1 The Worst Day Of My Life

It was just the first day of grade 8th and even this special day, thei demon had to show up and spoil my mood. I prayer to God for 3 months straight that I won't have Tyler as my classmate, but no, God never listens to me. Tyler has been my worst enemy since 3rd grade. I've never hated someone as much as that freakingly rude boy. My face scrunched up into a disgusted boob of flesh as soon as he entered the class with a wave of 6 to 9 grader girls. All of them were pretty, with seemingly short skirts, long hair and beautiful faces. And that bastard was making full use of this. "Hey my girls, I know ya'll are crazy for me but I'm taken." The girls made sounds of 'Woah!!' 'WHATTTT??!!' 'WHOOOO?' and 'aRe yOu KiDdInG mE TyLeR??!!'

Tyler answered the 'WHOOOO?' question first. "I'm in a wonderfully perfect relationship with Ariana Grande." He proudly claimed. I was the one who laughed the loudest at his joke making weird sounds and faces. He looked at me unamused, and I looked at him back, unamused. "Don't. Laugh." Tyler said in a threatening tone. "She taught you loveee and she taught you patience and I taught you pain. Well that shit's amazing!" I taunted him. But somehow he still managed to make everyone in the class(EXCEPT ME) believe that he literally IS in a SERIOUS relationship with Ariana Grande. I tried stating logicak facts like 'TYLER IS TOO YOUNG TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH ARIANA' and 'ARIANA IS TOO BEAUTIFUL TO BE IN LOVE WITH THIS PIG-FACE', but no, nobody was ready to believe me. I got tired of all this and gave up. Fine! You wanna believe he's Ariana Grande's lover, then do! I don't give a damn!

The day passed by with us fighting over the silliest of things, but at the end of the day, when everybody was going home, I noticed something. Tyler looked at me from across the basketball court and shyly smiled...

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