
Encounter: The Rising of Luna

Eratonium, the most precious and powerful stone of the whole realm finally chooses its owner, a young eighteen-year-old werewolf girl who doesn't know anything about it and the evil world revolving around her. She has to find her rightful mate on her own and crack the mystery of her pack's destruction and her parent's disappearance. This is the story of her journey from being the weakest to the strongest Luna, her journey of falling, betrayals finding her rightful mate, and being able to protect the werewolf world. Disclaimer: This is a werewolf story but also has a lot of magic involved in it. As this is fantasy story, I would request readers not to search for facts. It's solely the imagination of my mind. Please don't forget to vote with your power stones cause it's an Eratonium for me and comment on the story. That's a motivation. Have a nice reading. Thank you!!!

Rosechrys1 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

You Know Him?

Chapter 11 

Kimberly's POV: 

The huge giant werewolf blocks the way between me and those hounding wolves. I have never seen such a huge werewolf in my whole life. 

I bleat in excessive pain as my eyes spy both the wolf in front of me and the wolves around us. 

The huge paws of that werewolf tiptoes few metres away from me, walking to and fro. I kneel down on the ground with the huge pain and I cannot watch them any more and concentrate on my own pains now. 

I hear the huge growling of the werewolf. He growls in the loudest howl, I have ever heard in my whole life. My body is changing slowly with the pain like that of breaking every bone of mine. 

I hear the clashes and attacks in front of me. They are fighting and attacking each other. I can hear the howls of both types of wolves and the sounds of them smashing and tearing apart. I think my werewolf senses have come to light and I can recognize the pains and the tortures with their sounds. 

The thing that worries me the most, is not me shifting but the werewolf fighting for me is alone. What if he loses his life because of me? I have already endangered someone's life before. I cannot do that again to anyone. 

My transformation completes the whole time of the fight. I can't express how painful it was. My paws are restless and tired even when I haven't even started to walk with them. It's really difficult for me to pick up my whole body. It feels extremely heavy, like tons of weight to carry. 

Still, I try to hold myself with my paws. I can't. Is this even my body? Why does it feel like it's not? I lift my snout to observe the clash in front of my eyes. The huge werewolf is still fighting courageously. 

"I like him," she says. 

"What? Can you talk already? I mean is that the first thing you say right after shifting?" I was shocked. How come my wolf is so weak that she gets fascinated by the wolf right after shifting? It's our first ever meeting and instead of saying greetings to me, she is there just fascinated by the other wolf. 

"Kim! You're stupid. I was already emerging through you long ago but I just thought to wait for your 18th birthday and surprise you with my appearance," she says. 

"Then why did you come out soon? I would have prepared myself for that. Do you think this was the right situation to shift? I could have died if that wolf hadn't come to rescue me," I shout at her. I can't believe the first-ever conversation, I am doing to my wolf is nothing but an argument.

"Wait! Can we please be kind to each other? You don't have to be rude Kim. And, the thing inside you, forced me to come out of you. What is it? It's so shiny and beautiful," she says. 

"Wait! Can you see that?" I ask. 

"Yeah! When I was inside. But now, I can't," she says. 

"Wait! Kim! I sense the hound behind me," she purrs. 

"What? Can't you be sooner?" I shout again and look behind and see nothing. I don't know where she senses the hounding wolves but I am sure she is right. Her sense of smell cannot be wrong. Mother said that wolves' senses are way better than ours in many ways. 

But before I can find out where the smell is coming from a wolf jumps to attack me and without even thinking for a second time, I jump and run out of there before it could pounce on me. I run a few steps but then immediately after running a few steps, I fall badly on the ground hurting my parts of my body behind. 

"Shit! I hurt myself!" I shout. 

"But we are saved. He saved us one more time," she says as she lays her head over her forelimbs and starts drooling over the wolf who just took over the hounding wolf attacking us. She watches her like the most entertaining romantic dramas on the screen. I can't believe my wolf is such a huge pervert. How could she think of the other wolf rather than taking me out of this situation? 

"Finally, he is done," she says. I try to get up from the place but I can't. I just hurt my body. I didn't want to shift like this. I wanted to see myself in the mirror and see what I was like. This is so absurd. She evolved because of the stone inside me without any preparation. 

"He's walking to me," she purrs and I can feel the tingling sensation within me. 

"Don't tell me you like him?" I roll my eyes. 

"To be honest, yes. I like him a lot. I wish he was my mate," she gossips and fantasizes. 

"In your dreams. You don't know how complicated my life is. If it was easy to find a mate just like this then, I would have been so lucky," I say. 

"Fine, shut up for now. Let me talk to him," she says and stays alert when he reaches near to me. 

He stands and stares with his big round black eyes for a while and says something. I see my wolf becoming happy and agreeing with him. He turns around and walks away. 

"What? What did you tell him? What did he tell to you? Why did he go back? Who is he?" I ask. 

"Tsk… You're so noisy Kim. He asked me to shift back for now. He said he would wait for me to transform back to human form and would accompany me back home. Ahh… He is so sweet," she starts again. 

"What? Who is he? What home? What kind of home? And, I don't know how to transform back to human," I say. 

"It's easy. Just like how I was forced to come out of you. You do the same. Just think that you have to get out of this huge body strongly," she advises. 

I do the same. It's not normal for me to turn back as this is my first time. I was always so much excited about my wolf form. I wanted to look at my form and admire the beauty of it. Mother was beautiful and father was gorgeous when they were in wolf form. I am sure, I am of a similar kind. I will be beautiful by whoever I take from, may it be my father or mother. 

Finally, after minutes of extreme try, I turn back to human. I swiftly walk towards my clothes. For a while, walking feels uncomfortable but just for a few minutes. I quickly put on the dress and look around. 

"I'm done. Please come out whoever you are," I shout. I am sure the wolf hasn't left me. He told me that he would take me back home. He can't go away like that. 

"Let's shift once we get to a better place. I want to see you," I advise my wolf. 

"Okay. I want to look myself too," she agrees. 

I wait for that werewolf for a while and he finally comes back. 

Wait! This is …. Simon… 

Oh! My God! It is Simon. How did he find me? What is going on here? 

"Si…mon!" I say. 

He walks to me and immediately checks on my body. "You ok," he asks as he inspects my body. I have a wound in my thighs and knees. It must have happened when I fell. 

"You're hurt," he says. 

"Yeah, seems so," I answer. 

"Let's get out of here for now," he says. I nod my head. He walks in front of me without speaking a word to me. I know he has a lot of questions to ask me but I am glad that he is respecting my preference of not wanting to stop right now. 

After walking for almost an hour, he asks me to stop and take a rest. We fire the woods and sit opposite each other, silent and just basking in the fire. 

"You're hungry?" he asks. 

"Oh! Yeah! I have brought some cookies," I say as I take out the cookies from the backpack that I made from the duvet and put them in front of him. 

He laughs seeing the cookies in front of me. 

"Why? You don't like them? I tasted it and it is very tasty," I say. He takes the cookies and laughs again and tears the packet. 

"You must be laughing because this might be from your annex. But I had no choice," I say. He nods with a laugh and takes a bite of the cookies. 

"How did you run away? I mean why and in that condition of yours? I ran to this place and even for me, it took such a long time. But how did you do that?" he asks. 

"Oh! I just walked. I don't know when I will get here. I didn't track the time," I answer. How would I say to him that my body doesn't hurt anymore and this is all because of the stone? I can't reveal about a stone in front of him. 

"But you shouldn't have run away. You should have waited for at least getting well," he says. I feel sorry and I want to say that I am okay right now.

"You like him," my wolf teases me suddenly. What is wrong with her? Why not be silent for a moment? I have got a talkative wolf. I just hope she is better than her talks in her actions. 

"No!!!" I deny. Simon looks at me weirdly. 

"I was just talking with my wolf. She is kind of clingy and cheesy," I say. He laughs at hearing that. 

"Really? But… you haven't yet reached eighteen. Then, what is this about transformation? Isn't it early?" he asks.

It is. But my condition is different and I cannot talk to him about it. 

"I will be next month. Not much time left and I guess these dangers made her come out sooner," I say. 

"But where are going?" he asks. 

"I don't know but not back to the annex," I say. 

He smiles and says, " Kimberly, let's get back to the annex. Do you know what this place is? You could have died in here and nobody would ever find out about you. Let's get back till you recover and the day you recover, I will get you out of the annex myself. You trust me, don't you?" he asks. 

Trust him? Moon goddess told me not to trust anyone… but he saved my life thrice. So, I can trust him, right? 

"No! Don't do it!! You cannot just trust anyone," my wolf denies. This girl, what is wrong with her? A few hours ago, she was drooling over him and now she is telling me not to trust him. I know it's hard for her to trust him too but I don't have other choice. 

"Okay, but you have to help me with something," I ask. 

"What is it?" He is curious and eager to help me. 

"Do you know Nathaniel? If yes, then please find him out for me," I request. 

"Nathaniel? You know him?" he asks. 

"You know him?" I reiterate.