
Erebus : A Druid’s journey

Follow the growth of a Druid and his companions on his path of godhood. anyone can die! nobody is spared from death. also please read first 15 chapters before you leave, as I am aware that the first few chapters are very jumpy and inconsistent.

Arius_PenDragon · Kỳ huyễn
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36 Chs


Getting a library membership for a magical library in of itself is something exstrordinary, let alone an S tier divine artifact that can simultaneously surve as a training ground!

Clays new membership while of the lowest level was somthing not many have as there only a few ways to get a membership. Clays method was being chosen by the tower itself, many others aren't so lucky though. Many people have had to contribute some five encyclopedias worth of knowledge before being recognized, while others just need to prove their strength; But members had plenty of benefits to revel in.

Clay was using one of these basic benefits now! as a member Clay could take up too five books out of the library at once in edition to a Little ID card that pointed towards the closest entrance to the library.

"Thanks for the help." Called out Clay as he walked through the portal of juxtaposed midnight purple and old gold.

"My pleasu-" replied the elf woman before being cut off halfway through by Clays exit.


Still trying to raise a squirrels corpse, Nirin found that Mizuki was right, and that it was her mana control that was holding her back at the moment! Even with her bad mana control, Nirin was still improving. Her progress was slowing down exponentially though.

"Ok you are going to hurt yourself if you keep forcing mana through yourself in odd ways. Sit down and look inwards, try and feel the mana flow through you."

Mizukis instructions seemed simple, but Nirin was about to find it much harder then it sounded.

Sitting in a lotus position in the short grass in front of her current and only house, Nirin tried to feel the mana even trying to cast the beginning portion of the basic necromancy spell that had been engraved upon her mind; but to no avail, even with a spell running aimlessly around her she couldn't feel the mana, her entire body felt normal if not a bit unsettled.

Off to the side Mizuki observed Nirin, trying to figure out what she was doing wrong. Ten minutes into Nirins focused state, Mizuki started to see a ash-white avatar of mana vaguely manifesting behind Nirin only to fail in its beginning stages. Seeing this avatar Mizuki finally knew what was going on here And it was ridiculous! It wasn't that Nirin had too little mana causing it to be hard to sense, Nirin had too much mana that it didn't feel special as it ever-pervaded her body.

I thought she a normal person! utterly flabbergasted by the sheer size of mana this former mortal had within her, Mizuki immediately told Nirin "stop! stop! I figured your problem, or lack of, out!"

Not hearing Mizuki, Nirin continued her focused state, managing feel the mana but she couldn't tell it's exact location in her body like Mizuki had told her to do, as the mana felt, and was, everywhere.

Wanting to ask Mizuki for more guidance, Nirin stopped her meditation, only to open her eyes to a Mizuki shaking her and calling her name!

"Ahh, stop yelling, what do you need." Nirin spat out in an annoyed tone while pushing Mizuki away.

"I never asked you, but what exactly is your class? Is it a simple necromancer, or something more special?" Not believing that a simple necromancer could have a half-formed bone warden before even mastering the first circle, Mizuki found it that she was left out of some kind of loop.

Most necromancers can only start to attempt a bone warden after reaching the third circle! To put it into perspective, magic is made up twelve classifications based on how many spells are stacked upon another or circles. For example a first circle spell is max of one layer, but a 2nd circle spell is can be made of 2 layers. The most recorded layers is twelve.

Most regular mages only reach the third or fourth circle standard; meanwhile a 1 in 10,000 genius usually reach at least a fifth circle and with tons of effort may reach the sixth. Higher circles require more then just talent and hard work.

So for Nirin to have a third circle active summon half-manifest while at zero circles is unprecedented.

"No! Nope! Just a regular necromancer, who can barely sense their own mana, hehe."

Mizuki responded with a slight hurumph "I don't buy it."

Freaking out a bit, Nirin threw her arms around in a cute manor, while closing her eyes and shouting "well it the truth".

Walking in just in time to see this adorable display, Clay couldn't help but ask "what's the truth?".

In response two congruent in meaning but opposite in tone voices reached his ears.

"Shut up and leave!"

"Girl talk, get out."

Knowing when to fight and when to comply is a virtuous trait, one Clay was lucky to have as he left courtyard.

Entering the one bedroom the cozy traditional style hoem had, Clay walked into the oddly Victorian style study, which felt incongruous with the rest of the home.

Sitting down at the wooden desk, endowed with simple yet quality carpentry, Clay began to study books that had been given by Mizuki about history, mathematics, mana theory, and social structures, the ladder most including how to behave around those of high class… not that Clay planned to follow it.

Reading deep into the night Clay retired only when Nirin urged him too.

The following days where spent much the same. Wether learning from books or Mizuki herself, Clay and Nirin both absorbed the knowledge and experience like sponges; Freaking out Mizuki in the process.

After a full month of stuffing their brains with knowledge sparing in hand-to-hand combat and both attempting magic, but failing for the same reason, the eternal garden's academy was about to open for its new year.



Happy days everyone this chapter was harder to write and required more thought! Pls gimme power stones, they are shiny!!!