
Eldoria Alpha

*ding* "What would you like to name your contract?" Tru thought long and deep as he watched the onyx colored snake nibble at the flowers. The sight made him laugh. It finished devouring all the flowers before it crawled up Tru arm and laid across his shoulders. "Shadow. I'll name him Shadow." *ding* "The name Shadow has been set." The systems voice drifted into silence as a small black snake tattoo appeared on his right ring finger. He petted Shadows head as he looked through his information. *ding* Name: Shadow Rank: Rank F(S) Contract: Tru Lee Affinity: Dark Magic Level: 0/15000 *Skills* Strength(Passive)- Rank F(S) Fortitude(Passive)- Rank F(S) Elemental Adaptability(Unique)(Passive)- Rank S Mana Mastery(Passive)- Rank F(S) Mana Perception(Passive)- Rank F(S) Dark Mastery(Passive)- Rank F(S) Shadow Orb(Active)- Rank F(S) Shadow Fang(Active) Rank F(S) Elemental Breath(Active)- Rank F(S) Shadow Walk(Unique)(Locked)(Active)- Rank F(S) Tru's jaw dropped as he looked over the skills of the young Necrocoil. He couldn't believe his eyes at how many potiential S rank skills it had not to mention its growth. "Just what are you, I've never heard of a Necrocoil before. But these skills have to be a cheat though right ?" Tru chuckled nervously as Shadow slept on his shoulders.

Aerus_1212 · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs

Chapter 35- Soul Space

The dark mana pool opened up in the center of Gob Village. Out of it emerged Tru holding onto Nork with Shadow on his shoulder. He looked around and could see various animals and bugs eating the legit over food from the Kingly Offering feast.

Tru dropped Nork and walked around as he saw the empty huts as Shadow took off chasing the animals. He shook his head in disgust at the sight as he remembered everyone getting drugged. He clenched his fist in anger before closing his eyes and breathing.

"Maaaake hiiimmm paaaay…"

The harsh angry whispers entered into Tru's ear and caused his mana to go awry and the headache returned. His vision became fogged and blurry when he saw a pair of ethereal gold serpent like eyes staring back at him.

The feeling of angry and hate bore deeply within this heart as he stepped towards the eyes. He neared them and reached out when they blinked and vanished without a trace. The eyes left and so did the pain and foggyness with it.

He came back to his sense when he saw Shadow sitting before him, watching quietly. He reached down and patted his head when the Necrocoil turned to dust and entered back into his tattoo. He then looked over to Nork who was breathing was labored.

"Is there anything we can do about his condition?" asked Tru.

"Yes, there one skill you have that may help him." answered Wrath "But given his condition it'll take a while for him to recover completely. I say it's better to leave him for dead, should have left back at Eagle Gold."

"Yeah, you have a point" said Tru "But I say I need him for the time being, maybe he can tell me of some weaknesses that Rath Gul may have."

"Hmm" said Wrath "You have a fair point. You have a healing skill. In order to unlock it you must channel the mana in your hands and envision a warm healing light. After you deal with him meet me in your soul space."

Tru said nothing and made his way over to Nork. He held out his hands and closed his eyes as he channeled the mana in his hands. His hands were cloaked in his crimson mana as he imagined the sunlight warm him as a cool breeze crossed his skin.


"You have acquired Healing Flame(Unique)(Active)- Rank S"

"Healing Flame(Unique)(Active)- Rank S: " A skill that allows user to heal another with Pyro mana. Cloaks target in a warm healing light that amends physical wounds. Cannot remove status such as poison, burnt, petrification, etc. UNIQUE SKILL CANNOT BE TAUGHT OR TRANSFERRED.

Cooldown: N/A"

Tru opened his eyes as he watched the mana from his hands covered Nork's body. Once he was fully covered it then turned into a flame as if his body was a lit. He looked on as the flames closed all the cuts and bruises on the Orges body. It even restored his face to the mean grey mug it was before.

Tru used Ifrit's Mana Soul and could see his breathing was beginning to stabilized. He let out a sigh of relief to himself before picking Nork up and putting him in a hut nearby. He took a seat and closed his eyes.

He opened them and realized he didn't know how to access his soul space. He thought long and hard but his efforts were fruitless.

"Um Wrath, I have a question." said Tru who was in admittedly embarrassed.

"What is it?" annoyedly asked Wrath.

"How do I access my soul space? I never actually meant too the first time." said Tru as his voice cracked from nervousness.

"Oh Diety within Us, are you serious?!" yelled Wrath who eventually let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine, whatever. Close your eyes, envision a location or create one and I'll be able to enter it."

"Ok." said Tru as he closed his eyes. He imagined a small green orchard with a pond, trees and various flowers. It would sit up under a warm sunlight that was dashed with fleeing clouds. A place for relaxation and to be alone with your thoughts.

He opened his eyes and was met with the scene he imagined but it was quite different.

The grass was blood red and the trees were black, withered and devoid of life. The pond water was dark, murky and uneasy to look at. The flower were flower but the petals were all jet black.

The sky had a hanging red sun that was shadowing behind grey clouds. Tru was certain that this wasn't his soul space and turned to leave when he ran into Wrath.

She was standing there in her black dress with her arms folded as she looked across the area. Tru became infatuated as he gaze upon her lovely curly hair and amber eyes. He unknowingly steeped closer to her when she pulled a spear out of thin air.

She shoved the spear into Tru's chest and impaled him to the ground. She then walked away and continued examining the soul space. Tru looked down at the spear in his chest yet he felt no pain only that he couldn't move. He struggled trying to remove the spear but it wouldn't budge.

"What the hell is the reason for this?!" asked Tru "You wanted me to come here to show me this and attack me?l" He yelled but was ignored as Wrath had her back to him.

"Tch. Ecnelis-fi, boy." responded Wrath who friend and walked to him. "Let's get a few things correct here. First off, don't touch me without permission, secondly this is your soul space and let me tell you it looks dark. What kind of secrets do you hold, Tru? I'm curious."

Her amber eyes flashed lightly as she licked he lips as if she was anticipating dessert. Tru gulped when Wrath snapped and the spear vanished into smoke. He got up and dusted himself off after he landed with a thud.

"Tch, I didn't create this. So either your instructions were bad or something went wrong. My soul and conscious isn't this dark or gloomy." said Tru.

"Hmmph so you say, though it matters little because you have a lot of work to do. Between now till the night before the fight you are only to train, fight and we'll just those two." said Wrath.

Tru nodded in agrees me and took a seat up a large rock. "Ok and what is fort on the agenda?" asked Tru as he eyed the beautiful Wrath up and down.

She rolled her eyes and snapped as a black sword appeared in her hand. "First we unlock the Regeneration skill. You may be made of mana but I doubt you can use it to regrow limbs on a whim." question Wrath who could see the confusion rise on Tru's face.

She impaled the sword in the ground and leaned against a tree. "That being said you must first name the Black Gauntlet and claim it for your own. I have given up all my power to you and basically made you into another Wrath. So naming it will allow you to easier access my power going forward." said Wrath as she spoke with great concern.

Tru looked at the red gauntlet and examined it over and over. After a while he eventually stopped and looked at Wrath who raised an eyebrow. "I have decided" said Tru "I will name it Blasphemy."

"Blasphemy?" asked Wrath

"Yes." firmly said Tru. "Blasphemy, it just sounded good." Suddenly Blasphemy became covered in red mana the quickly died out. The sight caused Wrath to laugh out loud like a madwoman.

"Ahahahahahaha! Seems like it likes that name, not a bad choice. Now that we have that out the way it is time to now learn the regeneration skill." said Wrath as she picked up her sword.

Tru stood up and faced her as she held the blade in her hand. "Ok but what is the next step?" asked Tru who was nervous about what was to come.

"Oh next part is the easy part. It includes you fighting me, losing a limb or too possibly and then growing it back using the skill." answered Wrath as a wide grin formed o n her face.

"Ok so when do we st-" Tru words were cut short as Wrath stabbed her sword forward and cut his cheek. He leaped backwards as he felt the blood run from his cheek.

"You know that hurt." said Tru but his complaints were met with a uncaring shrug from Wrath. She then began walking slowly towards Tru.

"Yeah that's not my problem it is yours, so dodge. Also I said you were unkillable, not immune to pain. Plus pain provides the best lessons in my opinion because what can be greater than learning through blood?" asked Wrath.

Tru cloaked himself in his crimson mana and readied himself against Wrath."Well guess that means we won't be going easy on each other then, huh?" asked Tru as he and Wrath circled each other.

"No of course not why would I want you to do that? Give me everything you have to offer, Tru."