
Siege at Akkee sect (4)

The time was oh dark hundred, a nighttime hour following midnight when most people were asleep. At first, he thought of attacking at the later time around the early hours of the morning before dawn when most people were relieving and prepared to change shift.

It would be good to use the body clock against people who did not even know the concept of the biological clock and catch them off guard.

However after some experiment, he found out that the enemy did not that stupid, he then chose the darkest hour to infiltrate instead.

The weather and sky were good for him to sneak as the moon had gone, and the weather also showing sign of rain coming in a few hours.

While most craftsmen and archer could use their force to improve their line of sight, another most famous technique was a night vision, a must-had skill for many people who fight to earn a living especially assassins. Most new adventurer without guidance mostly ignore it and paid a great price even against a weaker opponent, because almost all demihumans had night vision but many people on the central plain had a prejudice against demihumans.

Since fire magicians could use some sort of fire spell to observe the surrounding Akkee sect did not mind much and did not hire a night vision guard for them.

His system could predict the date and time of whether very accurately, he believed this is the most appropriate season for him to attack as Akkee sect was famed for their fire magic technique.

The rain would help him in lowering their offensive power, there may be some water user in the refugee magicians but he did not care much as the rain would, in turn, help him with more power using water spell.

The time of the attack was the worst for humans but him, unlike some races with night vision. As David could see in the dark with Iris help and see clearly, while his enemy could not see anything and needed to maintain some spell so that they can clearly see, the time when everything went all dark was the most perfect.

"Iris, help me observing my surrounding."


David was not taking much time walking from his base to the mountain foot, as it was only about half a kilometers, he then slipped past the first barricade with ease. The hill at the base of the mountain where the first barricade lying with the youngling magicians of Akkee sect could not get someone like David to shed a sweat.

After he passed through the first barricade at the base, he finally arrived at the place he needed to climb today.

David came to the vertical cliff of Akkee sect base, just as most people expected, there was no guard on standby at this point. This part of the mountain should be around 5.9 if using the Yosemite Decimal System (YDS) of grading routes, meaning that it was very hard to climb without modern equipment. This part also led to the top of the mountain at the disciplinary building on top of Akkee sect.

The top of the mountains was around 2500 while the cliff was around 1500, but on the northeast side was not gained much attention as the cliff continues to the top. No one ever challenged that place before and even if they tried to challenge it, that person must be a highly capable martial artist or knight who trained to use their power in enhancing their body, not a magician.

It was a possible feat to climb to the top but for what purpose? If a single or dozens of those people come to engage in combat, by the time they reach the top their remaining power would be almost nothing.

Since Noseth was under the rule of might make right unlike a peaceful place like earth, no one would stupidly try to free climbing the vertical cliff for fun. People then thought of this place as unclimbable or too stupid to climb.

However, David knew that humans, who were weakling and not gifted with natural talents like most mountaineer animals, could achieve such a feat. The nose of El Captain in Yosemite, once considered impossible to climb was now just the standard for real professional wall climbing, the fastest free-climbing was 12 hours and if you look at the speed climbing which was a mix of aid and free-climbing the record was less than 2 hours, the record was of the same person though.

Even if there were some people patroled around the area, this was the darkest hour of the day, unless there were people with a dark vision no human could see anything more than a few meters. As long as he did not get very close they would not even though of him as human but a mountain goat. Well, even mountain goats would not climb on this almost suicide cliff in the dark.

If normal people could free climbing the cliff back on earth, David with his buffed up body and AI helper surely could do it.

He did not warm himself up as there was no need for that.

Although he became emperor that did not mean he became weaker, his body was in top shape and his buffed up power by the system reward made him exceeding all normal human, now he gonna tried free climbing to sabotage Akkee sect, as long as he could set foot on the top of the mountain. there were many ways to weaken the enemy defense.

I went to a blood donation and very exhaust, sorry for delay

patsahascreators' thoughts
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