
Elamenta: The Lost City of Rieti.

"Elamenta: The Lost City of Rieti" unveils a realm where elemental kingdoms flourish, and a forgotten city, Rieti, holds extraordinary powers. Sira uncovers her lineage's secrets and seeks vengeance, igniting a quest against prejudice and injustice. As she battles adversaries and uncovers hidden truths, Sira's journey sparks change in a world where magic and unity hang in the balance.

_asalahh · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

Chapter Eighteen.

A week had passed, and the day of the ceremony had finally arrived. It was time to depart for Flagus Island. Sira looked stunning in her off-shoulder gown crafted from vibrant turquoise blue silk and white accents. The boys, on the other hand, were dashing in their blue tuxedos with stylish white accents. 

Zev couldn't help but admire their group's appearance as he put on his earring. "I must say, we do look good," he remarked with a smirk. Koa adjusted his glasses and chimed in, "Of course."

Sira took a moment to scratch Blu's chin. "I'm sorry, Blu, but you can't come with us. Momo will keep you company, so be good, okay?" She smiled warmly at Blu who, who responded with a contended meow, her tail swishing happily. Sira straightened herself, ready for the important day.

Zev transferred his aura into Momo's rune symbol, and the small creature transformed back to his normal size. "You and Blu have to work together to protect the house, got it?" Momo responded with a raspy voice, "Yes, Zev." 

Koa put on his glasses and opened the door, signalling their readiness. "Is everyone ready?" The group nodded in agreement. "Let's go meet our enemies.," Koa declared.

 They set off towards the entry point of Peaceful Pines, where Grover awaited them inside the carriage. Grover greeted each of them as they climbed in, and Koa closed the curtains before turning to him. "Is Twila already on her way?" Koa inquired. Grover nodded, "Yes, young master. Madame and Ena are en route to the borders."

Koa's smile widened, "Great, thank you." he said appreciatively. Grover tipped his cap and began driving. Forty-five minutes later, they arrived at the border. 

Sira was the first to step out of the carriage, her eyes widening in awe at the monumental metal structure before her. A massive station, rising nearly two kilometers high, stood in a circular shape and was surrounded by small towers and pillars. Behind it lay a vast lake, encircled by towering trees.

Koa gently tapped Sira on the shoulder, silently urging her to follow. They reached the station's entrance, and the gates swung open. Zev walked beside Sira, while Koa led the way, guiding them through a short corridor that opened into the central atrium. 

 Sira's eyes widened in sheer amazement as she beheld a diverse and colorful array of different elemental breeds, creatures, and humans. Everyone was elegantly dressed, engaged in conversations or simply observing the world around them with wonder. Elamenta was larger and more diverse than she had ever imagined. Trying not to appear too new to all of this, she let go of her gown, which she had nervously clutched, and held her head high. 

EVentually, they arrived at the front desk, where a goblin in a gray uniform greeted them without looking up, "Welcome to Elamenta, travellers. Please pay your tokens and present your invitations or identifications." Sira exchanged glances with Koa and Zev before nervously explaining, "Uhm, we are elementals and residents of Elamenta." 

The goblin finally looked up, scrutinizing Sira. After a pause, she sighed, and said. "Welcome, elementals. Please pay your token and present your invitations or identifications." Koa reached into his pocket, producing the letter he was sent, while Zev handed over a blue card. The goblin accepted the documents and slid three brochures towards them, saying, "Please review the protocols while I verify your invitation." Gratefully, Sira and Koa both expressed their thanks. 

The goblin carefully examined the letter and the card Zev had given her before noting, "Alvarez family?" Zev nodded in confirmation, "Yes, that's us." The goblin stood up and gestured to the left, saying, "Very well, follow me." 

Sira couldnt help but chuckle as the small, three-foot creature hopped down from her stool and led the way. they reached the end of the atrium, where a massive obsidian archway stood, adorned with four runes respresenting the elements of each region etched at the top. Sira watched in awe as people entered the shimmering rifts appearing from the gateway.

At the front of the crowd, Twila spotted them from afar and waved her hands high in excitement, making Sira and Zev burst into laughter. The trio navigated through the crowd until they reached where Twila stood beside Ena. Ena greeted them with a bow while Twila greeted them excitedly, "You're finally here! It's been two weeks, but it feels like forever." Twila wrapped Zev and Sira in tight hugs before turning to Koa. "Come here, little brother," Koa grinned and joined the group, sharing a warm hug with Twila. "Missed you too," Twila sweetly replied.

"When's our turn?" Koa inquired, pulling away.

Twila checked her tag, "We're up in four minutes, but we haven't paid out tokens yet." She turned to Sira, who had been awestruck by the crowd around them. "Sira? Could you go over to that counter and pay for our tokens?" She pointed to a large white stand at the other side of the atrium.

Sira snapped out of her trance. "Okay, sure." 

Twila handed her a chest filled with ducarins. "Use these to pay. It's enough for all of us." Sira nodded, accepting the chest. "You guys can wait here while I take care of that." Twila and Koa returned to their conversation, and Zev decided to accompany Sira. "Mind if I tag along?" he whispered, gently poking her hand. Sira poked him back and led the way.

They reached the white stand, where a goblin in a crisp white uniform jumped up from his seat. "Welcome, travellers. Please provide your entry tokens," he politely requested.

 "Thank you." Sira replied politely, passing him the ducarins. Zev leaned in and asked, "There's enough in there for five people, right?" 

The goblin nodded and produced some colored slips. "Please choose a color representing your element. If you've read the brochure, you'll know what these are for." He handed them the slips. Sira whispered to Zev. "Which one should i choose? There's no red slip"

Zev grinned, "You're part of the Alvarez family, aren't you?"

"Oh, right," she said softly. She selected the blue slip, while Zev took the rest. They returned to the group.

It was their turn, and Zev helped Sira onto the platform. The gateway hummed with energy as the group stood side by side, facing it. A goblin dressed in red collected their slips and placed them into a slot, then inserted a crystal into a machine to absorb its energy. 

"Destination?" the goblin called out to them, hands on a lever. "White Shore, Flagus Island," Koa replied for the group. The gatekeeper nodded and pulled the lever three times, selecting the fire rune symbol. Sira watched in amazement as the gateway reacted to its activation. 

The crystal's energy flowed into the gateway, causing it pulsate with vibrant energy. Slowly, a shimmering rift opened up. When they got a glimpse of it, Zev couldn't help but smile. "There it is…" Sira's heart raced as she glimpsed the ocean beyond, "So cool!" she muttered. The gatekeeper stepped aside, saying, "Enjoy the ceremony," He bowed his head. 

They all returned the bow and entered the rift. 


Flagus Island, a hidden gem nestled in Sirion, the farthest region in Elamenta, boasts unparalleled natural beauty and awe-inspiring landscapes. Its pristine beaches stretch along the shoreline, rugged cliffs provide stunning ocean vistas, and concealed caves beckon the adventurous.

 The island was a diverse array of wildlife, from red elks with imposing horns to vibrant orange flamingos, elegant peacocks, graceful blue swans, shimmering butterflies, mystical moon moths, neon blue ants, and even ethereal beings like tree spirits and spirit foxes. 

Amidst this extraordinary island lies the crown jewel- Paradise Dome, situated on White Shore, Flagus Island's largest beach. As Sira, Zev and the rest of the group stepped onto the bioluminescent shore, Sira couldn't help but bite her lip in sheer excitement. "It truly is Flagus Island…" she whispered with wonder. Twila, smiling, wrapped her arm around Sira's shoulders and gave her a small squeeze. "It gets better, come on."

The group proceeded towards the breathtaking architectural marvel, the Paradise Dome, primarily constructed of translucent glass, allowing natural sunlight to grace it's interior. Climbing vines and forget-me-nots adorned the dime's exterior, and cascading waterfalls, filled with a luminous light purple fluid, cascaded down its sides. 

Their radiant glow created an iridescent shimmer that left observers in awe. The pathway leading to the dome was a lust carpet of moss, further adorned with forget-me-nots, creating a seamless transition from nature to art.

The collosal entrance was marked by a life-sized phoenix sculpture with outstretched wings, embellished with hanging crystals and wind chimes , suspended from vines. The door itself bore intricate carvings made of ivory and crystal. It featured an ornate border of roses, lilies, and jasmine flowers, as well as a series of symbols representing the elements of each region. 

As they approached, the entrance swung open effortlessly, welcoming them inside a respondent interior. Sira's jaw dropped in sheer amazement as she took in the scene. Crystal chandeliers hung from the pinnacle of the dome, casting a soft and enchanting light across the space. The centerpiece was serene expanse of crystal-clear lakes, with floating platforms or seating and a stage for event. 

The seating options included tree stumps, plush earth-toned cushions, and hanging hammocks made from vines and flowers. Enchanted crystal lamps that changed colors further enhanced the ethereal atmosphere within the dome. Zev remarked with a grin, "Oi, you left your mouth open," to Sira who rolled her eyes and closed it in response. "This is amazing!" she exclaimed to which Zev chuckled and responded, "Well duh, it's Flagus." 

Koa and Twila chatted briefly before turning their attention to Sira and Zev. "Since we're here respresenting our parents, our seats are reserved in the 'important guests' section next to the council's." Koa explained, pointing to the designated seats. "You guys will be here. Mingle, have fun," he advised, looking at Sira, "Don't be nervous m, and don't forget the reason we're here." he whispered.

Sira smiled and replied, "Of course," 

Twila embraced Sira and Zev before departing with Koa and Ena. Sira couldn't help but notice Twila's unusual quietness. She remarked to Zev, "She's awfully quiet today." He shrugged casually but nodded, "She's probably tired. Twi's always busy." Adjusting his tuxedo, Zev motioned for Sira to follow. "Come on, let's go find a seat." Sira nodded and followed him.

As they made their way to the plush cushion chairs, passing tables laden with food and drinks, they found the first two available seats. Shortly after Sira sat down, she felt an overwhelming presence that sent shivers down her spine, causing goosebumps to form on skin. She scanned the room frantically, trying to identify the source of this inexplicable feeling.

Sira's frantic gaze met a beautiful elf woman behind her and a few other creatures, but none of them were responsible for the strange aura. Zev noticed her sudden unease and asked 

"Is something wrong?" concern in his voice. Sira turned to him and displayed her goosebumps. Zev furrowed his brow. "Are you cold?"

Sira shook her head. "Someone incredibly strong is here, someone whose aura instilled fear in me." 

Zev frowned and glanced behind him. "I can't sense it."

Sira met Zev's gaze with a furrowed brow. "That's because the person isn't inside yet, but they're close." Zev looked puzzled, but he reassured her by patting her back. "I'm not sure what's happening, but I can see how agitated you are. Let's stay alert, okay?" Sira nodded and took a deep breath, trying to relax. "Okay." 

Yet Sira couldn't shake off the feeling that the owner of such a powerful aura would soon enter the room, and it didn't bode well. 

Suddenly, a middle aged man in a grand robe, ascended the stage, silencing the room with his booming voice. Sira's thoughts were interrupted as he began, "Welcome, everyone, to this special occasion! With great anticipation, we gather here to witness the appointment of the new Silver wolves." The room erupted in enthusiastic applause, and cheers. After a brief pause , the man continued, "For those unfamiliar with me, I am Henson, the herald, and I will be guiding this event." 

Henson scanned the audience and went on, "In their wisdom, the four esteemed Rulers of Elamenta honor us with their presence. As the embodiment of the elemental realms, they lead our land with wisdom, strength, and harmony." He gestured to the imposing seats behind him. "Let the earth, sky, sun, and sea themselves bear witness as they walk among us, for they maintain the balance in our realm." 

Sira couldn't hide her disdain as Henson continued to extol the Founding Elements. Did he truly not know their nature, or was he deliberately ignoring it? Regardless, his constant praises made fueled her anger.

"Without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I present the esteemed Emperor Luke, sovereign of Tirion, descendant of supreme being, Gaia. Stand and welcome his presence with reverence," Henson declared with a bow. The audience erupted into a resounding standing ovation as Emperor Luke made his grand entrance, his hands clasped behind his back. 

Sira's eyes narrowed as the imposing figure, standing at seven feet tall and adorned in a vibrant, flowing green robe with intricate embroidery, entered the room. A gleaming crown hovered above his head, casting an ethereal green glow, while his piercing emerald eyes surveyed the crowd as he waved. In response, the entire assembly bowed in his presence.

Henson then stopped forward and declared, "Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the esteemed Empress Lorelai, sovereign of Cillicia, descendant of Mermis, the supreme being of the Sea! Bow in reverence and welcome her presence." 

Empress Lorelai, also towering at seven feet, graced the stage. Sira couldn't help but gasp at her astonishing beauty. Lorelai's hair was elegantly gathered into a ponytail cascading over her right shoulder. Adorning her neck was a tanzanite necklace, delicately nestled in the hollow of her collarbone. Her resplendent gown, woven from rich cobalt silk, sparkled with silver embroidery and accents. Sira couldn't miss the crown that seemed to be crafted from water itself, floating above her head. 

Taking her place beside Emperor Luke, the two exchanged pleasantries, and the entire crowd erupted in cheers as she gave them a short wave. Henson directed his attention back to crowd and declared, "Next ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present Empress Avena, sovereign of Luton, and descendant of Zulena, supreme being of the sky!" 

Avena, with the same height, ascended the stage with regal grace and poise, her pure white gown draped elegantly around her slender figure, flowing majestically with each step. Her platinum blonde hair cascaded in soft ringlets, framing a flawless oval face. Her eyes radiated with pride, confidence, and intelligence. As she stopped beside Henson, the crowd's applause surged with even greater enthusiasm. Avena graced the audience with a modest smile and a wave before taking her seat. Sira strained her eyes to catch a glimpse of nearly translucent crown hovering above her head, and once again, the entire assembly bowed in homage. 

"And now," Henson's booming voice sliced through the air. "Saving the best for last, ladies and gentlemen, behold the esteemed Emperor Bayle, sovereign of Sirion, descendant of Elios, the supreme being of the Sun! Bow in reverence and welcome his presence." 

The crowd erupted with excitement as Bayle stepped out into view. He donned a flowing red robe adorned with shimmering gold, trailing behind him. Every soul in the room rose to honour his passage, and Bayle acknowledged them with a subtle nod. In his hand, he cradled a small golden chalice filled with crimson liquor. As he sipped, his eyes gleamed like fiery gems, and his smug smile elicited giggles from most of the women. Bayle walked with an air of unshakable confidence to his designated seat, gently placing the cup on a nearby table before taking his place. His majestic crown, aflame with energy, stemmed to dance in harmony with his every move.

Sira scrutinized these imposing rulers, feeling the overwhelming gravity of their auras. It was as though the entire room was held captive by their aura. Leaning towards Zev, she whispered, "Seems Emperor Bayle is quite the favourite here." Zev let out a resigned sigh and leaned back, responding, "Yeah, it's disgustingly absurd." Sira nodded in agreement and turned her attention back to Emperor Bayle. He beamed at the crowd and raised once more for another sip. 

Bayle rose from his seat, positioning himself beside Henson, who dwarfed in his majestic shadow. Placing a reassuring hand on Henson's shoulder, he spoke, "No need to rush the ceremony, Henson. We're here to have a good time right?" He turned to the eager crowd. The audience roared in agreement. Bayle joined their laughter and lifted his hand for silence, a gesture the crowd immediately heeded. 

Once the cheering subsided, Bayle refocused in Henson. "Our guests didn't come from all corners of Elamenta to witness a dreary appointment ceremony. They're here to reveal, drink and celebrate! We mustn't forget that, lest we disappoint our honoured visitors." Bayle punctuated his words with a mischievous grin. Henson reciprocated with an enthusiastic smile. 

 Bayle continued, "First, let's celebrate this remarkable gathering. Then, we'll proceed with the Silver Wolves' appointment, followed by more merrymaking." He raised his chalice high, promoting a resounding cheer. Glasses clinked in unison as everyone revealed in celebration, and Bayle's triumphant smirk said it all 

Sira's gaze shifted towards Zev as the cheers waned, her eyes narrowing slightly. Sensing her disquiet, Zev turned to her, a mischievous glint in this eye as he playfully tugged her arm. "Come on, let's revel, drink and make merry," he exclaimed, his fingers dancing in the air.

Sira chuckled softly, nodding in agreement, and they weaved their way through the lively crowd towards the enticing spread of food and drinks.

Meanwhile, Arane rose from her throne, Illume perched on her shoulder. She descended the platform where the dignitaries and royalties were seated, drawing the Empress's curiosity. She inquired in a flat tone. "Where are you off to, Arane?" 

 Arane sighed, a sly grin playing on her lips "I can not endure this tedious meeting without a glass of wine. So if you will excuse me, dear mummy. I am parched and in need for refreshment." she declared, then took her leave, leaving the Empress with a watchful, narrowed gaze. 

As the celebration continued, Sira stood alone, savoring a glass of "Mermaid's Teardrop", a drink Zev introduced her to. With Zev off to fetch Koa and Twila, she found herself momentarily alone. However, the shrill excitement of young women pulled her attention away from her drink. Squeals and giggles filled the air as the crowd of ladies clustered ag the dome's entrance, announcing the arrival of Prince Tiago. 

Sira, her curiousity piqued, observed the scene. Her eyes sparkled with awe when she spotted the tall, twenty-something figure gracefully making his way through the crowd. Prince Tiago stood at six feet, with porcelain skin, striking silver hair, and a well-built frame. However, it was his piercing, gray, soulless eyes that drew her concern. She couldn't help but murmur softly to herself. "That aura..." 

Unperturbed by the adoring ladies, Prince Taigo paused for a moment, casting a scrutinizing gaze across the room. Sira tensed, realizing that the prince had noticed her stare. Her frown deepened as she turned away, whispering quietly to herself, "That aura from before... it's coming from him."