"

" So you don't want anything?" Eren asked. " Umm no there actually is something... would you like to leave and go to the town ? " asked Elizabeth. " Ummm is that just a joke since umm... why would you want me to come with you ? Do you like me ?" questioned Eren with a big smirk.

" No you idiot ! I said I wanted you to be my friend and friends go to town together and go visit the bookstores. "said the girl


Eren's face changed at that moment to the smirk he had and actually smiled ...

" S-Sure I'll go ... " answered Eren, putting his cleaning supplies away. " Really? Ok all meet you in front " said the princess.