
Chapter 2: Veldora

I started panicking, What do I do? Am I going to die here just after passing the test? I thought."Activate your skill by thinking of something that makes you annoyed." The voice said. I didn't have time to ask the voice who he/she is. I thought of the time when the teacher was trying to literate me about how my grades aren't good. This got me annoyed and my hands were set ablaze with dark fire. I put the dragon egg down on the ground and started punching the skeletons.

Finally, I was done the skeletons not hard to fight but their looks are creepy. I got the dragon egg and started heading in whatever directions I thought was good. After a bit of walking, I spotted a hill. A hill would be great to find out where I was. I climbed the hill and looked around my surrounding. I was in a dark forest, but I caught sight of something green. I quickly got down the hill and started heading towards the direction where the green colored plant was located. When I got there, I saw a cliff. Under the cliff was a beautiful forest. Then, I heard a crack. I turned around and saw three dire wolves approaching. I stepped back, I couldn't fight all three of them because I was too weak. I held the dragon egg tight, closed my eyes and jumped off the cliff.

When I fell, I was sure that I fell through a lot of branches. When I got up, I had leaves and branches on my hair. I shook them off and started heading towards a random direction again! After walking for a long time, I saw a village. But this wasn't just any village, it was an elf village. There were houses on trees elves walking around."Hey, there's an intruder!" An elf yelled."I'm not an intruder, well technically I did just trespassed but, I'm not dangerous." I protested. The elves, of course, won't listen and bonded my hands together with a piece of rope. But it was nice of them to leave the dragon egg with me. I was sitting in the middle of the village waiting for the village elder to come and show his judgment. When the elder arrived he asked,"What is your reason for intruding in our land?". I replied,"I just got lost and then before I knew it I was here." The elves surrounded me as the elder was talking to me the entire time. But, later I was set free since I didn't have any bad intentions of harming the village. The elves even let me stay in their village since I didn't have anywhere to go.

After nightfall, the elves had a feast in the center of the village for me as their guest. After the feast, I got to my room. They got me some clothes since the robe was burnt when I was fighting the dragon. I stayed up till midnight, I don't know why but I wasn't tired at all. I looked at the dragon egg, wondering when it was gonna hatch. Then, there was a crack on the eggshell. The dragon is hatching! Out came a small black dragon, I couldn't resist the fact that it was soo cute. So, I decided to name it."Hmm, what name to give you? Now thinking about it, are you a boy or a girl?" I said as I went near the window."Yelp!" The baby dragon cried. I put the baby dragon onto my shoulder and went outside of the room."Do you know where I can find some sheep, cow, or pig?" I asked."What do you need that for, we have fruit if you like." She said. The baby dragon yelped. The elf jumped,"Why is there a dragon here? Where you the person that beast in?" She screamed."Wait baby dragons are harmless. I will take responsibility if he/she causes any trouble. But, do you know where I can hunt meat for the dragon?" I said."This is perfect! The elder wanted to ask you for a favor. There was a wild boar that used to cause havoc around here. It knocked over one of the tree houses. So, please help us kill the boar." She said while kneeling down."You don't need to kneel down. I'll help, either way, I don't mind." I said."But, do you know where the boar is located?" I asked."Yes, the boar is usually spotted west of here." She replied. I thanked her for the information and headed west. I saw from anime's how the characters can jump from trees to trees to travel easier. So, I tried jumping from tree to tree to reduce the time needed to get to the boar's territory.

When I arrived I tried looking around on the tree. But, the trees in the forest was covering everything so, I got onto the ground and walked around. The boar wasn't there at all, so I just sat near one of the trees waiting. Then, I felt shaking on the ground! Breaking trees down was a giant boar. Looking at its size, I can get enough food for the baby dragon for two months at least. I activated my skill and charged at the boar. The boar also charged towards me, once it was close. I changed the direction of where I was going and got on the boar! I got to the head and smashed the skull. The boar fell died. Now, I have to figure out how to skin it. But, I had nothing on me to skin the boar so, I dragged it all the way back to the village. It was exhausting work but, during sunrise, I got the boar all the way back to the elf village. "Thank you, young lady, for getting rid of the boar for us. It had caused many disturbances in the village." the Elder said."It's fine, but do you have anything that I could use to skin the boar?" I asked."Of course, get the young lady a knife." the Elder said loudly. One of the elves came and gave me a knife. I cut open the boar and sliced a piece of the meat for the baby dragon."Thank you for the food" said a voice. I looked around confused. Then at the baby dragon, the dragon was looking at me with a smile. Was it the baby dragon who talked?, I thought."Indeed it is me" said the voice. It really is you! But do you have a name, I thought."Let's have a proper introduction. My name is Veldora and it's nice to meet you, Carmen." Veldora said. So, we can talk through our mind?, I thought."Indeed," Veldora said. Well, that's pretty cool, I thought.

The entire day, I talked to Veldora and gotten some sleep. The next few days, I lived with the elf's and forgot that I needed to get to one of the towns to meet the rest of the guys. So, I told the elder about my leave. He agreed to have me leave the village. He had an elf get me a map of the entire landscape which also had the location of each town, a bow, a quiver full of arrows, a sword, and some coins. The entire village gathered and watched me head off.

I followed the directions of the map and gotten to the first town. The town represents the Earth element. Meaning that I would most likely find Elly here. I walked through the town, the structures where amazing. I looked around trying to spot Elly, I also tried asking citizens for Elly's information but no one knows her. I tried looking harder and I got a bit hungry. I got to a food stall and asked how much it was and also where elemental users go. I checked the coins after buying some food. I took a piece of the kabab and feed it to Veldora. Now, I had 12 coins left. But, I got the information that elemental users are heading off to the center of town where a contest is being held today.

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