

fairycairy · Người nổi tiếng
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53 Chs

Enthralled 36

Kali's POV

"What do you think you are saying, Felix?" I asked and glared at Felix while walking towards him "You know how hate talking about that"

"Kali-" Felix

"I told you not to talk about them"

"I know but that won't stop me tell everyone what really happened. They need to know what happened, besides they are our team now" Felix

"We don't have a team, Felix. You and I are the only team here"

"Don't you think you are being harsh to them? They are our team now, Kali. I know you hate having-" Felix

"You know but why are you pushing me? I don't want to have a team aside from you"

"The food is ready" a royal maid arrived "Please, proceed to the dining room. The God Wumus is there"

"We will, thank you" Chan smiled at the royal maid, she quickly left

"You two, stop fighting, will you?" Maya asked and pulled me to her "Let's go to the dining room. Why you all follow us, okay?" she said and quickly dragged me to the dining room

I can't believe this. I told him I hate talking about them and he clearly knows about it. He knows how I hate them and he kept talking about them. I hope he didn't forgot about what they did to us.

We entered the dining room and a lot of us welcomed us, the God Wumus is already sitting at the end of the table. I sat far from and Maya sat beside me. The others chose their seats on their own. Jeongin sat on the left of God Wumus while Chan is on the right.

"Please, enjoy the foods" God Wumus said

We all started eating the foods he prepared for us. If only I'm not hungry, I would have stayed outside of this castle. This fucking castle always reminds me of someone I should not remember anymore.

"I heard from the royal maid that Felix and Kali are fighting?" God Wumus asked

"They did but it's okay now. There's just a misunderstanding between them but we already talked about it" Minkyu smiled

"I see" God Wumus nodded

We all continued eating. I saw Felix glanced at me. I just looked away when we caught each others' eye. I know I was wrong but I am still mad at him. He should know his limitations beside these two groups are not our team.

"I know you are all curious about what happened to my own perfect team? If you are, ask some questions" God Wumus said, I stared at him to make him stop but he only smiled "I'll just tell you all what happened since you aren't asking questions. To make the story short, Kali, Felix and Adum are in a team against the others, they are the six elementals. Originally, they are not going to fight with each other but the team leader of six elementals talked to me and told me they want to battle with Kali's team. The six elementals were divided to two teams but those teams only attacked Kali's team. For short, it's six versus three. They are attacking Felix and Adum harshly. Until, the team leader is so done, he attacked Adum and guess what?"

"They lose?" Changbin

"No one lose the battle because it's an emergency. Adum died when he was attacked by lightning. Adum is the shadow of the group but he was attacked by lightning, of course he will die" God Wumus answered

My hands turned into a fist as I heard how he talked about Adum's death naturally like I'm not here.

"After that, the six elementals were told to join the team with Kali and Felix. But when they are on their way to do the mission, they betrayed Kali and Felix. They let the two fight with the strongest giant and left them. Felix almost died-" God Wumus

I stood up "We need to go"

"Already?" he asked

"Thank you for the food and welcoming us. I appreciate everything, God Wumus"

"If you are going to keep ignoring what happened back then. You won't be able to move forward, Kali. You will think of it every time. Why not forget about it?" God Wumus

"We need to go, your highness"

"Kali, you should talk to them" God Wumus

"Do you think it's easy? They killed Adum and tried to kill Felix as well. You are really unbelievable, your highness. We need to go" I said and walked out of the dining room

They followed me out one by one.

"You okay?" Maya asked

I nodded and continued walking out of the castle. While they are following me behind, Maya is on my right side and Jeongin is on my left side.

"You must be startled"

"Startled of what?" Jeongin asked

"I'm sorry for not treating you all as my team. I just don't want to have a team again"

"We understand, and we know you said those for a reason" Jeongin smiled

We continued walking and arrived at the end of Riria Kingdom. We passed by two towns, the town of Dekira and Crinia. The people here are all fine, I know they are going to protect them.

"So, they are really strong" Jeongin

"What made you say that?" Maya asked

"You saw how safe the people are, in Dekira and Crinia. It was like they are not attacked" Jeongin answered

I saw something blinking "Wait here" I said and quickly went where I saw it. I picked it up and put inside my small bag where the other stones are "Fifth stone"

"Kali, you need to go back here" Jeongin said

I quickly closed the bag and went to Jeongin "Why?"

"Look" he said and pointed somewhere "Do you know them?"

I looked at where he was pointing at.

"It was nice seeing you again, Kali and Felix" he smiled

Six elementals...