
Emerald academy

Alex is your usual 14 year old until his 15th birthday his father had gave him a gift he would not be able to forget even if he wanted too he found out he’s a wizard his dad told him that he will be going to the local wizards and witch’s private school called emerald academy

Christianatal880 · Thành thị
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39 Chs

Chapter 25

Abel was shaking all over it didn't help when Cain sat next to him Elliot saw Abel was shaking and Cain sitting next to him made it worse Elliot got up and walked towards Alex he knelt to his ear "is Abel ok he's shaking," Elliot said Alex was a bit out of it "I don't know he told me that he had a brother and i guess that's him his brother must hate him or something," Alex said.

then he heard a chair shift he saw who's chair it was Abel got up angrily "what the hell are you doing here Cain what do you want!" Abel Yelled everyone was surprised Lara was about to tell Abel to calm down but then Cain stood up and smiled evily "I only want you want younger brother to see our dad to be able to talk to him stop acting like a selfish prick all I want to do is talk to our dad!" Cain said.

the teacher was confused "um maybe you guys should talk about this outside," Lara said Toby got really interested in the conversation "who's your dad," both Abel and Cain looked at him angrily Toby instantly sat down both Abel and Cain looked at Each other "What's so wrong in wanting to see my father who I haven't seen for all my life hmm you had a few days with him now let me speak to him," Cain said Abel became a bit angry "oh I know what you mean by talk brother and that is not going to happen," Abel said.

Alex was confused he got up shaking the table Jon was a bit not trying to go in there "wait why can't he-" Alex said Abel then slapped him and shooed him he whispered something in his ear "he's the person who attacked us," Abel whispered Alex understood now so he sat immediately down "sneaky keeping dad to yourself you selfish prick," Cain said.

Abel was lost in his words a student got up "hi I'm Quinton but like Toby asked who's your dad," Quinton asked unlike last time Cain smiled wickedly Abel shook his head "no you'll ruin our dad if you do this," Abel said Cain smiled "our dad is.... someone here but you'll have to guess," Cain said Abel was relieved "little brother do you find me so disgusting that you would believe I would destroy dads rep look I just learned from a family friend about who my dad is I want to talk and get to know him not ruin him I've never had a father," Cain said Abel crossed his arms "Fine," Abel said.

the students were still figuring who the dad was then they looked at Alex and them they had the same eyes hair and face shape mouth shape was a bit different but they had put two and two together "I know who your dad is," Marián said Abel looked at her shaking her head "your dad is Alex," Marián said Abel became scared and surprised such a person figured out just when Abel was going to make a excuse Alex stopped him.