In the enchanted land of Eire, where the realm of Irish mythology collides with the cultivation practices of xianxia, a young boy named Aodhan embarks on a journey to uncover the secrets of cultivation and his own potential. Set in his home parish, the first book in the Eire's Ascension series focuses on Aodhan's initiation into the world of cultivation. As he learns to harness the elements and master martial skills, he also faces challenges within his clan and local community. With tensions brewing and rivalries simmering, Aodhan's journey is one of personal growth, as he navigates the intricate relationships and power dynamics that shape his everyday life. Under the guidance of a wise mentor, Aodhan delves into the principles of cultivation, striving to rise through the ranks of power. Along the way, he encounters friends, adversaries, and hidden mysteries that will test his resolve and force him to confront the obstacles that lie within his own heart. As Aodhan's understanding of cultivation deepens, he begins to question the status quo and his role in the clan. His search for truth leads him to challenge established norms and to forge new connections with unexpected allies. Amidst the seemingly small-scale conflicts that dominate his early journey, Aodhan finds that the seeds of a larger, more perilous struggle are being sown.
Long ago, before the world of Eire took shape, there was only an endless expanse of swirling chaos. From this primordial void, Danu, the Earth Mother, emerged. She was the embodiment of life and creation, and she sought to bring order to the chaos.
In the beginning, Danu shaped the land, forming the four regions of Eire: Munster, Leinster, Connacht, and Ulster. She then breathed life into the world, giving birth to the plants, animals, and elements that would come to define the diverse landscapes of Eire.
Once the world was formed, Danu turned her attention to the skies. She reached out and plucked the stars from the firmament, using their divine essence to create the Tuatha Dé Danann, the gods who would watch over Eire and its inhabitants. Each god held dominion over a specific aspect of existence, such as the elements, the seasons, and the arts. Together, they formed a pantheon that would protect and guide the people of Eire.
In the early days of creation, the gods walked among the mortals, teaching them the ways of cultivation. They bestowed upon the people the knowledge of harnessing the elements, taming mythical beasts, mastering martial arts, and honing their minds. This was the dawn of cultivation, a gift from the gods that would allow humans to ascend beyond their mortal limitations.
However, this era of peace and prosperity would not last. The Fomorians, a race of malevolent supernatural beings, emerged from the depths of the chaos that still lingered at the edges of the world. Envious of the gods and their creations, the Fomorians waged a terrible war against the Tuatha Dé Danann, seeking to plunge Eire back into the darkness from whence it came.
The gods and the Fomorians clashed in a cataclysmic battle that shook the foundations of the world. Many gods and mortals perished in this conflict, but the Tuatha Dé Danann ultimately emerged victorious. The Fomorians were defeated and banished to the dark corners of existence, where they would remain dormant, waiting for the day when they could return and exact their revenge.
With the Fomorians vanquished, the gods retreated to Tír Na nÓg, the Land of Eternal Youth, where they would watch over Eire from afar. There, they would guide the cultivators on their journey towards godhood and ensure that the world remained in balance, lest the Fomorians find a way to return and plunge Eire into darkness once more.
Thus began the age of cultivation, a time of heroes and legends, when mortals would strive to reach godhood and protect the world from the shadows that threatened to consume it. This is the world into which Aodhan, our young protagonist, is born, unaware of the destiny that awaits him and the role he will play in the ongoing struggle between light and darkness.