
Elder Scrolls True Daughter of Skyrim

Riley has been plagued by recurring dreams of a snowy land stained with blood and fallen armored soldiers. In these dreams, she is Ellehish, a princess of the snow elves who escaped from the Nord army with her guards, only to be targeted while at sea. As their boat is about to be attacked by magic, a necklace splits her soul, sending one to Earth while the other remains in her original world. After dying in a truck accident, she returns to her world as a 16-year-old snow elf named Ellehish with white hair and pale skin. Her ultimate goal is to survive and one day reunite with her people, but her strong hatred towards the Nords may lead her down a dark path. Ellehish possesses the potential to become a great force for good or evil, with her small build and perverted tendencies hiding her true power. She has the ability to steal traits and powers from other races, as well as elder blood powers from the Witcher series and alpha powers from Teen Wolf. As Ellehish navigates the dangers of Skyrim and other realms, she uncovers mysteries that test her strength and resolve. With the help of her friends, she fights against her enemies and becomes stronger and more capable than ever before. I don't own Skyrim.

Iros · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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58 Chs

Frostfire Glade Reunion by the Gate

My fingers traced the lines that represented the paths Arnovia's sister had taken. The Thieves Guild had done a remarkable job at gathering intelligence; I was grateful for their assistance.

"Wait!" Arnovia exclaimed suddenly, pointing at the map. "Look at this. She seems to be targeting Oblivion Gates near the major trade routes."

"Good catch," Alawion chimed in, her eyes narrowing as she considered the implications. "Based on what we know so far, I'd say her next likely target will be here." She pointed to a spot on the map where two trade routes intersected.

"Then that's where we'll go," Layering my Troll chest plate over my robes while equipping the rest of my armor from my inventory. Before we headed off to look.

The sun dipped below the horizon as we gathered our belongings and set out on our mission, its last rays casting a warm glow upon us. I felt the leather harness of chest plate press against my chest.

"Everyone ready?" I asked, glancing at my companions. Their nods were confident, their eyes full of determination.

"Let's do this," Alawion declared excitedly.

As we ventured forth, the landscape shifted around us like an ever-changing tapestry. We trekked through lush forests, their leaves shimmering with dew, and crossed vast plains.

"Ellehish," Arnovia whispered one evening as we made camp, her face illuminated by the flickering firelight. "You've been awfully quiet lately. Is everything okay?"

"Of course," I lied, forcing a smile to my lips. "Just... focused on the mission."

"Good," she replied, her eyes searching mine for any hint of doubt. "We need you to be at your best."

"Trust me, I will be," I promised, trying to ignore the fact that sooner or later it would be my turn to look for survivors of my people who hadn't been turned into mindless beasts. The fallen ones that had trusted the dwemer, I had come to learn more about them in the library at the mage's guild. And Aruzhan was a mix of emotions, It was hard calming her down that day. I sighed as I turned in for the night. During our time away from the city I had chosen to not use my illusion magic to save on magic in case of another ambush by a necromancer.

During our journey, we encountered various challenges that tested our mettle. One day, while crossing a rickety bridge over a rushing river, a group of bandits appeared from the shadows, demanding payment for passage.

"Hand over your valuables, or we'll toss you into the water!" snarled their leader, brandishing a wickedly curved dagger.

"Is that so?" I muttered, feeling annoyed as I vanished and appeared beside them piercing one of them with my spear, Alawion used her magic to tighten its hold on the bridge. Unfortunately, I ended up getting stabbed in the side with a dagger by a bandit that Arnovia shot in the head with an arrow moments later.

"Ellehish!" Alawion exclaimed, her eyes wide with shock as she rushed over as I pulled the dagger out and winched. Quickly she grabbed a healing Potion from her bag and poured it on the wound, the sound of sizzling as the wound closed leaving behind the smell of burning flesh.

"Thanks," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "But let's keep moving. I'm good now."

We continued our travels with renewed determination while looking at the map that marked the location where we hoped to find Arnovia's sister and close the Oblivion Gate.

The sun dipped above the horizon, casting an eerie orange glow across the landscape as we approached the site of the closed Oblivion Gate. 

"Looks like we're too late," Arnovia muttered, her eyes scanning the area for any sign of her sister. "She's already closed the gate."

"Better late than never," Alawion chimed in, her voice laced with optimism. "At least we know she's still alive and kicking ass."

"True," I agreed, my gaze lingering on the twisted remnants of the once-powerful portal. I could never get over how odd they looked.

"Let's get to work," I urged my friends, my hands itching while I hoped we would find something, anything that might lead us closer to Arnovia's sister. "We need to find out where she's headed next."

As we began to search the area, I couldn't help but marvel at the sheer beauty of the scene before me. The sun's dying rays painted the sky in shades of crimson and gold, illuminating the charred remains of the battlefield with dead daedra's everywhere. Their bodies were charred or torn, Just how strong was her sister?

"Hey, Ellehish!" Arnovia called out, snapping me from my reverie. "Over here! I think I found something!"

I hurried over to join her, my boots crunching on the scorched earth beneath my feet. As I approached, I noticed her crouching beside a pile of rubble, her fingers tracing the outline of a small, weathered object.

"Look," she said, holding up a tattered piece of cloth. 

"Hers?" I asked a bit confused. while Arnovia nodded "That means she was here recently."

"Exactly," Arnovia replied, her eyes shining with determination. "We're on the right track."

"Good work," I praised her, a grin spreading across my face. "Let's keep searching. There might be more clues nearby."

Together, we combed the site, our senses heightened by the urgency of our mission. As the sun rose higher and higher in the sky, lighting up our surroundings better.

"Ellehish!" Alawion called out, her voice tinged with excitement. "I think I found something!"

"Show me," I urged her, my curiosity piqued by her discovery. As we gathered around the small, hastily scrawled note, I couldn't help but feel a surge of hope. This could be the breakthrough we needed.

"Looks like a message," I murmured, my eyes scanning the ink-stained parchment. "Maybe it'll give us a hint about where she's headed next."

"Only one way to find out," Arnovia chimed in, her face alight with anticipation. "Let's see what it says."

The parchment, slightly crumpled in my hands, was covered in what appeared to be a coded message. 

"Any luck?" Arnovia asked, her piercing eyes locked onto mine.

"Maybe," I replied, my fingers tracing along the cryptic symbols. "I think this is some sort of code. If we can crack it, it might lead us right to her."

"Let me take a look," Alawion offered, her voice laced with determination. She leaned over my shoulder, her breath warm against my neck, and studied the parchment intently.

"Ah! I recognize this," she exclaimed triumphantly. "It's a cipher used by the blades." She said as she pulled out a small book from her bag.

"Can you decode it?" I questioned, hope swelling in my chest. Damn, She was like a key item for almost everything.

"Give me a moment," Alawion answered, concentrating on the coded message. Her eyebrows furrowed as she worked, and within minutes, she revealed the hidden message.

"'To the Blades who follow,'" Alawion read aloud, "' I've gone ahead to the twin Peaks of fire and ice to close the next gate. I have already received the star of Azura. "

"Azura star," I remarked, my mind racing through the possibilities. "Twin peaks..."

"Wait!" Arnovia interjected, her face lighting up with recognition. "There's a place not far from here called the 'Frostfire Glade.' It's nestled between two mountains, one with hot springs, the other perpetually covered in snow."

"Excellent!" I said, my spirits soaring. "That must be our next destination."

"Before we go," Alawion chimed in, "let's update the Thieves Guild on our progress. They'll want to know about this new information."

"Good idea," I agreed, grateful for their support and expertise.

With a quick message sent via a messenger bird that Alawion had summoned. we relayed our discoveries to the Thieves Guild. Within hours, a response arrived, complete with an updated map that included the Frostfire Glade as a point of interest.

"Looks like we're set," I announced, my eyes scanning the map one last time before folding it away.

"Let's move out, team," Arnovia ordered, her determined gaze meeting mine. "We'll find my sister."

"Agreed," I replied, my heart pounding with anticipation and fueled by our shared resolve. As we set off towards the Frostfire Glade.

The cold wind whipped through my white hair, cuirassing my cheeks with its icy touch. I breathed in the cold air, feeling at home in it, as I watched the others tighten their cloaks around themselves. My mind raced as we discussed our next move, scanning the updated map that had been sent by the Thieves Guild.

"Alright, Guys," Arnovia began, her voice steady despite the urgency in her eyes. "We need to reach the Frostfire Glade before my sister closes the next Oblivion Gate."

"Indeed," Alawion agreed, her breath forming small clouds in the chilly air. "We cannot afford any delays."

"Let's go," Arnovia commanded, her gaze full of determination. Without another word, we set off towards the Frostfire Glade, pushing ourselves to our limits in order to make it there in time.

Three days of grueling travel later, we finally reached our destination. The sight that greeted us was breathtaking – a glade nestled between a snow-capped mountain and a volcanic peak, their contrasting temperatures resulting in an ethereal mist that hung heavy over the area.

"Look!" Alawion exclaimed, pointing towards the center of the glade. An Oblivion Gate stood there, glowing with an eerie, otherworldly light. As we watched, the gate began to close, the swirling vortex of energy shrinking before our eyes.

"Quickly!" I shouted, feeling my heart pound with both excitement and fear. "We must reach it before it closes completely!"

Despite our exhaustion, we sprinted towards the closing gate. Just as it seemed we would be too late, a figure emerged from the portal, stepping into the Frostfire Glade mere moments before the gate vanished entirely.

"Lyra!" Arnovia cried, tears of relief filling her eyes as she embraced her long-lost sister. There was a moment of silence as the sisters hugged. 

As I looked at the heartfelt reunion, Lyra, Arnovia's long-lost sister, stood taller than her sibling, her presence commanding and her demeanor exuding an air of confidence. With a height of 5'8, Lyra had a more conventional appearance compared to Arnovia's tomboyish charm. Her brown hair cascaded in loose waves down her shoulders, framing a face that bore a striking resemblance to Arnovia but with an expression marked by a subtle disdain.

As Arnovia held her sister close, there was a tension in the air that couldn't be ignored. Lyra's gaze swept over us and lingered on me and Alawion with a cool detachment. The air was thick with unspoken resentment, which was odd. 

"Thank the Divines, you're safe," Arnovia said, her voice choked with emotion as she pulled away from the embrace, searching Lyra's eyes for a sign of acknowledgment.

Lyra's smiled lovingly as she played with her sister's hair, her gaze finally meeting Arnovia's. "Arnovia," she said warmly. "It's been a long time."

I and Alawion exchanged glances, As the initial reunion settled, Arnovia turned to introduce us companions.

"Lyra, these are my friends, Ellehish and Alawion. They've been helping me track you down. we even managed to close an oblivion gate together in Skyrim."

Lyra's eyes flickered over the us, her expression revealing little. "Elves," she muttered, her tone betraying a hint of disdain. "Always meddling where they're not wanted."

Arnovia's grip on Lyra's shoulder tightened slightly, a subtle warning not to let old prejudices overshadow the present danger they faced. Lyra, however, seemed unfazed.

"We can discuss that later," Arnovia interjected, attempting to steer the conversation away from potential conflict. "Right now, we need to focus on the Oblivion Gates and the threat they pose."

Lyra's gaze remained skeptical, but she nodded in agreement. "Fine. I suppose I owe you for closing the gate and preventing the Daedra from wreaking havoc."

I seized the opportunity to diffuse the tension. "We're here to help,", offering a diplomatic smile. "we know you have been working with the blades and want to do our part."

Despite the uneasy alliance, the group began to strategize their next move. Lyra, although hesitant, acknowledged the urgency of the situation and shared her knowledge of the Daedric threat.