

"Whoa…" Rao Wu marveled at the fifteen soul monsters that simultaneously appeared in the sandy plains. Of the fifteen soul monsters, three resembled giant mole-rats with hefty rock-studded arms that sported nine-inch long nails. Although he hadn't seen them in real life, he recognized them from the encyclopedia. These were Burrow Mole-Rats, named after their ability to swiftly dig through the earth.

Many monsters could 'swim' through the ground, but very few could create lasting tunnels that stayed open long after they passed. A Burrow Mole-Rat's tunnel could even withstand earthquakes to an extent. Humans often used Burrow Mole-Rats when exploring underground artifacts and locations. These unique soul monsters were more trustworthy than the most scientifically advanced machines.

Other monsters included two generic flight-type reconnaissance birds, four tiger-type monsters, and two rhino-type monsters.

Ramy's soul monster was a general-ranked Fiery Scorpion. The five-meters long, red-scaled scorpion was a terrifying sight to behold. Scorpion-types were famed for their mix of strong defense and perilous attacks. Their stingers might not be as powerful as a Steelback Ape's punch, but the resulting poison was far more deadly.

The Fiery Scorpion, in particular, was a breed reared in hot desert regions. Its unique landscape caused it to evolve over the years into a form that was nigh resistant to heat and fire-based attacks. Due to its sheer size and rugged defense, the Fiery Scorpion often adopted the tank role on the frontlines.

Elok's soul monster was also a bird-type, but it was an extremely rare Willow-Light Peacox. The Willow-Light Peacox was a magnificent, graceful bird with beautiful blue feathers and a set of string-like tails that ended in glowing will-o-wisps. This bird, when standing was almost six-feet tall, and with its dazzling color scheme, did not suit the reconnaissance role.

Unfortunately, Rao Wu could not recall the particulars on the Willow-Light Peacox's abilities. Instead, he turned his attention to Akeme's soul monster. Initially, he wondered if the vice-captain chose not to summon a soul monster, but then he saw a small furball on Akeme's shoulder.

Rao Wu was just about to comment on the cute furball when it unfurled to reveal eight multicolored eyes and legs. "Eight Calamities Spider!" Rao Wu shrieked and hurriedly put some distance between himself and that terrible monster.

The Eight Calamities Spider was a fragile soul monster. A five-year-old human child could easily crush it under his foot. However, this same spider was one of the most feared soul monsters in the world because of its extreme poison. Each hair follicle was tipped with enough venom to kill an elephant in seconds. Anything bitten by the Eight Calamities Spider died in less than five seconds. Its venom acted too quickly, destroying the infected's heart before they could get healing.

Rao Wu stared at the creature with fear and amazement in his heart. He wondered how Akeme managed to contract this terrible soul monster.

Rao Wu then looked away from Akeme to Boss Denuchi. His gaze turned complicated as he looked at the Boss' soul monster.

Next to the imposing Boss stood a dog-like soul monster with brown fur and a dirty, lackadaisical demeanor. Rao Wu recognized the warrior-ranked Boneclaw Hyena, but could not understand why Boss Denuchi used this soul monster. Boneclaw Hyenas had one of the strongest jaw bites in their rank but had average speed and defense. Furthermore, they did not possess any ranged attacks.

Boneclaw Heynas were most threatening in packs as they possessed a latent synergic ability that made them stronger the more of their kind were in a radius. Unfortunately, Boss Denuchi only had one, so it did not make sense to have kept using it.

Surprisingly, Akeme chuckled when he saw Rao Wu's confused expression. "You're totally judging the boss' soul monster, aren't you? Don't worry, you'll eventually see why he's Boss, and we're just followers."

Rao Wu was a little skeptical but ultimately chose to believe Akeme. So far, this looked like a world where only the strong survived. He doubted that the others would willingly treat Denuchi as Boss if he didn't have the strength required to uphold that position.

After observing the different soul monsters, Rao Wu asked a question that had been bothering him. "How come you only summoned one soul monster? You guys are at least, Soul Students, right?"

"No can do, kid." Akeme grimly shook his head. "We are only authorized to use one soul monster unless otherwise ordered by Boss." Akeme quickly continued before Rao Wu questioned Denuchi, "We're always under constant surveillance. If Boss permits us to summon more without good reason, he'll get severely punished. Worst-case scenario, they could kill him, and cripple our soul spaces for a year."

"Why? Why are they so cruel?"

"It's not about cruelty," revealed Denuchi as he joined the conversation. "It's about control. If, one day, we don't obey the simple command to only summon one soul monster, who's to say we don't get ideas about overthrowing them the next." Denuchi looked into Rao Wu's eyes as he added, "Remember, rules are made by people in power to normalize order and obedience among those they deem inferior. And, you can only enforce that by making harsh examples of those who break the rules, no matter how petty the crime might be."

'Gulp.' Rao Wu swallowed a lump. For a moment, it did not seem like Denuchi scolding him, but a faceless, terrible entity that stood behind the wolf-hybrid. Later, Rao Wu would learn the identity of that oppressive presence—the unbending Rule of Law backed by thousands of soldiers, authority, and armed oppression.

Ramy, recognizing the terror in Rao Wu's eyes, clapped her hands and said, "Alright, alright, Rao Wu gets it. There's no reason to scare him like that." Frowning, she wrapped her hands around Rao Wu's shoulder like a protective big sister. "More importantly, how are we splitting up, Boss?"

Denuchi, in response, smiled and then said as he looked at Rao Wu, "We still have one missing soul monster."

"Me?" Rao Wu stared at Denuchi in shock as he pointed at himself. This man had good eyes.

"Mm-hm. Why don't you show us your soul monster."

Akeme chuckled in disbelief. "C'mon Boss, he doesn't even look ten yet. Even if he has a soul pet, I doubt it'll be any use."

"Is that so?" Denuchi raised a brow and then looked at Rao Wu. "Are you useless? No, are your soul pet worthless?"

Rao Wu frowned. He knew Denuchi was baiting him, but he refused to allow anyone to slander his soul pets. "Come out, Lu Lin." Surprisingly, Rao Wu chose to summon Lu Lin rather than Ju Tu or Xian Da.

"Master." The ever beautiful Lu Lin appeared in front of Rao Wu with a gracious smile. Her eyes questioned his decision to call her rather than the other battle-oriented monsters, but she wisely kept her thoughts to herself.

"Nn." Rao Wu accepted Lu Lin's greeting with a smile and then looked at Denuchi. "This is my soul pet, Lu Lin. She's a support, tree-type soul monster. Food shouldn't be a problem as long as you can get her some seeds. In battle, she excels at crowd control. Her vines can trap monsters briefly so others can go in for the kill."

Rao Wu finally exhaled after the quick tirade and then pumped out his chest. Rao Wu resembled a typically arrogant, easily provoked youth, keeping in line with his decision to scale the cliff.

Many members of the suicide squad assumed Rao Wu was foolish to divulge so many secrets because of a little provocation.

Rao Wu, however, had a different view. Since Denuchi already suspected him, revealing his secrets—to a certain extent—was the best way to dispel that suspicion. The child's inner cunning fox reared its head, hoping to con the much stronger Denuchi into underestimating him. Only then could he successfully complete the test's absurd mission.

As to whether or not Denuchi was fooled, only the wolf-hybrid knew. All Denuchi did was smile and then say, "Alright. As usual, we split into three groups of five."

Rao Wu's team consisted of Denuchi, Akeme, Ramy, Elok, and one of the Burrow Mole-Rat soul trainers known as Chilou. The remaining two teams had one Burrow Mole-Rat soul trainer, one bird-type soul trainer, one rhino-type soul monster, and two tiger-type soul trainers each.

Rao Wu admired the lineup. He could clearly tell the team went for balance in their squads. Every member had an exact, defined role. Curious, he looked at Elok and asked, "Do soul trainers choose soul monsters based on their role in a team?"

Elok chuckled and then muttered as he scratched his chin. "It depends. Some soul trainers like to focus on one sole aspect. For example, say I want to be a defensive soul trainer, then every monster I contract would be a defensive-type. But some trainers are more rounded." Elok's eyes glinted as he said, "We have three slots in every soul rank, right? Why waste it all on one type? If a soul trainer is willing to put in the work, they could train soul monsters of varying fighting styles and elements. This will allow them to adapt to any scenario."

"Unfortunately, soldiers do not have the luxury of regular soul trainers," stated Denuchi. "Soldiers have their roles and duty on a battlefield, and so must train monsters by that role. People like us can't even choose our own soul pets." Denuchi noticed Rao Wu's frown and further explained, "What do you think is the most important thing in battle?"

"Strength and tactics!" answered Rao Wu.

"60 points," Denuchi criticized as he smiled at Akeme. "Synergy is the most important thing in battle. Do you know what would happen if ten or more people fought with vastly different soul monster types without prior planning?"

"Chaos," Denuchi stated. "Chaos would unfold as skills and monster abilities clashed against each other. You can't plan out battlefield tactics if everyone has vastly different soul monsters. This is why soldiers are required to use the dictated soul pet. Remember this if you ever have to plan a battle. Synergy in your team is the most important thing. This is the reason I asked you to reveal your soul pet. I need to know how best to incorporate her into my plans, or else she could even become a burden on the battlefield."

Crossing his arms, Akeme nodded, "I've heard humans say its easier to win a war against a ragtag group of bandits with a group of highly-trained children. Basically, the same thing."

Denuchi looked at Akeme with a strange gaze. "Not exactly the same, but I guess the spirit is similar." With those words, he slapped Rao Wu's back and then said, "I hope you're ready for a trek. We're going to be walking for a while."

In reply, Rao Wu, who was thankful for Denuchi's teachings, patted his chest and said, "Hmph! Walking's nothing to me!"

Denuchi and the others laughed at the little fox's claim. Eagerly anticipating Rao Wu's exhausted expression, the squad finally began their journey through the badlands.

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