
Emotional intelligence

Emotions are just word but has the ability to destroy are make us.Emotions are both constructive and destructive.We should have to train our mind to control emotions because if emotions started controlling us then we are finished.I am telling you the story of a boy who is very brilliant in his studies and top in every class during his school life and didn't face any failure during his school life.He got 3rd position in whole Pakistan and 1st in his school.Due to his academic performance his parents expectations are very high and they want him to become a doctor and Arham also ambitious to become a doctor.But life has some other plan for him.One day he got fever his family take him to a doctor and doctor didn't treat him well and his condition getting more doctor gave him some injection that effect his liver.Then he remained under treatment of another specialized doctor and saved his life.But he is physically very weak and his metabolism disturbed he can't eat properly and can't focus his studies that disturb his mental health.Because he don't know how to control his emotions.His is academically strong but emotionally very weak.So he got average marks in Fsc.He avoid social gathering because he don't want anyone call him a failure.He spend time alone.He need some break to overcome his thoughts.He is not in that condition to start again.So he start using mind controlling techniques but in that process thoughts make him to do that he can't want to so struggle between him and mind takes a long time during that process he wants to give up at some time want to take drugs to avoid reality because reality is very painful for him.But he uses him mind intelligently he knows this is the only he start doing everything against his mind and at some stage he has some control over his mind.He explore himself he love to feel every emotions of his body and also he notice how body react on every emotion and then he start trained his mind acc to him not acc to emotions.Because every emotion is temporary so never try to react because reacting is losing.Emotions has the ability to destroy or make us.