
Entertainment started in Youth Pi (Hiatus)

When Ye Bai saved his girlfriend and childhood friend from a speeding vehicle, he traveled through the parallel world of Youth Pi. This is an entertainment/fanfiction novel started on TV. Show "Youth Pi/Growing Pain." This novel and its characters are purely fictitious.

NeeekoShin · Ti vi
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75 Chs

Chapter 49: Deng Xiaoqi House Visit

"Mom, Xiaoqi is here." Lin Miaomiao called to her mother. She picked up Deng Xiaoqi downstairs.

"Hello, Auntie." Deng Xiaoqi greeted Wang Shengnan.

Wang Shengnan who is sitting on the sofa look at them "Hello, Xiaoqi." she pointed at the slippers on the door "The pink slippers are yours, Miaomiao told me you are coming so I bought that." she said while smiling.

Watching them wearing a slipper Wang Shengnan cat help asked curiously "Did you come here by car alone?"

"No, I didn't. My dad took me here." Deng Xiaowi's answer.

"Tell your dad to come up and sit down for a while and look around the house." Wang Shengnan suggested.

Deng Xiaoqi's face quickly changed and she smiled awkwardly. "He's busy in business."

"I've seen your mother, but I've never met your father yet. What kind of business your father ran."

Lin Miaomiao looked at the gossiping face of her mother and pulled Deng Xiaoqi "It's big business, Mom." she answered her mother. "Come here, this is my room." she turned to Deng Xiaoqi.

After entering the room, Lin Miaomiao quickly closed the door and locked it inside. "Safe." she smiled and walked to her bed.

Deng Xiaoqi looked around Lin Miaomiao's bedroom and found a stuffed toy. "Eh? I also have this kind of stuffed toy in my house." then she sat down on the chair. "If I'd known your mother was here, I wouldn't have come."

Lin Miaomiao crossed her feet on her bed and sat comfortably "I have a hard life, having a mother who is also a teacher. Since I was a kid, she had a holiday when I was on holiday, she is like a shadow on me and check on me every day." she opened snacks "It would be better to be at school than to be at home." she continues.

Deng Xiaoqi looked at the shelves "Is this you and Ye Bai?" she saw 2 kids sitting on a sofa.

Lin Miaomiao crawls to the bed and moves closer to look at it "Ah, Yes that's when we were kids." she answers.

"You two looked cute." she looked at the collage of a photo of Lin Miaomiao with long hair she pointed surprised. "Miaomiao, this picture is so girly."

Lin Miaomiao lay on the bed "Don't mention the past." she said sadly.

Deng Xiaoqi also lay beside Lin Miaomiao "Why don't you come to my house next time?"

"Okay, your mom is gentle." Lin Miaomiao answered.


"Pass!" Jiang Tianhao gestured for the ball to be passed to him. Qian Sanyi glanced at Jiang Tianhao's position and saw that he was open, so he promptly passed the ball to him. Seizing the opportunity, Jiang Tianhao took the shot.


Qian Sanyi and Jiang Tianhao exchanged a high-five.

Ye Bai handed them a towel and a water bottle. "Nice teamwork," he commended.

They all sat down on the bench to take a rest.

Earlier, Ye Bai had messaged Jiang Tianhao to hang out and play basketball, to which Jiang Tianhao quickly agreed. He suggested a location where he and his father used to play.

"We should do this often," Jiang Tianhao suggested, expressing his love for basketball and his aspirations to become a professional player.

"Sure, why not? Let's make it a regular thing so our teamwork can improve," Ye Bai agreed enthusiastically.

Qian Sanyi simply nodded as he drank some water.


Wang Shengnan bakes snacks for Lin Miaomiao and Deng Xiaoqi as he walks to the door she can't help to listen to what they were talking about and pauses.

"Miaomiao, are you a Virgin?


"Which months were you born in?"


Wang Shengnan's eyes wide open hearing what they talking about. She look like someone poured some iced water on her body. She didn't how she came back to the sofa and sat there in a trance.


Deng Xiaoqi looks at the watch in her arms. "I have to go now," she said to Lin Miamiao, while she stood up.

"Would you like to stay and have a meal?" Lin Miaomiao said while they were waiting in the bedroom. "My Mom cooks very well." she tried to block Deng Xiaoqi.

"Maybe next time." Deng Xiaoqi smiled at her.


Then they paused they saw Wang Shengnan sitting on the sofa in a trance.

"Auntie, I'm leaving." Deng Xiaoqi excused herself to Lin Miaomiao's mother, but she didn't respond.

"Mom, Xiaoqi is leaving." Lin Miaomiao said to Wang Shengnan.

Wang Shengnan just nodded. Looking at her mother Lin Miaomiao's face expressing her disappointment, she linked her arms to Deng Xiaoqi. "I'll see you off, let's go." then she pulled her to the door of the house.

Deng Xiaoqi was a little awkward following Lin Miaomiao into her arms. "Miaomiao what's wrong with your mother," she whispered.

"Ignore my mom." Miaomiao face grouched glancing at her mother on the sofa. "I'll see you off."

Deng Xiaoqi stopped her. "It isn't necessarily, Aunt, Goodbye."

Wang Shengnan look at them and said "Goodbye."

Lin Miaomiao waved at her "Be careful message me when you get home."

"Okay, bye-bye." Deng Xiaoqi before closing the door.

Stomping her feet, Lin Miaomiao walked in front of Wang Shengnan "What's wrong with you?" Huh? Throughout my childhood, every time my friends came to play your face was always like that. That makes me unable to be friends with anyone. Until I had entered high school and lived in the dormitory, I could have a good friend. You also agreed to let her come and play. Why are you like this again?"

Lin Miaomiao sat down on the front seat of the sofa.

"When I go to my friend's house to play, their mother is always gentle and enthusiastic. Why are you— Do you reach your menopause again?" she said.

Wang Shengnan just stared at her.

"I did my homework, cleaned the room, and folded the blanket. Just to invite Xiaoqi to come and play, I did all the things I needed to do."

"Really? You also did things you shouldn't do." Wang Shengnan

"What did I do?"

"You are 17, you are neither old nor young. There are some things I need to let you know. Not saying is my fault. You are a girl, you must know how to protect yourself. A girl must know to have self-respect."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand anything." then she stomped her feet walked to her room and closed the door shut. Lin Miaomiao suddenly paled 'Did my mother know about my relationship with Ye Bai?' Based on her analysis this is the only answer. But she didn't even mention it here in the house, she also doesn't know what her mother is saying. But she still needs to tell it to Ye Bai.

Wang Shengnan walked like a zombie to their bedroom when heard Lin Miaomiao talking on a phone.

"Ye Bai, I think my mother knows something. Okay, see you later."

Wang Shengnan suddenly become angry, she walked to their bedroom and closed the door. She trusted Ye Bai and now she do something to her daughter, she needed to vent her frustration and called Lin Dawei to come back immediately.


Wang Shengnan slapped Lin Dawei sleeping face. "I can't sleep, talk to Miaomiao why did it happen." anxiously said.

Lin Dawei who is tired look at Wang Shengnan, "She is already sleeping, if you want to ask her, wait until tomorrow." then he started finding a comfortable position to sleep in.

Wang Shengnan quickly moved to Lin Dawei "Don't sleep! Are you really her father? Why do you only know is to sleep?" she grievingly said "The world is about to collapse and you still want to sleep."

"I'm worried too as if I was struck by lightning. But he can't solve the problem." Lin Dawei explains

Wang Shengnan move beside Lin Dawei "I trusted that boy and now she did that to my daughter. I need to talk to him." she frustrated said.

Lin Dawei glances at her wife. "I thought you liked Ye Bai what happened and now you are angry so much."

"But they are still kids, my daughter is only a high school student he was a boy and smart he should know what is bad and what is good." Wang Shengnan explains "You know your daughter is a little dumb and naive." she continues.

"Okay, let's sleep now." Lin Dawei suggested.

"No don't sleep you need to talk to her tomorrow." Wang Shengnan said.

Lin Dawei furrowed his eyebrow "I'm her father, she's a girl. It's easier for the same gender to talk. It must be you."

"I tried it this afternoon. She slammed the door after I just said a few sentences. As usual, I would not let her off and then I heard that she talk about it to Ye Bai." Wang Shengnan explains to her husband. "But this time, I was afraid to make her angry and then she would do other things." she touched her chest "I keep thinking about this. I feel uncomfortable, I feel uncomfortable." she slapped Lin Dawei's legs continuously."

"Stop it, I see, I also feel uncomfortable. But don't make a hasty decision." Lin Dawei replied.

"I need to talk to Tang Yuanming," Wang Shengnan said.

"Do you tell it to Tang Yuanming?" Lin Dawei sat up straight.

"Am I crazy? How could I say this thing to him? I can only keep it to myself and talk to you." she said sadly. "I'll tell Tang Yuanming to change her seat this next term."

"I told you don't make any hasty decision. Let's ask them what happened then let's decide after we know the answer." Lin Dawei explained and try to calm down Wang Shengnan.

Wang Shengnan suddenly stood up

"What are you doing don't torment her, just sleep and let's talk about it tomorrow. "

"I'm going to take a stroll, I can't sleep."Wang Shengnan wears a jacket before going out of the room.


Lin Dawei, clad in his jacket, cast a questioning glance at Wang Shengnan, who was also preparing to step out. His brow furrowed as he inquired, "Where are you off to?"

"Just have a quick errand," she replied, meeting Lin Dawei's gaze. "But keep an eye on Miaomiao instead of worrying about me."

Passing through the doorway of Lin Miaomiao's room, Wang Shengnan caught sight of her daughter immersed in her assignment. "Miaomiao, let's go. I'll treat you to some barbecue."

Pausing in her work, Lin Miaomiao turned to her father, a hint of surprise in her expression. "Right now?"

Lin Dawei's smile widened as he nodded, gesturing towards the door. "Yes, right now. Come on, let's go."

A broad grin spread across Lin Miaomiao's face, and she eagerly abandoned her work to join her father. As they stepped outside, the warm sunlight greeted them, casting a golden glow over the surroundings.

Meanwhile, Wang Shengnan swiftly exited to meet her own appointment, leaving father and daughter to enjoy their outing together.


Lin Miaomiao was happily munching on her barbecue, the aroma of grilled meat filling the air, while Lin Dawei sat nearby, observing his daughter with a thoughtful gaze. "Miaomiao, have any of your friends developed crushes at school?"

Startled by the unexpected question, Lin Miaomiao paused and glanced at her father. "Why do you want to know?" she asked, curious about his sudden interest.

"Just curious," replied Lin Dawei casually. He didn't like how Lin Miaomiao seemed guarded, he hoped his daughter would open up to him.

As Lin Miaomiao savored another bite of barbecue, she pondered her father's question. "Yes, some of them have crushes, but they keep it secret," she admitted between bites. "You know Deng Xiaoqi, right? She's one of my closest friends. She used to be the 'school belle,' with many boys vying for her attention." She took a sip of her juice before continuing. "Among her admirers, there was one boy who pursued her relentlessly. But then, suddenly, he stopped."

Intrigued, Lin Dawei leaned in slightly. "How long did he pursue your friend?"

Lin Miaomiao furrowed her brow in thought. "I'd say it was over a year," she recalled, trying to remember the timeline.

"Perhaps he felt that the person he was chasing wasn't responding to his efforts and got tired," Lin Dawei mused.

Lin Miaomiao watched her father intently, curious about his insights. "How did you know?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Well, if he pursued her for a year, it means he really liked her. But then he suddenly stopped, so something must have happened, and he realized his efforts were wasted." Lin Dawei explained, his eyes thoughtful as he considered the situation.

Suddenly, a memory flashed in Lin Miaomiao's mind—the moment she had told Haozi, "Don't light up a hopeless light." Could she have inadvertently influenced his actions?

Lin Dawei leaned back, taking a sip of his drink as he observed his daughter. "Is there anyone who has a crush on you?" he inquired.