
Enchanted Kingdom

This manga is set in medieval times but there is magic. There are 16 different types of magic Reaper Magic, Light Magic, Dark Magic, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Stealth Magic, Hunter Magic, Void Magic, Lightning Magic, Earth Magic, Wind Magic, Demon Magic, Gravity Magic, Dragon Magic, and Healing Magic. There are 8 different kingdoms in Japan Keodora Dynasty - West japan Goxihan Empire - North japan Oudoyiran Dynasty - North West japan Steburgian Empire - East Japan Thaiban Kingdom - North East Japan Inotonian Kingdom - South Japan Diponian Empire - South East Japan Erucian Kingdom - South West Japan Most of the kings in Japan are corrupt because they are hungry for power and war, so they mostly abuse their power The higher districts are looked down upon the kings because they think their inferior and are only worthless dogs. So they abuse their power and sometimes terrorize their lower districts. There are 4 that are determined to destroy all corruption Shi Kisoki, Kenta Nagami, Tashiro Hisako, and Ari Miyoshi Shi Kisoki Is the main character. All 4 characters will form a group called The Black Rose, A group that is determined to destroy corruption. P.s. This is my first manga ever and I’m writing this for fun because it is my dream to become a manga writer so it might be pretty bad but I hope you like it as it goes on.

Rudy_Gallegos · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
13 Chs

A King’s Cowardly Fate

(The king grabs the archers captain badge off the dead body and laughing greedily, but suddenly a head of one of his knights rolls to the king's feet and he screams in fear and looks at the crater and sees Shi and Kenta Standing in the middle of all the dead knights bodies, blood everywhere)

The King starts to breath quickly in fear and his pupils getting small he yells in fear "CURSE YOU PEASANTS! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS! LOOK I PROMISE I WILL GIVE YOU ANYTHING YOU W-"

Before he can finish in a blink of an eye Shi Kisoki Is in front of him and his katana's pointed at the kings neck, Shi's eyes glowing red in anger

Shi says in an angered tone " Why do you think you're better than everyone?"

The king says in a terrified tone " Listen, W-we can just talk this through I'll do anything-"

In a blink of an eye Shi cuts the kings ear off and blood shoots out from where his ear used to be

Shi says in a cold tone and gives the king a cold look " You think that way because you think you have so much power. But when the chair of your own plaguing thoughts of you being superior is kicked from under you, your real self is revealed. You hide under the corruption you made in this kingdom and watch as citizens of your kingdom suffer for it. But I will let no one suffer anymore. And the start of my big plan will be with you, you insufferable piece of garbage"

The king yells in anger and in fear " HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME IN THAT WAY YOU USELESS BU-"

Before he can finish, Shi cuts his head off so fast that he doesn't feel it. But a few moments later his neck starts gushing out blood.

Shi grabs the kings head and throws it, Kenta walks to him and throws puts his hand on Shi's Shoulder

Kenta says " Shi, What do we do now since the king is dead "

Shi looks up at the sky sympathetically and says in a soft voice " What do we do? "

It begins to rain and Shi sheathes his katanas behind his back and slowly puts his hand in the sky with a shadow covering his eyes

Shi clenches his fist and says in a determined and angered tone " We will save this world from corruption Kenta, We will travel this world and destroy the world of corruption so the people in this world can live fairly. "

As the rain falls Shi's black flames and red lightning aura begins to form angel wings on his back and the red lighting sparking from his eyes and red lightning forming around him


Kenta gets chills and his eyes widen being inspired by Shi's determination. Shi's aura disappears and he calms down

Shi turns around and looks at Kenta with a determined smile and says " Come on let's go help the people of the city. "

Shi and Kenta start running to the citizens and start helping the people anyway they can.

After helping all the people in the towns, some kids walk over to them

Kid 1 says happily " Mr! Do you want to play tag with me and my friends "

Shi smiles and laughs saying " I'll be happy to! "

Kenta walks over and asks "can I play too?"

Kid 2 says " I'm sorry but you don't look as cool as the other guy does "

When the boy says that a large arrow goes into Kentas heart and Shi bursts out laughing