
Equestrium Book 1 - The Blood of Tyrants

Within the dark and unforgiving land of Equestrium is political turmoil, the kingdom is divided between two beliefs, those who believe the magic arts to be a great benefit to them, the others believe it to be the greatest threat of their existence. When these ideals come against one another, the Blood of Tyrants and peasants alike will be spilled.

patrick61501 · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

Mathian II

The path from the East to the West was one met with little occurrence, to those who knew it's roads well enough. Luckily, Areon and Mathian were both those kinds of people, Mathian for having spent countless hours travelling for political events, feasts, tournaments and the like, whereas Areon was familiar of the road due to being a renowned physician, he'd treated the highest of Barons and Kings, to the lowest of the beggars and peasants and everything in between.

Mathian was constantly worried that Eries's men were just behind them, he had just broken a capital offender out of jail. He'd be lucky if he wasn't hanged alongside him, Areon himself would be lucky just to be hanged. Mathian knew that Eries would make a public display of it, Eries may have been blinded by his pure hatred of the arcane arts, but he was no base fool, a public execution would kill two birds with a single stone, not only would it serve as a warning to all those who dare oppose him, but all while removing the only other possible heir to the throne.

Mathian made Areon as well as himself wear hoods, so that no one would notice either one of them, when presenting the hood to Areon, Mathian saw on his face that he thought him paranoid, although Mathian knew for sure that he'd rather be paranoid than slain on the side of the road by Eries or his "knights." All sorts of dangers lay waiting for those unaware of it, even if he wasn't fleeing, there were still many more dangers on the road, elves looking to kill some humans as some sort of twisted revenge, bandits lurking for their share of loot and profit, both types would just as quickly put an arrow between their eyes as they would bring them before Eries.

In the way of rations, all they had were 2 waterskins, as well as the leather clothes on their backs, along with the knife that Mathian took with him when he fled.

Along the road, Mathian caught a rabbit while they set up camp, they subsequently broke its neck, they then fashioned a rope and hung it over the campfire so they could cook and eventually eat it. While consuming the rabbit, Mathian fiddled with the newly bloodied knife, whether it be to amuse himself or just to avoid conversation neither he nor Areon were entirely sure of.

"So, once we reach the East. What do we do? Who do we contact?" Areon asked, breaking the silence that Mathian treasured.

"We need to contact King Wiscard, somehow, and inform him of Fayendrias's involvement in this. As well as Eries's inability to be king. " Mathian said firmly.

Areon shot Mathian a confused glance.

"I do agree that Eries is unfit to be king, and the other's need to know this, but how is Fayendrias involved? Far as I know, Eries is just a mad king, your and his father fell terribly ill and died, and now Eries attempted to remove the only other possible heir to the throne, I would've just been made as an example, you? You're the one he's after." Areon said with confidence.

Just how naive is he? Mathian thought to himself, while taking a bite out of his serving.

"Fayendrias is behind it. I'm sure of it, no physician in all the land of Equestrium could diagnose his illness, it's almost as if someone didn't want it to be found out, and shortly after he died. Along with that, he shares the same political ambitions as Eries, you don't find that the least bit too convenient?" Mathian asked.

"Perhaps." Areon said, taking the final bite of his rabbit and taking a swig out of his waterskin.

"Perhaps not. All I know is that fleeing the soon-to-be King in the West is within both of our best interests. After all, I do prefer keeping my head on the rest of my body, as I imagine you do as well." Areon remarked with a sincere smile.

"Regardless, this political talk bores me." The physician continued. "We should rest as best we can before we continue onwards to safety and solitude."

That was something they both could agree on.

The rest of the journey to the east was by and large mostly uneventful. Aside from seeing the occasional corpse hung on a tree, or the odd burnt hut, no doubt a result of The King of the North's crusade against all things magic.

"Gods." Areon cursed, while slowing his horse to a halt.

"You weren't jesting of the King's madness."

"Of course not, doctor." Mathian said, taking a final glance at the death and destruction, it wasn't just the sight of it that disgusted them, it was the stench. The warzone reeked of ash and burnt flesh and singed hair, and the silence, that damned silence. All that was audible was the idle sound of a fire slowly withering out, all while the crows went to pecking at their next meal, much like a king does at a feast.

"One ought naught jest of a thing such as this." Mathian said. Dearly trying to hold in that rabbit they'd cooked last night.

"Holy crusaders carrying out their duty and innocents get caught in the middle." Areon said, spitting on the ground. "Some things never change."

"No." Mathian said. "This isn't a holy crusade, this is a personal vendetta."

Just then, they saw it.

The Kingdom of the East.

The sight of it was truly something to behold, after what seemed like a millennium of travel, they'd finally found where they would be able to seek refuge from the King of the North's wrath.

As they travelled on horseback towards the castle, Mathian filled the silence.

"So, I take it you have a contact with the King?"

"I know someone." Areon said with confidence, something that Mathian himself sorely lacked.

As they entered the city, they were met with a sight both of them, accustomed to the persecution of those who practiced the arcane arts, were quite unfamiliar with. A shop that sold books exclusively pertaining to the arcane arts, as well as how to use them in a safe as well as a purely educational manner. They also saw Elves, happily co-existing with Humans, Areon and Mathian, the both of them, must have looked quite the fools staring at the market square with eyes of awestruck wonder much like that of a babe.

"Hello, sirs?" A guard in the armour of the royal guard of the West asked. His insignia on his chest was a golden backdrop, with the illustration of a black raven flying above to catch its prey. "Can I help you two gentlemen?"

Before Mathian could even open his mouth in response, Areon quickly responded.

"Ah, yes. My good man, how kind. Could you be so helpful as to point us towards the whereabouts of Prince Robert?"

The guard stared back with confusion in his eyes.

"And who are you to ask this of me?" The guard asked with apathy.

"I am Areon, renowned physician." He responded proudly.

"If you're so renowned, why haven't I heard of you?" The guard remarked.

Mathian decided to end this little argument.

"My good man, I suggest you lead me and my companion to Prince Robert."

"Is that a threat?" The guard responded, slowly yet rather unsubtly keeping the hilt of his longsword in hand.

"I am Prince Mathian, Son of Garret Roland."

"For a prince, you've got an awful lot of shit on your boots and dirt on your face."

That voice wasn't from the guard.

It was from Robert.

Robert was a man of fair stature, he was just slightly taller then Mathian and Areon, he also was always clean-shaven, and was currently wearing red and black mage robes, he also had striking dark hazel eyes, and wore a necklace that had the illustration of fire burning in a person's hand, presumably a mage. Areon found it quite self-indulgent, but Mathian found it rather beautiful.

"Oh, I'm s-sorry sir." The guard responded. "I wasn't aware these folks were with you."

Robert nodded. "Please take these men to my quarters, and for god's sakes you two." He said, turning his gaze towards Mathian and Areon. "Take a bloody shower."

As the guard escorted them to Robert's quarters, they got a whole history lesson on the tower in which they were staying, such as how, in the days of King Kenrick's rule, the great-grandfather of Wiscard, the tower was created to hold mages captive, back when it was outlawed in the East. And yet now it was used by one for pissing, shitting and sleeping.

What an eloquent fellow Mathian thought to himself.

"Yes, well. The times change, I suppose." The guard said with reminiscence while opening the door to Robert's quarters.

"Here is where you'll be staying m'lords. As you can see, there's a toilet, and a bathtub over there." He said pointing to the corner of the room. "I hope I have served you well m'lords."

Titles are beginning to ever bore me. The pleasantries even more so.

"You have, now please, leave us." Mathian commanded.

"As it pleases you m'lord." The guard said while leaving.

The chambers itself were massive, the wall to the right was filled to the brim with masterfully crafted bookshelves fashioned out of oak wood that contained dozens of books, containing a variety of subjects, ranging from the history of Equestrium, it's wars and its people, to ones about the Arcane Arts and how to use them safely and effectively, as well as how to use them practically.

On the left side of the room was a table, on the table was dozens of bowls, all of which were filled with oranges, apples, wine, potatoes, grapes, and more tasty fruit. There were as many tables set around the table as if Robert was preparing for a meal worthy of a king's approval.

In the center of the room was a big red bed, next to it was a desk that had a candle made of wax, along with a wine cup. The bed itself was large, even for one in a tower.

"You're a noble, Mathian. Correct?" Areon inquired.

"Once, yes. Now I'm on the run from the very kingdom I was a spokesman for." He said sadly.

"On your political ventures, have you ever talked to Robert?"

"Yes." Mathian confirmed. "I've met him on a couple occasions, although I've not had the luxury of friendships."

Areon shot him a curious glance.

"How so?"

"Being the younger brother, not many people have seen it quite as . . . advantageous to plot with me as opposed to Eries, I would be but a Noble, Eries? A king."

Suddenly, Areon spoke up.

"As you know, I'm a physician, I've treated those from all the different walks of life you can imagine, the poor, the rich. The starving, the well-fed, fat, gaunt. And in that time, you find you can tell when one's lying, versus when one's not. It's critical to your patients survival. The poorest man can be the most honest one in the world, and a baron the most dishonest, and vice versa. Classes and social status? They make no difference, your choices do." Areon concluded.

"We should wash up." Mathian said, attempting to end the subject. "Robert seems quite the stickler for hygiene."

They both bathed, and once they finished, Robert finally came into the tower.

"Thank you for your accommodations, Prince Robert." Mathian thanked him. "It's been a while since I've last seen yo-"

"Let's not play the political bullshit, please." Robert rebuked him.

Ah, yes. That sense of eloquence I oh so missed. Mathian thought.

"So." Robert said, leaning himself against the door. "What brings you two here?"

"Refuge." Mathian said. "The King in the West, Garret, my father, has fallen. My brother, Eries, is soon-to-be King of the West."

"King dies, prince becomes King, how surprising." Robert said rolling his eyes.

"It's more surprising that the West will be put in the hands of a madman." Areon responded.

"Oh, Areon. How I've missed you and your 'the world's doomed' demeanour. Oh don't worry, it's endearing. Really." Robert snapped back.

"Come off it, Robert." Areon rebuked him. "We need you to set up a meeting with King Wiscard."

"Would if I could, Areon. Thing is, the King's away, and his son, Ameon, is ruling the Kingdom now." Robert said.

"So set up a meeting with him." Mathian said demandingly.

"Fine, don't expect much to come of it, though."

Robert left the room to do just that.

"What a prick." Mathian said under his breath.

"Be that as it may, he's a good man, a thorn in the side, for sure. But a good man." Areon said to Mathian with a smile, which Mathian reciprocated.

"You seem to know each other." Mathian said. "You and Robert. How'd you guys meet?"

"As I've said before, I'm a physician. I've treated many a king and many a peasant."

"And where does Robert fit in?"

"I healed his father, ever since then I've been friends with Robert, he's just adverse to newcomers is all."

Adverse is putting it fucking lightly Mathian thought to himself with a smirk.

Just then, Robert opened the door.

"It's set up, follow me, I'll take you there." He said to Mathian and Areon.

He took them higher up the tower, where Ameon resided in his personal quarters. As they climbed higher and higher up the tower, Mathian was starting to wonder just how many mages were kept in the tower all those years ago. Finally they reached the top, instead of the door being clumsily crafted, it was clearly the work of one who knew their profession inside and out, made with one of the finest wood in all of the land.

Prince Robert knocked on the door, and it was opened a bit more suddenly then he'd expected it to.

Inside, not only was Ameon, but also King Wiscard, to Mathian, and Robert's surprise.

Wiscard stood there, leaning against a wall. "You're a long way from home, Mathian."

"Tends to happen when your father gets killed by a King." Mathian said with an ice cold demeanour.

"I assure you, Mathian. We have the same goals here. Believe me, the North will pay for this."

This surprised Mathian, he'd expected to have to fight tooth and nail to convince them, a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

"So what now?" Mathian asked, he hadn't really thought up to this point.

Ameon smiled, finally speaking up.

"War, my dear Mathian. A war in which we'll fight for that which we love, a war which will determine the fate of Equestrium, it's people and everything in between. The North and The West will fall. They must."

"Eries is but a pawn." Wiscard said. "Fayendrias is the true enemy. I tried to reason with him, only he's substituted reason for madness, he seeks to kill all those who would even think to use magic, imagine what would happen to those who actively practice it." He said, turning his gaze over to Ameon and Robert.

"He made it a personal vendetta." Ameon said. "He made it personal the moment he started executing those on the roads."

"Executing? No, that isn't executing. That's him sending a message. He's killed those far from the North or where it's laws effect, he's trying to intimidate the citizens of all the other Kingdoms as well." Areon said.

"And you intend to kill both him and Eries?" Areon said in disbelief. "We five? Against two whole nations? Are we mad?"

"No." Robert said. "You forget where my bloodlines lie."

He's right, he's the damned prince of the South, he's ought to have some pull with them.

"The South will never do it." Ameon said in anger. "They've always been neutral, they'll never agree to actually pick a damned side."

"They will if I ask nicely." Robert said.

"A bad plan is better than no plan." Mathian said shrugging.

"I'll make the preparations." Wiscard announced.

Everyone seemed to be in agreement.

Mathian turned to Areon. "Will you join us?"

"What use would I be? I'm just a doctor."

"It's always good to have someone who can stitch you up, something that will be doubly handy in the days to come." Mathian said, smiling at Areon.

"Then it's decided, I'll come with you."

Ameon walked past Mathian, but not before patting him on the shoulder and saying one last thing.

"The North will know true fear before all is done."

Not just the North, my dear Ameon, Eries shall as well. I shall take back what's rightfully mine, the rule of the West shall be mine, he thought to himself with a grin on his face.