

Robert is a young man with a past that is not at all normal, who is reincarnated in a world where several stories from Manhwas, Pornhwa sand Webtoons come together, trying to adapt, survive, and enjoy everything he can. But for what reason was he sent to this kind of world? (Starting in chapter 8, the MC begins to fully intertwine with the plots of the different works used, but maintaining the story of this fanfic as the central line) Cover image taken from Pixiv, credits to whom it may apply. If you want me to remove it, send me a message and I'll remove it. .................................................. .................... Look at the labels before reading to avoid misunderstandings later. Warning!: If you are one of those self-conscious children who only comment on stupid things just to comment, I will delete your comments. This is not a fanfic where everything happens overnight, its pace is more or less slow, and there is interaction for the construction of a more or less functional world. If you get bored quickly, maybe this is not for you. DISCLAIMER: I do not have any rights to the story or characters of the Manhwas used, credits to their respective authors The cover was taken from the internet. I do not have any of the rights to the characters present, credits to their respective authors. English is not my native language, so there may be some grammatical errors. Related worlds: | Solo Leveling | Teenage Mercenary | How To Fight | Lookism| Manager Kim | Silent War | Fitness | Beautiful New World | Panty note | Celebrity Next Door | and other manhwas Additional tags: | Manhwas | Mature | Ecchi | Netori | Milf | Antihero |

Culture_Lover · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
64 Chs


(Timeskip: two weeks later)

It was early April, and spring was asserting itself with more vigor.

During this time in South Korea, like in other Asian countries, everything turned pink thanks to the beautiful cherry blossoms.

For many, spring is considered the most beautiful season on the Korean Peninsula. People flock to the best roads, parks, and even products themed around 'beot-knot', the Korean word for what Japan calls 'sakura'.

Everyone enjoys this season, especially the youth; the blooming of cherry blossoms symbolizes beauty, renewal, and love.

"Ah, what a beautiful view" - Anna, the girl with black hair and a vibrant personality, exclaimed with a smile as she raised her hands to catch some of the pink petals falling from the trees.

She was sitting on a bench in the back courtyard of the high school, enjoying her break between classes.

"Stop doing that... we're not eight years old anymore" - her friend Sophie, the blonde-haired girl, sighed with slight annoyance. She was sitting beside her friend, but seeing Anna so cheerful put her in a bad mood.

These past three weeks had been the worst of the school year for Sophie. She had problems with her boyfriend, problems at home, and problems with her studies. It seemed like everything in her life was just problems.

Ever since Gunner got beaten up in front of the whole school, his personality had completely changed.

He had always been reserved when it came to romance, but at least before he made an effort to give compliments.

However, a few days ago, he didn't even remember to celebrate their five-month anniversary!

On top of that, in recent weeks, he had been more distant, not wanting to talk to her or walk her home after school.

At first, Sophie thought it was because of the blow to his pride from losing for the first time in a fight.

Gunner had never been defeated by anyone from their school, another school, or even adults involved in crime.

That's why Sophie gave him space, understanding his need to process the defeat without making any hurtful comments.

However, Gunner gradually distanced himself not only from her but also from his other friends. Was this the same Gunner she knew? Had his frustration over losing caused him to withdraw completely?

Sophie couldn't understand this. She didn't like the way Gunner was acting at all.

This was not the attitude Sophie had fallen for.

She was initially drawn to the carefree and wild personality of the redhead. His strength not only interested her but also many other girls. However, she was the one who put in the most effort to win the redhead's heart.

But now... now she didn't know what to do.

In addition to that, things were not looking good at home. Her father, who had a job as a worker at Incheon Port, was fired due to an incident that made headlines almost two weeks ago.

It involved criminal groups and mafias allegedly controlling the port's commerce. At first, she didn't believe it, but when the news spread across all television channels, she was completely surprised.

In a gang confrontation, there were several deaths and injuries, described by journalists as a fierce struggle for control of Korea's main entry and exit point.

While her father wasn't part of those groups, he had gotten his job through contacts that unfortunately had connections to those groups. That's why their household economy wasn't looking good.

To top it off, she had done terribly in last week's exams! Was this some kind of punishment from God for being a very rebellious girl?

"Sorry, Sophie... I didn't mean to upset you" - Anna apologized earnestly.

"Oh... forgive me" - Sophie tried to smile - "You know I'm going through a rough patch."

"Don't worry, I'll help you however I can" - Anna smiled, giving a thumbs-up.

Sophie smiled at her friend's positivity. They had known each other since middle school, becoming close and forging a beautiful friendship.

Even though Anna was a bit clumsy most of the time, her antics brightened Sophie's day.

Even after facing several family problems in the past and sometimes being teased because of her humble background, Anna remained quite optimistic in the face of any problem.

That's why Sophie decided to protect Anna from any rich kids who wanted to make fun of them. While both of them miraculously got into this good high school, she would take care of her friend from any problem.

"Oh, by the way, Teacher Song told me to tell you to present the report on Renaissance literature next week" - Anna suddenly spoke.

Sophie's previous smile twisted into a grimace of displeasure when she heard this. Her newly recovered mood plummeted again.

"Right... that report" - the blonde-haired girl lowered her head in defeat.

It wasn't that she disliked Teacher Song, Dia Song, who had recently been hired, as she was a very charismatic and pleasant teacher.

The problem was that the course she taught was not Sophie's favorite at all. She hated literature to death!

That's why, as expected, she failed the first literature exam... just like math, natural sciences, and other courses. Even Anna, who wasn't particularly known for her intelligence, passed more courses than she did!

"Haven't you done it yet?" - Anna received a negative response from the blonde.

"With so much on my mind, I completely forgot" - Sophie muttered - "I even asked for more time to present it, but she didn't give it to me"

"Hmm, what if you ask someone for help?" - Anna suddenly spoke, striking a thoughtful pose - "There are several in our class who did very well on the exams"

Sophie lifted her head, interested in hearing what her friend had to say. It had crossed her mind to ask for help studying after getting a disastrous result, but two things prevented her from doing so.

First, there was her pride, which didn't allow her to stoop to asking others for help. She had a reputation to maintain, and it would be ruined if she started begging her classmates, especially those she didn't know.

Second, and seemingly more importantly, most of the brainiacs in her class had been targets of Gunner in the past.

Sophie wasn't stupid; she knew that her pride wouldn't pay the bills, so she considered asking for help at some point.

However, she didn't have the face to do it after doing nothing when Gunner abused the weaker ones.

That's why she had dismissed the idea of asking for help. However, it seemed that Anna had an idea right now.

"Yes, that's it!" - Anna suddenly stood up and raised her hand, as if calling out to someone.

When Sophie looked ahead, she saw who Anna was waving to.

That person was Mia Woo.