
The gift

Ava had always been different. She could see emotions in their purest form, swirling around people like a colorful aura. It was a gift, but it was also a curse. Growing up in the slums, Ava had seen more pain and suffering than most people would in a lifetime. She had seen the desperation in her mother's eyes as she begged for work, the anger in her father's fists as he lashed out in frustration.

But Ava had also seen hope. She had seen the love between her parents, the kindness of strangers who had nothing to give but a smile. And it was that hope that kept her going, that made her believe that one day things would be different.

One day, everything changed. Ava was walking home from the market when she felt a sudden surge of anger, so strong it made her stumble. She looked up to see a group of wealthy elites, their eyes gleaming with power as they manipulated the emotions of those around them. Ava had heard stories of these people, the ones born with the ability to control emotions at will, but she had never seen them in person.

She tried to walk past them, to ignore the rage and envy they were provoking in the people around her, but one of them spotted her. "Hey, you," he said, pointing at her with a cruel smirk. "What's your gift?"

Ava froze. She had always kept her ability hidden, knowing that it would only make her a target. But now she had been caught, and there was no escaping the wealthy elite's wrath.

"Leave her alone," a voice said from behind her. Ava turned to see a group of rebels standing there, their eyes blazing with a fierce determination.

The wealthy elites sneered at them. "You're nothing but a bunch of nobodies," one of them said. "You can't stop us."

But the rebels didn't back down. Ava watched in amazement as they stood up to the wealthy elites, their own emotions swelling with courage and defiance. And in that moment, she knew what she had to do.

She stepped forward, her own emotions flaring with a strength she had never felt before. "I'll help you," she said, surprising herself with her own bravery.

The rebels looked at her, their eyes widening in surprise. "Who are you?" one of them asked.

"Ava," she said, her voice shaking slightly. "I can see emotions. I want to fight with you."

The rebels looked at each other, then nodded. "Welcome to the fight," they said.

And so began Ava's journey, from a quiet observer of the world's emotions to a fierce warrior fighting for equality and justice. She didn't know where it would lead her, but she knew that she was no longer alone.

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