
Empyrean Chronicles

The Empyrean Humans. The Paragon Beasts. The Ancient Faes. The Primal Devils. Each were the Embodiment and Personification of the Four Origin Ordinances. Each wielded power beyond the scope of the Heavens. And each, commanded a portion of the only Founding Realm in all Existence. Now then, what happens when these four overpowered Races decide to house their Bloodlines inside one vessel? It was... a resounding failure. Discarded and thrown into a Lower Realm, it would seem as though Osric, the result of a failed experiment, with no memory of anything prior, would be swept under the tides of the Martial Verse, never to be heard again, until... Until he Awakened. *** Cover is not mine. Found it on Google.

WeaverOfNightmares · Kỳ huyễn
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42 Chs


Ancestor Kabir could still remember that day. The day that Realm quaked in fear. The Heavens had been so angry they eradicated a peak power with only a single bolt of lightning. It was that day all knew the Heavens were terrifying, extremely so.

"Fortunately, unlike you forgetful lots, I still remember that day as if it was yesterday. Hence, Ancestor Kabir, I would advise you to rethink your actions. Or else, we might suffer a major loss… yet again."

Ancestor Silvera's mind trembled in dread, a deep frown creasing her wizened face. She was present that time. The pressure was so immense she felt like a Mortal again. It was that day she understood that before the fury of the Heavens, the level of one's cultivation mattered little. It mattered not if one was a non-cultivator Mortal, a Mortal cultivator, an Immortal or a Divine. Before the Heavens, all were equal!

Suddenly, her expression smoothened before she turned to face Ancestor Kabir.

"I can't deny the danger this poses to our Clan… Even if it's just this one time, I'm afraid I'm siding with them."

Her voice came out clear and soft. It could be said that this incident had been one of the major reasons their Clan suffered a decline. And this was considering the fact they were not the main perpetrators, but just accompanies. If they, the accompanies suffered a decline so extreme, one could only imagine what happened to the real assailants.

They were eradicated off the surface of existence! And that… definitely is something she didn't want. They had just barely recuperated.

She examined Ancestor Kabir's face for any oddity, after all, she had just made her stance vivid. But, it appeared they had clearly underestimated him.

"So what? We don't have to do it ourselves, no? We can just send a Mortal who has no ties with us to take care of that."

By now, Ancestor Kabir's face had regained its usual calm and indifference. Although he had been scared out of his wits, how fast does the mind of a Divine work? He had thought of countless possibilities, surfing through them before finally settling on this.

"I object!" His voice had barely landed when Ancestor Silvera's voice rang. "Don't be senile, old man. So what if we were bound by the Oath Shackles? As long as we do not go back on our words, there's no way it can impede our goal!"

"I'm with her!"

"After her!"

"She's right!"

Ancestor Kabir's heart suddenly burned with rage. He understood. He perfectly understood Ancestor Silvera's words. However, he didn't want to take any chances. They had been stuck in the Dark Edge Realm for several billion years already. Although, to the people of this Realm, it was not enough to trigger a massive change. In that Realm, however, several world-shattering changes would have occurred, and it would continue to. They were already lagging behind!

Which part of his intention did these old fools not understand?!

And what was perhaps the most annoying part of it all, was that there was nothing he could do. Although he was the most powerful, that didn't mean he could go against two of these Ancestors if an altercation ensued between them. They were called Ancestors for a reason.

And there was the fact that their auras alone could already render the Divine Plane helpless. Let alone, a full altercation. The whole Dark Edge Realm wouldn't withstand it!

"Good. Very Good. Then don't blame me."


Osric would have never expected he escaped death at this very moment. However, even if he was aware, he would have only snorted. A Mortal cultivator, sent to assassinate him? They were only dreaming. He wouldn't even be scared if an Immortal or a Divine tried that, let alone a Mortal.

That aside, he looked towards Seina's Ancestor, clearly confused why he wanted to stop him.

It wasn't that they now took a liking to him after witnessing his Awakening, right? But then, it was probable. After all, even Seina, with Talents so magnificent, it attracted an Ancestor, still pale in comparison to him.

At this moment, the voice of a Divine spread throughout the Coliseum.

"Young Master Osric, my Obsidian Wood Sect would like to formally invite you to consider joining us!"

Osric's mouth hung open in shock. Even Seina was stunned. However, this was just the beginning.

"My Blytht Clan would love to formally invite you to our home!"

"My Xander Clan would also love to formally invite you to our home!"

"Young Master Osric, my Blissful Heart Sect would likewise love to…"

Osric stood in silence, his eyes scanning the powers that had just invited him.

At one corner of the Coliseum, a group of black robed oldies stood. They were so frail and thin, they looked as though they were one step away from grave. However, each and everyone of them radiated immense amounts of Wood Qi. Osric hadn't been able to sense it before, but now, as a bonafide cultivator, he could also make out the Darkness Qi laden underneath this Wood Qi.

This made him surprised. How had they fused Wood Qi, an extension of Life, with Darkness Qi, the utter opposite? Osric couldn't help but imagine perhaps their thin and frail body were the side effects of such an impossible concept.

The second to come into his view were those of the Infernal Plane. Their bodies reeked of the bloodthirsty and repulsive Infernal Qi. It tainted the very air that surrounded them, prompting many to distance themselves. It was at this moment Osric understood that, aside from the Demons' nature, this very Qi was also a reason most didn't respect them.

However, when Osric's eyes landed on the next group, everything suddenly clicked into place. Why had the Sprites and the Demons always at loggerheads? It was because their very beings were at loggerheads.

The light, airy and sacred Qi that wafted from the Sprites was reminiscent of the warm smile that currently graced their lips. In contrast to the repulsive Infernal Qi of the Demons, the Spiritual Qi of the Sprites was more welcoming.

'Really… although, they appear to be superficially opposites, they are fundamentally similar. Most especially, the Blytht and the Xander Clans.'

Osric noted before he shifted to the last but not the least of them. The Blissful Heart Sect was just like the Obsidian Wood Sect. Although, strength-wise, they were not on the level of the Sprites and Demons, they were still Divine Sects.

The cohorts of the Blissful Heart Sect were environed by a Qi Osric had little idea of. If he were to explain it, it was… sensual, filling one's mind with… nearly erotic thoughts?! Osric examined them once more, suddenly realizing that ninety percent of those present were females. And they were all absolutely beautiful. Hell, even the males all appeared androgynous!

To Osric, who was a full-fledged male and prided himself in it, this was a no-go area.

Osric glanced towards the floor, appearing to be in deep thoughts. Normally, they wouldn't dare invite someone within the territory of the Fahren Clan, however, they all witnessed the Oath he took just now. This gave them the leverage to act impudently.

Who wouldn't want a genius amongst geniuses like Osric? All experts present here were no fools. With little information, they had already deduced that the Oath Osric took was not intentional. He had been forced.

Since the Fahren Clan, in their magnanimity, had so gracefully pushed Osric out, they, though, would welcome him with open arms. The addition of Osric amongst their ranks would kickstart their rise. Their Fortune would double, then triple, then quadruple, then quintuple, till they leave even the likes of Fahren Clan in the dust.

With his cultivation, Osric didn't take a minute to already make his decision. However, what one wouldn't have expected was that, just as Osric proceeded to speak out his decision, the angry bellow of a certain Ancestor pierced through their expectations, the air tumbling and shredding consequently.