
Emerald Moon

Blaise Zabini is never impressed by anyone. He is an arrogant and privileged Pureblood wizard, who doesn't want anything to do with the Death Eaters or the Order. But then he is introduced to the shimmering Christmas ornament that is Luna Lovegood at Slughorn's Christmas Party, and he becomes intrigued...

Mel_Arx · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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20 Chs

Chapter 11 - The Night Everything Changed

Blaise knew the moment he woke up that night, that something was wrong. A cloud of dread swirled around him and he felt disoriented in the dark room. As he scrambled out of bed and found a sweater to pull on, he saw Malfoy's bed was empty. The emerald curtains were drawn back, the bed still in pristine condition. The hair on the back of his neck started to rise and he registered noises coming from somewhere.

Beside him, Nott too had woken up. It was still relatively early, just shy of midnight, and already his friend looked completely dishevelled, as if woken from a deep sleep. His chestnut curly hair sticking out at every angle and his hazel eyes were glazed over.

"What's… going on?" Came the confused and slow question. No movement or sound from Crabbe and Goyle.

Blaise had managed to pull on a pair of jeans and stuffed his wand in his pocket.

"Don't know. Off to see. Malfoy's gone."

And he made his way out of the dormitory and into the Common Room, where more students had started to gather. Several apprehensive glances were made at the Entrance way and the ceiling from where now clearly sounds of an altercation was heard. Before he was even aware of it, he was holding his wand out in front of him. Just in case…. For what?

Blaise found Urquhart, who hadn't bothered to change out of his pyjamas.

"Do you know what's going on?" Blaise asked but the older boy shook his head.

"No clue. It started with a bang but now the sounds are getting louder. I expect Slughorn at any moment. Parkinson is trying to find Malfoy. As Prefects, they should deal with this."

"I don't think she'll find him." Blaise said, ignoring Urquhart's confused look.

"I am going to see what's happening." He said and now strode out of the Common Room, ignoring several shouts to stay there. But Blaise knew something was wrong, and he knew he couldn't rest until he knew what it was.

There were definitely shouts echoing down into the dungeons and the unmistakable grunts and cries made during a duel. Fighting, but by whom? He instantly thought of telling Snape and had just rounded the corner to his old head of house's office when he saw the door was open and concerned female voices came out. As he heard her dreamy tone, laced with something he had never heard before, Blaise felt his blood run cold. He looked in.

There sat Luna, pale hair billowing around her. Beside was Granger and on the floor an unconscious Professor Flitwick. Snape was nowhere. The bizarre scene made no sense to him. Luna was waving her wand over Flitwick, muttering healing enchantments, but with no results. The tiny Professor didn't move.


Both girls turned to him, fear and apprehension clear on their faces. Grangers wand aimed directly at him. Seeing him, Luna's posture immediately softened.

"Blaise." She stated and he felt a surge of satisfaction, hearing the relief in her voice.

"What's going on? Who's fighting?"

Granger gave a disapproving squeak, but Luna gave her head a small shake at her friend.

"It's alright," she told Granger first before turning to him. "Professor Flitwick told us and Professor Snape there are Death Eaters in the school. Professor Snape went off immediately but Professor Flitwick is still unconscious and nothing seems to revive him."

"Death…. Eaters? Here? At Hogwarts?"

Luna nodded.

"We don't know how, but they managed to get into the castle. We called the Order and the rest is fighting." She turned to Granger, who kept giving him accusing stares. "Hermione, I'll watch over Professor Flitwick for now. You go help Ginny, Ron and Neville. Maybe Harry has returned…"

For a second, Blaise thought Granger would protest, but she held back whatever swirled through her mind and ran out of the office, wand drawn. Luna meanwhile focused her attention back on the unconscious Professor. Blaise knelt beside her.

"How is he?" He asked her softly.

"His breathing is fine and steady. No apparent wounds, but whatever I try, I can't wake him. Snape must have used a curse…"

"Why would Professor Snape stun him? I heard Professor Flitwick was a duelling champion. If there are Death Eaters here… we need him."

Luna gave a defeated sigh.

"I don't know… but I do know we have to get him to Madame Pomfrey." She looked at him with her enchanting luminous eyes. "Will you help me?"

"Of course, what can I do?"

"Make sure I stay focused and don't… bump into anything…" Blaise was about to ask what she meant by that, when she cast a spell.

"Levicorpus!" As light as a feather, Flitwick started to levitate from the ground. Bewildered Blaise looked at her determined face. So… that was the plan… and he followed her as she started to leave the dungeons, Flitwick bobbing in front of them.

They rounded a corner and Blaise instantly reacted to a stunning curse coming their way. He pulled Luna back around a pillar, Flitwick's body followed. With his own wand, Blaise cast the Protego charm to block anything else coming their way, before he even dared to look back.

The entrance hall was filled with debris, rubies from the Gryffindor hourglass scattered like blood drops. He saw two Death Eaters, seemingly brother and sister, taking on three adults. He realised they were part of the Order members Luna had mentioned. The curse that had come their way now seemed a random projectile rather than an attack. But there was no way they could pass the fight safely. As he looked towards the stairs, he saw even more destruction. He grabbed Luna's wrist.

"Come on, I know a passage. It's too dangerous here. Stay close to me."

She made no protest for which he was grateful. Instead she remained calm and determined, diligently caring for her Head of House. He led the way, checking every corner and covering her back when necessary. They narrowly avoided detection by the werewolf Fenrir Greyback, as they slid along a wet corridor. Blaise later realised it had been blood. He pushed that thought out of his mind, just as he ignored the cries and shrieks that seemed to come from every angle. Suddenly he heard Professor Snape above the noise.

"It's over, time to go!"

He nearly turned to the familiar voice but forced himself to travel on. They were close now. They passed some bewildered students in the hallway. One seemed to recognise Luna.

"Luna? What's going on? We heard there's a Dark Mark…" the boy immediately stopped when he saw Flitwick.

"Don't worry Colin, he's only stunned. We're bringing him to the hospital wing. Stay here okay? There's fighting going on!"

Before she could continue, Blaise once again took hold of her, and started to drag them along the last flights of stairs. They could talk later. First safety was important.

The hospital was already a buzz with activity. Madame Pomfrey gave them one glance and paled slightly as she saw Professor Flitwick.

"My goodness Lovegood… eh Mr Zabini? What happened?"

"Professor Flitwick was stunned but I can't wake him."

Apparently dismissing the strange scene, the matron cut to the essentials.

"Right. You've done well to bring him here. It's chaos. Carefully place him on the bed there, yes that's right. Perfect. Now go sit over there, both of you. There's a Pepper-Up potion. Bottoms up for both of you."

They did what she told them, gingerly sitting beside each other, allowing themselves some time to truly asses the situation. Blaise poured them both a glass of the potion. He checked her over as he handed her a glass. Thankfully she didn't appear to be hurt.

"Are you alright?" He asked anyway. She nodded as she accepted the glass.

"Yes, are you too?"


"Cheers!" She chirped and clinked their glasses before downing the syrupy liquid in one go. He couldn't help a grin as he did the same.

As the liquid passed through him, he instantly felt the effects, and realised he had been trembling before. But now he felt warm, elated, confident and quite ready to pull her close to him. He stretched out his arm to do so when she recognised a body in one of the beds.

"Neville!" And without another wasted second, she had jumped up and flown to the another boy. With great reluctance, Blaise followed her.

"Neville? Are you okay?" She asked and his own heart gave a twist as he heard to genuine concern and fear in her voice. Longbottom didn't answer her, apparently asleep. Several cuts appeared on his face.

"He was brought in a short while ago. He had some injuries but will be fine. I gave him a sleep tonic, helps with the pain." Madame Pomfrey told her. This seemed to relax Luna and Blaise couldn't help give her shoulder a quick squeeze.

"Don't worry Lovegood."

She gave him a grateful smile while he ignored Madame Pomfrey's intrigued stare.

"Luna?" It was Professor Flitwick, who finally had awakened

"Professor! Are you alright?"

"Yes, we all are in Poppy's hands." He said and Blaise caught a blush on the matron's cheeks as she busied herself. "She told me you and Mr Zabini brought me here. I wanted to thank both of you. That was very brave of you." Blaise felt skewered by the wizard's intense gaze. He managed to nod as Luna told her Head of House what had happened and what they had seen. Which possibly hadn't been the best idea because now he was determined to get back to his students.

Madame Pomfrey simply looked at them accusingly as she practically forced potions down his throat.

"You are not leaving Filius until you finish those. In fact, had the situation been any different I wouldn't allow you to leave at all!"

But whatever Flitwick had wanted to protest was cut short when the hospital doors flung open and several people rushed in, carrying a bloodied body between them.

"Poppy, quickly, it's Bill Weasley. Fenrir had gotten to him."

Blaise recognised Remus Lupin, his old Defence of the Dark Arts teacher, along with both Weasley siblings and an extremely beautiful girl with pale blonde hair. He recognised her too as the Beauxbatons champion, Fleur Delacour. Who he didn't recognise was the young man they lifted into a bed and once glance made his stomach turn. He doubted anyone would recognise this Bill guy after this. He heard Luna gasp in horror beside him.

"Oh no, Bill…"

Again the urge to take her into his arms and take her faraway from here filled him. But again, he knew he couldn't, not now anyway. Ginny Weasley instantly turned as she heard her friend. The girl was visibly relieved to see her.

"Luna! Oh thank Merlin! Hermione said you stayed in Snape's office… what are you doing here Zabini?"

"I am allowed to be wherever I want to be Weasley." Blaise retorted frostily.

"Not now, not after this."

"Ginny, he helped me get Professor Flitwick to the hospital wing."

"Precisely." Flitwick answered behind them as he stood and brushed off his robes. "I have to get back. Thank you Poppy!" And strode from the hospital.

They all looked after him and Ginny gave a sigh before turning to her brother.

"Stay with Bill. I saw Harry go after Snape. I am going to see where he is. I'll tell Hermione to come up." Ron gave a stiff nod.

"I'll go too." Blaise told Luna softly, ignoring the siblings.

"What? Are you sure?"

"Yes, you need to be with… them right now. I am sure Slughorn will be looking for me."

"Alright, thank you Blaise."

He merely gave a nod, unable to get anything out and left. He ignored Ginny coming up to him as they both made their way down to the entrance hall. There was still debris and cries and sobs of scared students.

"What are you doing?" She asked him, venom dripping from her voice.

"I really am not in the mood for an interrogation Weasley."

"I don't care! You will answer me! What do you want with Luna?"


"Don't lie!"

"Lovegood is able to make friends other people than yourself. You're not the centre of the universe."

"Luna is the kindest soul here; she can make friends with anyone but not everyone is able to do the same. Why are you friends with her?"

"I am not trying to use her, if that's what your thinking. And besides, I don't think it's any of your business."

"It is my business when one of your mates just let Death Eaters into the castle."

"Malfoy is not my mate…"

"Oh but you know what he did!"

"Merlin, I am not an idiot."

"That still doesn't…. What's going on there?"

They both halted as they saw a group of students gathering in the courtyard, sobs and shrieks filling the air.

They briefly gave each other an apprehensive look before both running towards the scene. As they pushed their way through into the clearing Blaise felt his blood run cold.

There lay Professor Dumbledore, motionless on his back, his arms and legs bend at an awkward angle. His half moon spectacles crooked on his face. He was dead.

A cold fear spread through his body and it suddenly became hard to breathe. Fear clawed its way through his body, paralysing him. He saw Potter appear and crouch down beside the Headmaster, as more and more students started to realise what they were seeing. He knew then that everything would change. Their world would no longer be the same. England was no longer safe.

He heard Weasley make a noise of distress before she moved into the open space. Softly yet firmly she pulled Potter away and led him back inside as Hagrid came in to carry Dumbledore away from the scene.

Blaise felt dazed and numb. The crowd attempted to herd him back inside, but the thought of entering the castle was suffocating. He pulled himself away, breathing hard against one of the castle walls. He wasn't sure how long he had stood there, when Nott appeared in front of him.

"Zabini? Are you okay mate? I couldn't find you. I thought… the fighting… well you're here. Do you need Madame Pomfrey?"

The thought of returning to the hospital wing where Luna was, surrounded by her friends and Order members only seemed to bring more panic.

"No!" He replied rather forcefully, "I… I need fresh air. Cover for me? I'll be back in an hour… I just need…"

"Don't worry, I'll cover for you. Go now, before Slughorn comes up himself."

And with that Blaise slipped back out of the grand front doors and into the cool dark night. His feet carried him away and a sudden tragic song accompanied him into the forest. The lament of a Phoenix. For whatever reason it made his heart feel a little lighter. He soon found the clearing, moonlight filtering through the tree canopy. The herd of Thestrals was already there, as if waiting for him. They had gotten used to his visits and some even appeared to give a welcoming snort.

He sat down on the central tree stump and waited. One of the teenage Thestrals nestled beside him.

"I didn't bring anything. If you were a Dementor you could feed on my sadness. I have nothing else."

The creature didn't mind and let Blaise pet him. The soothing motion along its neck brought some peace to himself as well. Feeling returned to his limbs. Fear ebbed away slightly. And he gave himself the time to think of a plan. While he never actively supported Dumbledore, he knew the stabilising factor the wizard was. Surely this would allow the Death Eaters to take over anything that mattered? The whispers in the Slytherin Common Room had told him as much.

His mother would have to stay abroad and they would have to follow her. Perhaps Magdalena could attend Beauxbatons or Durmstrang instead? If there would be a war, finishing Hogwarts would be the least of his worries. He would have to keep his head down. As much as he considered Nott his friend, he knew if it came down to it, Nott would have no choice but do what his father wished. And with Malfoy's betrayal and obvious alignment with Voldemort, he knew that the Death Eaters knew of his existence.

Perhaps the coming days would be ones in which to say goodbye?

He heard her arrive into the clearing and turned. Even dishevelled and obviously distressed she still looked radiant, as if the moon had descended. Her pale hair and eyes shone brightly and he could tell she had been crying. And that tiny piece of information seemed to short circuit in his brain and he lost all sense of control. Two, maybe three strides and then he folded her in his arms, doing what he had been carving to do for so long.

She seemed to mould against him and he heard her sigh of relief as he buried his face into her hair, her scent overwhelming his senses. And then she started to softly shake as she cried. Usually Blaise avoided tears as much as possible but he sensed she needed this release. She was someone that felt incredibly deeply while also keeping a calm and rational mind. He could almost feel honoured that she felt safe enough with him to let go and feel everything. He simply held her tighter.

He lost all feeling of time. How long did they stand like this? Would Nott send out of search party? If he did, he was resolved not to care one bit if anyone discovered them. The wizarding world was now fucked up anyway.

"I… I am sorry… I didn't come here to cry. But I can't believe it… Dumbledore… And Bill was hurt so badly…"

"Will he… pull through?"

"Yes… but everything is uncertain… everything Blaise…"

"I know… everything's going to change now."

She pushed away lightly to look up at him, and he instantly regretted the loss of contact.

"What will you do? What about your mother?"

"We'll try to get to Italy as soon as we can, if we still can… What about you and your father?"

"There's no where else to go. Dad and I can't just leave. He's needed with the Quibbler and I am needed with…"

"With Potter." He finished for her and she gave a resolute nod. He looked at her, trying to commit her entire being to memory. A reluctant smile appeared on her face as she read his thoughts.

"You have chosen your side." He said softly.

"I don't think it's a choice. I am fighting for what's right. Do you really think it's a choice?" He shrugged, he wasn't sure anymore.

"I like that about you." He told her instead, twisting a strand of luminous hair around his finger, capturing its silky texture. "You're so determined, so fearless."

"I am not fearless, but there's no reason to give into fear. It clouds the mind too much."

"I am sure it does…"

Questions swirled in the air between them, unanswered… unsure. Words never uttered. But it didn't matter. His hand found the side of her face, tilting it up meet him.

"I don't know what will happen now Lovegood…" he said softly, his voice hoarse. "But I do know I want to do this…"

And with that, he closed the space between them and kissed her.