
Epoch: The Cursed One

Felix Olson is a young man with a peculiar condition that makes any activity more tiring than it should be, and spent most of his childhood close to doctors. Now a full grown adult, integrated into the ruthless society of man, Felix aims to become someone through the new worldwide sensation: Epoch. However, as he explores the tension-filled Margarita, the snowy mountains of the North, the thriving Luxtamare or the alien Esu, passing by the weakening Empire, Felix discovers that not only did his condition follow him into the game, but it also took a whole new form. Curse of an unknown origin or Felix Olson, who shall overcome?

SlyOW · Kỳ huyễn
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55 Chs


As the first few days of Epoch's release passed by, the game turned out to be even bigger of a phenomenon than what was expected. The already impressive estimated player base was being massively surpassed as virtually anyone with power on the planet and some wit sent at least a representative into the game.

Video games had already been a large market for many years now, not only attracting many players but also corporates, who saw it as an incredible opportunity to advertise their companies. Most of them used Guilds as their front, warring against one another online, and using the traction of these fights to generate activity for their products.

But Epoch went a step beyond any past games. It wasn't simply a tool to advertise their companies, the game was quickly transforming into a Second World, severely impacting the economy of the world with less than a week of being online.

Experts in the game were quickly turning into celebrities, if they weren't already, and a whole new online ecosystem started taking shape, all revolving around Epoch.

All of this did not have much to do with Felix though, who did not take a step outside of his beginner village, nor did he earn a single XP for that matters.

That didn't mean these days were fruitless to him though. Regarding Stats alone, although he did not Level Up, he earned quite a few points, as his Vitality had risen from 9 to 12, and his Strength from 6 to 11, meaning he had earned 8 Stat Points.

It wasn't even two levels, as each level gave 5 Free Attribute Points for the Player to place, or so had Felix read online, but it was still Attribute Points.

Besides, he had better gains on what he had actually focused on. And his Innate Skill had helped quite a lot, although he still thought it was shitty.

The enhanced comprehension covered more than he first thought. From what he had gathered, it enhanced the speed of learning any Skill, but it also helped with learning things outside of the game system.

For example, Chris had told Felix about the possibility of earning himself the Lesser Fire Resistance Skill that was on his apron by spending enough time working hard next to the forges. He had talked of it as a possibility because it generally took quite a lot of time working to one's limits under fiery heat for the skill to be obtained.

Yet Felix managed to get it by his second day of work at the forge.

[Lesser Fire Resistance]

[Rating: E]

[Effect: Slightly lowers the negative effects of fire and heat.]

It didn't exactly say much, other than the obvious. What exactly was the value of 'slightly', Felix had no idea, but he did feel much more comfortable standing in the heat after getting the skill.

But that was only one part of his Innate Skill. Felix was certain his Innate Skill was also enhancing the speed at which he learned skills outside of the System, such as Smithing and Fighting, as he had improved way too much for it to not be the case.

As he finished his latest creation, a Level 1 Uncommon dagger, Felix heard Chris grunt, "You little freak."

Felix turned around with a smile, tossing the still warm blade to Chris, who grabbed it and inspected it. After a while, he nodded and said, "As unbelievable as it is, you have already grasped the technique to make Uncommon equipment."

Felix, knowing he had to thank his Innate Skill for this, merely continued smiling as he asked, "Do you reckon I'm ready then?"

Chris placed the dagger down with the other weapons Felix had made, and said, "Going from Common to Uncommon doesn't take that much time for most Smiths, because they aren't that different fundamentally. They are mundane qualities. Fine Quality is different. Even without mentioning skill, making a Fine Item at Level 1 is next to impossible. But if you really insist on making it, then your best bet is for a lucky streak, and enlightenment."

Felix didn't even have to ask for an explanation, as Chris readily followed with one.

"Smithing, like other creative professions, is not simply a physical transformation, it is an artist pouring their all into their work. This results in failures sometimes, but in very rare cases, you will go beyond anything you have ever done before, and forge something of an even better quality than expected."

Felix scratched the bridge of his nose and asked, "You mentioned the system restraining creativity… is that to say it takes away the spiritual part of Smithing?"

Chris smiled lightly, and replied, "Not exactly, but I'm not that knowledgeable about the subject."

Felix couldn't help but ask, "From the way you said it, becoming a system recognized Runesmith sounds like more trouble than anything, to be honest. Couldn't I simply keep going the way I am?"

"Well, you technically could, and yes, it would have its own advantages. However, the system also brings a lot of help in your path as an artisan. While it restrains creativity, it doesn't completely erase it, and it helps mastering any blueprints nearly instantly, as long as the requirements are met, so it gives more than it takes. But again, I'm only a Journeyman Runesmith, so there is much I don't know. In these types of matters, following your heart may be the wisest."

Felix nodded silently, he really didn't know much. However, a part of him, a perfectionist part, was telling him to learn on his own. While the system may give more than it took, in the end it still took, and only gave shortcuts.

Chris took out a book from his satchel, the book being bigger than the satchel itself, but it wasn't the first time Felix saw him do something like that. After asking, Felix learned this was an item enchanted with a spatial storage, which widened the space within. A very cool Enchant.

"So, from what I heard from Caleb, you are already more than skilled enough with a weapon to go out there without fearing for your life, and I've taught you what I could. All there is left for you to do now is learn about Runes, and level up to learn more advanced Smithing."

Chris was right, waiting here wouldn't bring that much to Felix anymore. His first motivation for staying here was to hopefully manage to become a System recognized Runesmith before leaving, and learn fighting while doing so.

But since he had made the decision to not get officially recognized as a Runesmith by the system, then he could take the time he wanted. It would thus probably be more time efficient for him to simply go out leveling, and learn Runes when he came back to rest here.

However, Felix did not decide to go for this. Instead, he decided to stay here, and continue mainly focusing on becoming a Runesmith, as well as training with Caleb.

Was it the most cost efficient course? Was it the smartest? Neither of these. According to Caleb, Felix could already handle any Common monster under Level 10 without too many problems.

But Felix decided not to go, for a simple reason: He didn't feel like it.

He said, "I'm afraid I'm still going to impose on you for a little longer."

Chris did not look upset in any way by that, as he fished a book out of a small brown big he kept on his waist, the book being bigger than the bag itself. It wasn't the first time Felix saw him do that, and after asking, he had learned this was thanks to a spatial storage Enchantment.

"Take this then, it is about time you learn Runes."

Felix grabbed the book, and read the cover.

'Basics for Runes'

It was quite the straightforward title. Not that it needed anything complicated.

Without any further ado, Felix went to sit against the stairs, treating the sound of Chris hammering metals behind as background noise as he opened the book.

The first thing he did was not read it though, but instead take a quick snapshot of each page. Like this, he would be able to read it even while offline.

Then, he started his reading.

The hammering behind may have been annoying to most people, but having spent the last few days with a hammer in hands, it felt oddly relaxing to Felix as he fully immersed himself in his reading, and learned the first bit of magic he ever would, and that would come to change his life.


While Felix remained in the starting town, not even getting a single XP, other players had been hard at work, and some had even managed to get out of the beginner village, reaching the nearby cities.

In one such city, a group of three were standing in a large mansion belonging to an Earl.

[Drakon, Level 11, Guardian]

[Zed, Level 11, Assassin]

[Zara, Level 11, Cryomancer]

Zed and Zara were both young, not even 20, but any fighter with a good eye would easily recognize them as experienced fighters.

Of course, being in a city was already enough to show they were part of the upper 1% of players who had managed to get to the cities already. They had even managed to get a Class.

As for Drakon, he was older, and more experienced. His face was hardened by battles of the past, his hulking form bearing scars from these, now covered by the steel armor he wore.

He was the strongest of the three, but he stayed behind the two younger players.

After waiting for a while, another man came into the room, an NPC this time.

[Bernard, Level 25, Elite]

Despite his high level, the man was actually a butler. Eyeing the three, he said, "The master will be receiving you."

The three nodded, and followed the butler into the Mansion's study. There sat a man, reading an ancient looking book. Before they even saw him though, the three felt their bodies react.

Their muscles stiffened as their instincts told them all the same thing: You are facing a disaster.

[Earl Eric, ?, Lord]

They could not even see the man's level, and from what they knew, this could mean two things. He either was hiding his level with a certain skill or item, or he was massively stronger than them.

They knew the answer to that.

After all, the man who stood before them was an Earl of the Margarita Kingdom, who held dominion over Cliffside, as well as the towns surrounding it.

The three bowed in respect to the man, "Greetings, Earl Eric."

The man did not look away from his book as he said, "You reaching here is already proof of your skill, so I'm not going to waste any of our time with pointless tests. A follower of Izrath has been sighted in my territory. If not stopped, they could deal great damage to their surroundings. I want you to find them, and eliminate them."

[Quest Initiated!]

[Dark Wizard: A dark wizard has appeared within the territory of Earl Eric. You were tasked by him to hunt the dark wizard down.]

[Objective: Stop the Dark Wizard.]

[Recommended Level: 15]

[Difficulty: A]

The three immediately accepted the quest, but Drakon asked, "Where should we find them, Lord Eric?"

The Earl finally looked away from his book as he replied, "All we know is that he was heading East, so you will have to make your own investigation. But he likely headed to one of three towns. Clearfall Town, Bluegrove Town, or Red Dawn Town."

Author's Note: The Margarita Kingdom wasn't named after the drink. Try to find where the name comes from, I'm curious to see whether someone will get it.

Triple release today because of the first review!

Don't hesitate to comment, or leave a review. This story won't ever go premium, just like my past stories, so I'm gonna need some support to fight Webnovel's algorithm

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