
Emerald Moon

Blaise Zabini is never impressed by anyone. He is an arrogant and privileged Pureblood wizard, who doesn't want anything to do with the Death Eaters or the Order. But then he is introduced to the shimmering Christmas ornament that is Luna Lovegood at Slughorn's Christmas Party, and he becomes intrigued...

Mel_Arx · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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20 Chs

Chapter 7 - Friends

Luna had been very excited when Professor McGonagall had asked her to commentate the Quidditch match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. It had been a beautiful day and excitement had hung in the air. It had of course been unfortunate that Ron was still in the hospital and Harry was not able to play the game he wanted to. It had been even more horrible when McLaggen had cracked Harry's skull with a Bludger. The rest of the game had quickly lost her interest. Especially seeing how upset it was making her friends.

She had tried her best to comfort Ginny, who had fought with Dean after the game. Her best friend had also been upset seeing Harry in the hospital wing. Luna knew the affection she felt towards him. She wondered whether Ginny could sense Harry's interest in her. Luna thought it was pretty obvious, but she knew better than to ask. Although she would never mince her words, she did understand when to leave something alone, especially matters of the heart.

What she hadn't expected after the match, was how many people had come up to her, laughing, telling her how horrible her commentating had been. She usually never let criticism get her down, but this hurt her. She had been proud of herself. Hadn't she entertained anybody? Kept on track with the truly important parts of the match? Professor McGonagall had told her afterwards that the score counted towards the important parts. Luna wasn't sure she agreed. But seeing the look on McGonagall's face and the dreadful comments her classmates left her, she doubted she would ever be asked again.

She decided that the best way to lift her mood was to spend some time outside. There was a clearing in the Forbidden Forest, close to Hagrid's hut that was a favourite spot of some of the small magical creatures. She would bring some of the creatures favourite snacks and if Hagrid was there, have a nice cup of tea. Armed with treats, she made her way out of the Common Room and into the hallway. To her surprise she nearly walked straight into Professor Dumbledore.

"Good morning Luna." He said in his soft voice, his blue eyes twinkling behind his half moon spectacles.

"Good morning Professor Dumbledore." She said brightly.

"Off to Hagrid's?" He asked, indicating his head towards her bag, where a toadstool was peaking out.

"Yes, I want to clear my head and feed the creatures." He looked at her thoughtfully.

"I liked your commentary during the match, you were delightful." She felt her cheeks redden.

"Thank you. You are the only one, it seems."

"Oh I doubt that very much. But if it were true, than I am glad we can both appreciate our world for the magical place it is." She smiled at him.

"That's a very kind thing to say."

"It's the truth." Professor Dumbledore said simply. "Before you go, can I ask you a favour?"

"Of course!"

"Would you deliver this to Harry?" He handed her a neatly tied scroll. "I am afraid I have an urgent meeting to get to."

"Of course!" And she took the letter, "I'll find him right away."

"Thank you Luna, that's very kind of you. Do give Hagrid my regards when you see him."

"I will. Bye Professor Dumbledore."

"Bye Luna."

And with that she turned and strode towards the Hospital Wing. On her way she bumped into a group of Hufflepuffs, that were obviously still elated about their win.

"Great commentary Loony. I've never heard such accurate descriptions of clouds." One of the students said as she passed. She didn't turn to look at them, letting their laughter fade away. Quite a few of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team had reprimanded her after the match. They had been trying to be as kind as possible, but their words had stung.

"Luna," Cho had said, obviously trying to keep her tone light, "you are a dear, but I don't think this was really your thing."

"You didn't like it?"

"Well, it was rather… unconventional…"

"Why is that a bad thing?"

"There's unconventional and then there's dreadful." Another player had quipped in, receiving a glare from Cho. But she hadn't contradicted him and that told Luna everything she needed to know. They were all laughing at her. She even wondered whether Blaise had been laughing at her too. Which shouldn't really matter. She was still disappointed with him and his comments about Hagrid.

Resolutely she pushed the thought away. At least Professor Dumbledore had liked it. And that should be enough. She had arrived at the hospital wing, but Madame Pomfrey informed her that both Harry and Ron had just been dismissed. And so she wandered through the corridors, hoping to catch up with her friends soon, because she really wanted to go outside.

Thankfully she saw a familiar group in front of her, descending a marble staircase. Harry, Ron and to her surprise and delight Hermione too. That made her happy see.

"Harry!" She called out and they all turned.

"Oh, hi, Luna." Harry said, a relieved look on his own face.

"I went to the hospital wing to find you, but they said you'd left…" She told him and started to rummage through her bag. Taking out the Gurdyroot, toadstool and treats, she trust them to Ron, who was looking much better. Finding Dumbledore's scroll, she gave it to Harry. "I've been told to give you this."

Harry instantly seemed to recognise it and unrolled it deftly.

"Tonight." He told both Ron and Hermione.

Favour complete, she took the items back from Ron. He was smiled widely.

"Nice commentary last match!" He said and she gave him a vague smile in return.

"You're making fun of me, aren't you? Everyone says I was dreadful."

"No, I'm serious!" he told her and she looked into his earnest face. "I can't remember enjoying commentary more!" A happy flutter filled her. As much as she appreciated Dumbledore's support, hearing the truth in her friend's voice, was far better. She grinned.

"What is this, by the way?" He asked, holding the Gurdyroot to his eye level. Again, true genuine curiosity on his face. She beamed.

"Oh, it's a Gurdyroot," she told him, shoving the other items back into her bag. "You can keep it if you like. I've got a few of them. They're really excellent for warding off Gulping Plimpies."

Ron gave her another grin and with a quick good-bye she walked away, lightness in her step as she made her way outside.

Spring had truly started to arrive at Hogwarts, several trees were in process of blossoming. A fresh green scent was in the air, and several daffodils lined her path towards the Forest. There was no smoke coming from Hagrid's hut, indicating that Hagrid wasn't home. She would have some tea with him another time. As she had expected several creatures were enjoying the calm and light space that provided shelter from the danger of other larger creatures and students.

Knarl's lifted their curious heads when she arrived, smelling the treats she had brought them. Pixies and Fairies had been squabbling about territory among the ferns, and as she passed one of the trees, she saw the resident Bowtruckle nimbly climbed down the branches. She had brought the toadstool especially for him.

Luna nestled herself onto a tree trunk and patiently waited for the creatures to get used to her presence and approach her if they wanted to. She rummaged in her bag and got out the pair of stockings she was in the process of knitting. As she took out the powder blue yarn, there was a small rustling beneath her hand. Then the Thestral model appeared.

"Oh, hello you. What are you doing here? Did you want to come along?" The tiny Thestral preened under her hand. Carefully she picked it up and placed it on her knee where it took in its surroundings. She levitated her knit project and with a simple charm, watched as the needles started to weave the yarn in practiced motions. A Fairy had separated itself from the group and flew towards her. The Thestral model immediately began flapping its wings. The Fairy circled it, obviously curious.

"Pretty isn't she?" Luna asked softly and the Fairy clicked in agreement. She watched the creature's interaction with the model. It was so life like that it almost saddened her that it wasn't truly a miniature Thestral. She really ought to thank Blaise for such a beautiful gift.

As if summoned, his low voice floated into the space.

"Hello Lovegood…"

She looked up. Blaise stood at the edge of the clearing, leaning against a tree, his dark eyes roaming over her and the surroundings. Butterflies seemed to erupt within her as he held her gaze. Suddenly, she felt rather warm and wondered whether that was a side effect to Wrackspurts invading her mind. She broke their eye contact to regain the ability to speak.

"Hello Blaise."

"May… may I join you?" She bit her lip. She had rather enjoyed the peaceful moment and didn't want anything to ruin it. He interpreted her silence. "It's ok if you don't want me to."

"I came here to be alone." She told him and saw his dark eyebrows pull together.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, of course."

"Alright… then I'll go… but… first… I wanted to apologise to you, before I go." She blinked and saw his nervous stance. Despite his tall and perhaps to some intimidating frame, he suddenly looked very vulnerable.

"Why?" She asked and it was his turned to look at her in surprise. He took a few steps into the clearing.

"Because I upset you…?"

"You didn't insult me. You should apologise to Hagrid."

"But… he… did you tell him?"

"No, why would I want to upset Hagrid?"

He came closer to her now, his hands shoved in his pockets.

"I don't understand why I should apologise to him… about something he doesn't know about? Wouldn't that then upset him?" She regarded him silently. He looked back, looking a bit more self-assured. She thought about what he said.

"I suppose that makes sense…" She finally said slowly, "And it did upset me that you said that about him. So thank you for your apology." He gave a brief nod and started to turn away. Somehow she didn't want him to go yet, despite her intentions to be alone.

"I…" She stuttered and he froze, looking back.


"I wanted to thank you for the Thestral. It was a very thoughtful gift." She gestured towards her knee and seeing the model peering curiously at him, while the Fairy had decided to pet it's neck, he smiled.

"I didn't think they would be so life-like." He said and came closer to inspect it. "I have one too and it frightens Nott every morning." She heard the humour in his voice and suddenly felt giddy.

"It's remarkable! I wish it was real."

"Me too. The Fairy seems to think it is."

"Oh, I am not sure about that, but she's definitely curious." They took a moment to appreciate the scene in front of them. Then he turned his intense eyes to her in question. She gave a brief nod, and he settled down on the floor beside her tree trunk. He was so much taller that it hardly made a difference.

"What are you making?" He asked gesturing to the knitting. She smiled.

"Some new stockings. Some of mine have gone missing, and I do like wearing my own during the weekends." Something passed over his face.

"I am sorry." He said, his voice clipped.

"Oh, I am sure it's all in good fun, and I like making things. It gives me an reason to make more." He looked at her curiously.

"I've never met anyone like you." He stated then and a knot formed in her stomach.

"You must think I am loony… especially after…"

"No!" The force in his voice surprised her, "No, I don't think you are. Don't think that about yourself."

She shrugged her shoulders. Suddenly the feeling of sadness engulfed her. All the teasing and laughter since the match rang loudly through her ears. No, she told herself sternly, there was no reason to be sad about that.

"I don't think that about myself," She told him, "But I know others do. Most do. You wouldn't be the first."

"Well, I don't think so. And I thought your Quidditch commentary was great. Don't believe anyone who has told you otherwise." She blinked and gave him a weak smile.

"You did? You're not laughing at me?"

"No, I promise. I really enjoyed it." The dark cloud in her mind instantly disappeared.

"Ron just told me the same thing."

"Ron Weasley?"

"Yes! He told me he enjoyed it too, and I believe him. Most people said I was dreadful. He's a good friend." She smiled at him. Blaise didn't return it fully.

"You weren't dreadful, just unique. Are… are you close to Weasley?"

"That's kind to say, Dumbledore said that too. Yes! Ginny is my best friend, and Ron is becoming a good friend too. He's very funny."

"I am sure he is."

They fell into a silence, and the Knarl took that opportunity to come closer and sniff around for more treats. Luna carefully withdrew some more from her bag and spread them to the hedgehog like creature. It chirped happily, it's quills quivering in delight.

"Their quills are used in Laughing Potions." Blaise told her softly and Luna giggled.

"That makes sense. Knarl's are very friendly creatures. They are the happiest in a daisy field. There are quite a lot of them at home." Blaise smiled at her, before a more serious expression crossed his face.

"Do… do you consider me a friend?" She looked at him thoughtfully.

"I don't know, do you consider me a friend?" Her answer seemed to have surprised him. She saw many emotions flood through his eyes. Her stomach started to feel heavy.

"I don't think I can…" He said softly, sadness edging his voice.

"Why not?"

"It's… it's not safe. There's too much at risk…" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"What would not be safe?" He raised his eyebrow.

"After last year, I think you would understand that better than me."

"No, not really. After last year, I think it would be far better if we all became friends."

"Times are becoming dangerous…" He said but she interrupted him.

"Aren't you friends with Draco Malfoy?"

"Not really."

"But you are with Theodore Nott. I fought his father at the Ministry you know. Hit him with Reducto after he tried to kill my friends."

His body stiffened in frustration and he groaned into his hands.

"Look, I want to be a friend to you, Lovegood. But if people, such as Nott or Malfoy found out, it would be dangerous. I can't have that."

"Dangerous to you or me?"

"Both." Luna made a noise of dismissal which surprised him.

"That's not very brave of you." That hit a nerve.

"Well I'm not a bloody Gryffindor like the rest of your friends, aren't I?"

"A house has nothing to do with it. It's about the choices we make. And you're afraid of being my friend."

"Well, what if I am?" She shrugged.

"Nothing, it's just disa…"

"Don't say that word!" She blinked at his anger.

"What? Disappointing?" He flinched.

"Just don't!" He hissed and she frowned.

"Why are you angry? You are asking to be my friend, and then you say you can't." He remained silent so she pushed on, unsure where this sudden need for confrontation was coming from. She was usually never like this. "Maybe you should decide what you want to be Blaise, before following me, giving gifts and asking about friendship."

His dark gaze engulfed hers and she held his. Somehow, his face was closer to hers now, heat radiating from him. One heartbeat. Two heartbeats. And then the model Thestrals ripped her away from the moment, flapping up towards their faces, apparently not impressed by their tension. She leaned back as did he and there suddenly appeared to be more air to breathe. It was only then that she noted they were both out of breath. They took a while to calm themselves. Blaise played with a silver ring on his long fingers. The Knarls meanwhile had eaten all the treats and even the Bowtruckle had taken the opportunity to carry away the toadstool.

She looked at her knitting work and hastily flicked her wand to stop it. Having not paid attention to it, the blue stocking had become far too long and lopsided. With a sigh and another flick, the yarn unravelled back into a ball, until she was certain she could start it again at a good spot. He blankly stared at her work.

"My grandmother is good at knitting." He said suddenly. "She lives in Italy."

"Italian yarn is very nice to use." She replied softly and he looked at her. Something tugged at her heart seeing his expression. He seemed to be debating inside his head. She wanted to turn away. Leave him to his thoughts. Stop a feeling of desperation that was clinging in her chest. But his obsidian eyes made it impossible for her to look away. And so she didn't.

She wasn't sure how long they stayed like this. Perhaps only a minute or a few seconds but it felt like years passed. Then he spoke, low and deep, sounding hoarse.

"I want to be your friend, Lovegood." He said.

"Why don't you call me Luna? All my friends call me Luna."

"I don't want to be like all of your friends. And I like calling you Lovegood. Do… do you mind?" She thought about it. Usually it sounded very formal, especially when teachers said it. But when he did, there was something… something she couldn't quite put a finger on. But whatever it was, she liked it.

"I don't mind. Should I call you Zabini then?"

"No…. I like it when you call me Blaise."

"It is a nice name." Then finally a grin appeared on his face.

"If you say so. But Lovegood, we can't tell anyone." He turned his serious gaze back to her. It almost seemed like a ultimatum. It was something she would usually have never agreed to. She was an open book, and proud of being so. She couldn't even imagine what it would mean. How would she be able to act? But then she found herself nodding.

"Alright." Relief spread across his face.

"I am glad. I wish it didn't have to be, but I just can't… not right now."

"I understand Blaise. I'll be inconspicuous." He raised a mocking eyebrow but his grin was teasing.

"You are the least inconspicuous person I know." She couldn't help but laugh.

"I am sure that's true. I can be an inconspicuous writer though. Would that be alright?"

Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest as he gave her the most dazzling smile she had ever seen.

"I would love that."