
The Vow (2)

The month of our wedding day came and so is the date. Everything was in order even though everything was changed during last minute, for we had not even set a date for our wedding.

We entered the church we brides, but not at the same time, Mercy was first to enter and I was second. We used different melodies to walk down the aisle. Our future husbands waiting patiently for us at the altar. As I was standing behind Mercy waiting for her to reach the altar I could see Trevor smiling in joy. Oh my J.R whom I thought had a heart of Lion seemed to have a heart of an ant. As I walked slowly towards him, I could see tears flowing down his cheeks. That was something I never thought I could from him. I couldn't help it too, I let them flow.

"Dearly beloved…" said the pastor "we are all gathered here today to witness this holy matrimonial wedding of four best friends, Trevor Hlatshwayo and Joseph Radebe with their brides who are also best friends Mercy Dube and Lindiwe Maseko…friends and family thank you for being here on this important day…all of us need and desire love and to be loved… and the highest form of love between two people is within a monogamous committed relationship…today is the public and legal joining of your souls that have already been united as one in your hearts… marriage is going to expand you as individuals, define you as couples and deepen your love for one another… before I proceed is there anyone who disapproves in joining this couples let them speak now or forever hold their peace…oh seems there's no problem in this unions…Trevor Hlatshwayo and Mercy Dube do you stand here in front of everyone and God… without reservation and agree to this union?" the pastor probed.

Both Mercy and Trevor said "Yes we do"

"Now to you Joseph Radebe and Lindiwe Maseko do you stand here in front of everyone and God… without reservation and agree to this union?" he probed.

"Yes I do" J.R said with his voice quivering. He tried to hold back his tears by wiping them away. I stretched out my right hand to his cheek. I wiped away his tears with my thumb. He reached to it and kissed it, he then held on to it with his left hand. He was so shaking; he then took a deep breath.

"Yes I do" said I.

"The couples have written their own vows… Trevor and Mercy you may begin please…" he said.

Mercy spoke first.

"The day we started dating, I've put a tear drop in the ocean and the day I will find that tear drop is the day I will stop loving you… you have given me happiness and joy in my heart I don't find any other reason of not falling in love with you each an everyday…I LOVE YOU" she said. I never knew that Trevor had a soft spot in him; he always acted so brave and strong and would pretend as if he didn't care at all, he couldn't help it but wipe the droplets of tears on his cheeks.

"Wow…" he said "There are chapters in our stories that are sad and disappointing and others are exciting and full of adventure, I stand here today in front of this crowd telling you that I will always cherish and honour you at all times, I want to create more stories with you as we start a new chapter in our lives… I LOVE YOU SWEETNESS." He concluded.

"Oh wow, the youth of today, is so good with words… it seems as if I will have to renew my vows too…" said the pastor. "Now it's Joseph and Lindiwe's turn.

"First time I locked lips with you I knew you were the one and today I choose you to be my life partner… you are the one I will cherish for all eternity, you are my angel… you've been there when times were hard. You know everything about yourself and knowing me as well… I Love you from the bottom of my heart; for you have tutored me love… I LOVE YOU" this kind of words don't just pop out, they come out because the person you are directing them to really does deserve them. That's what true love means. I don't know if these two guys have planned to weep on their wedding day or not, cause really when Mercy was saying her vows Trevor was in tears and J.R hasn't stopped for a bit. With these two you will never know.

"These couples want to make me renew my vows tomorrow to my lovely wife…" said the Pastor. " Your turn Joseph… tell her how much you love her"

"Loving you was the best decision I have ever made… you have showed me love… in my whole life I have only loved one girl and I couldn't live with her… and knowing that that girl is you, makes me don't want to be on another place rather than being with you… I have constrain our love in heaven and the day I will stop loving you is the day I will be in heaven to separate what I have constrained up there…the Lord has to forgive me, for I think I love you more than HIM." J.R said.

Sweet Melodies of Love, enchoded from the depths of a heart

luciathandekacreators' thoughts
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