
Era of True Immortals

Tian Shen who had live a life of misery due an illness that left unable to do what a normal child should experience, However, even with his fate was cruel had kept living to the fullest until finding himself in a new world where only seen in the work of fiction. Now he desire to live to the fullest that soar through the sky and grasped the boundless stars!

ChesterCure · Huyền huyễn
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21 Chs

Chapter 18 - Silent night

Within the bustling streets of Roaring Wind Town, Tian Shen went into the marketplace called the Sky High market where he had bought [Thorn of Heavens] from. He wishes to gift half of the Yuan coins in his possession to the old woman who had unfair trade considering how extremely expensive and sought after a [Spirit Weapon].

Furthermore, he would try his luck to find any items that could prove useful for his breakthrough to being stuck at the pinnacle of [Star Forging bone].

Tian Shen was able to see countless items and materials being sold that reach thousands to ten thousand Yuan coins. Thankfully, he was given a 7000 Yuan coin enabling buy a few things that he'd need for his cultivation.

He needed a cauldron but decided it was best until he gains his money from the auction as it would optimize his time in gaining more strength and give higher quality pills as well as giving more solid foundation after using the pills to breakthrough.

In the last time, he was in the Sky high market had my gone far where the true expensive were displayed and high-status individual roams the streets. The people were starting at his clothing and appearances had instantly concluded for being beggars.

Unlike, at the near the entrances where mostly commoners and lower-class individuals were present but now all we're arrogant and judgmental People. Their words went deaf ears as they are only mocking him and not those that he loves.

He focuses on his goal of finding items that could be useful for him. Tian Shen roamed the marketplace for half another only getting glared at thinking he would steal but ignored them since they sold nothing more than a pile of scraps and scams items.

As he was thinking hard about where to find the place that sold interesting treasure, something extraordinary occurred. Tian Shen then felt his partner the [Thorn of Heaven] in its crown state appeared in glowed shocking him then grew horrified that it might have been found by the people and only notice they remain ignorant of its existence.

'Wait are you invisible in this state?'


'Oh that's convenient, Also you seem to know where is the treasure then?"


Tian Shen was relieved that his weapon remains a secret yet wondered if his weapon could be turned invisible in the needle spear modes. He decided to test it out after going in the direction where [Thorn of heaven] is telling him.

He was shocked that his [Spirit weapon] was able to direct him in finding treasure which was an extremely useful ability. However, this made began to doubt the weapon was normal [Spirit weapon] though this treasure is unique to one another yet from Celestial Ming knowledge given to him [Spirit weapon] isn't able to direct their master to other treasure.

Tian Shen thought it was his weapon innate ability to know places of other treasure. He followed it was direction letting him know its emotion if he's going in the right direction. After a while arrived at the place where they sold Demon Beast for that cause Tian Shen eye's to twitch.

He deadpanned walked into an alleyway summon his needle spears giving a menacing smile while a tick mark appeared on his forehead.

"I thought you can sense treasure!? The hell are we in a Demon Beast core store!!??"


"Hey don't sleep on me!!!"

Tian Shen shook the spears yet didn't respond only made him annoyed even more. He sighed at the fact his weapon was a gluttonous pig who want to devour more Demon Beast core after their last one.

He wasted time trying to search for a fake treasure and decided to explore more of the market to try his luck as staying mad would waste even more time.

Going back to the streets, Tian Shen went into a store where they sold different kinds of masks from simple blank masks to a Dragon masks. It was a place where only a few are going and most are children using it for entertaining themselves.

He decided to buy a mask to hide his identity for the auction to remain a mystery for the people. His presence is needed in the auction as he might find something in them. The Auction house wasn't part of the merchant guild and is from a whole different guild altogether. Therefore might be something that the merchant guild doesn't have access to.

Tian Shen would also use the Mask to able join the mercenary guild where a group of rogue cultivators can be employees by requesting to the guild. It was similar to the Adventurer Guild in western culture.

He would be able to gain experience by joining their exploration and grow exponentially from it. Tian Shen gains a foundation yet lacks the necessary experience to reach higher skills in his martial arts.

After purchasing a simple wolf mask went straight to buy a cloak that was able to hide his presence even slightly and would improve the effects by writing inscriptions.

Tian Shen arrived in the fairly cheap and humble building where different kinds of armors and weapons were displayed smiths by great craftsmen. Though, most of them were Mortal tier yet held the utmost quality that it could easily compete with Earth tier in terms of quality.

"Eh? I didn't expect to see some lanky kid enter my shop. Just look around and tell me anything that interests you as I'm going to take a nap."

He heard a rough voice and saw a middle man bald man with a thick beard and body frame that could easily show the result of countless blacksmithing of items. Tian Shen could see the man was around [Bone Forging] stage that indicated creating countless items had resulted in surpassing his mortal limits.

However, the man seem unenthusiastic about the achievement and was content in having a rundown shop. He ignored the story of the man and proceeded to find a good enough quality cloak.

"Hey, kid whatcha trying to find anyway? I can help ya.".

"Do you have a cloak that lowers my present or even turns me invisible?"

"I only have the former. Go to the last row to the write and y'all find the 'Silent Night' Cloaks. That might whatcha need."

Tian Shen did as told arrived at a row of cloaks and tried to find what the store owner suggested then saw the cloak that had dark in coloration made from a Demon Beast that had almost nonexistence present that he had almost miss finding it.

He took the cloak and saw it was perfect as it contains a good that would hide the whole body. Tian Shen went into the counter and saw the story owner having dozen of bottles latter on the floor.

"Hmmm ain't gonna ask whatcha need this for but this thing gonna cost yah around four thousand."

"Alright here also tell me more about this cloak."

Tian Shen gave the coins causing the man to raise his eyebrow but took it then told him more about the cloak which was made from the skin of a [First rank] demon beast called 'Death night panthers' due to their ability to hide their present enough to ambush even a [Qi condensation] cultivator.

It was durable that could take an attack from [Martial Blood] cultivator like nothing. Tian Shen didn't have the extra protection considering his body could withstand attack from [Martial blood] without any pain yet it was still appreciated.

"Ya kid, you ain't a cultivator so whydda need this thing?"

"For a personal reason."

The Man intently observed the boy and see the potential held within his eyes who had a bit of that goes against heaven and soar through the sky. He knew despite the boy seem to be mortal wasn't normal due to how he stood.

"Alright, kid but you seem promising young brat, The name's Zu han, and if yah need a place for equipment come back anytime. Though, I don't have an Earth tier I can still provide my expertise in the field."

Tian Shen only nodded before taking the cloak and went into his back to the orphanage after buying moon cake for Xiao Xiao as well some meats and food for the rest of the orphanage. After a while, returned to his abode and instantly embrace by a little girl.

"Brother your back!! Did you bring Xiao Xiao Moon cakes?"

"Huhuhu now I'm starting to feel jealous of the moon cake since Xiao Xiao likes them more than me."

Tian Shen pretended to cry teasing the little girl who tried her best to stop him from crying. He chuckled seeing the little girl's reaction after being teased.

"Xiao Xiao loves brother! Brother is the best!! Moon cake can't beat brother!!"

"hehehe you...well here I brought you the mooncake."

Xiao Xiao quickly took the mooncake eating them like a hungry beast causing him to warily smile then went to the other kids and saw him brought meats made them excited.

"Oh, so much meat!! We going to have more meat!!"

"Yehey we can eat more delicious food!!"

"Hold on, the meat ain't going anywhere besides the kitchen. Have you guys seen Sister Feng?"

"Sister Feng? I think she went out for the time being and left me to take care of you."

Tian Shen saw another woman who was one of the caretakers in the orphanage. He nodded yet felt anxious recalling how a few days ago had been visited by the arrogant young master, though after being slap by her had not come back since.

His heart felt wary couldn't shake the feeling of concern yet couldn't do anything besides believe she was alright. Tian Shen doesn't know what he'll do if something happened to her.

Unconsciously, Tian Shen shimmer lightly before disappearing and decided to begin cooking for the children since the sun began to set. He prepared the meal until the sound of footstep came and saw Sister Feng arriving.

"Oh, Young miss you're back. Me and Tian Shen had already prepared dinner."

"That's great thank you for the help, Miss Yue."

"It wasn't a problem since I work in this place young miss."

Tian Shen brow perks up hearing how she address sister Feng and would only pass it off as nothing more than an informal name yet the tone she spoke is akin to a servant. He grew more suspicious of Sister Feng's true background.

Sister Feng smiled hiding her true emotion then notice Tian Shen looking at her cause her shudder. She could feel the young boy had seen something and know her secret base on the way he gazes at her yet remains silent pretending nothing was wrong.

"Tian Shen how was your visit with Senior Yin?"

"Well, you need to sit down while I tell yah everything."